Queen of Heaven

Chapter 19
Chapter 18: Mother’s pain

   Omar didn’t keep talking; he didn’t seem to know what to say. Like a child frustrated by his inability to know how to protect what he wanted, he held on to everything he had to keep from bursting into tears.


On the other hand, Rebeka combined worry with excitement and unknowingly sought to brush her right nipple right in front of her beloved’s mouth, intending to quiet her crying.


“Don’t worry, I’m all yours,” she said, her tone warm. “Suck me and quiet your crying, my love. Suck hard... to cleanse your sorrows. From now on, I won’t carry this alone anymore; I know I have you by my side, and I will always count on you.”


“Thank you,” said Omar, who choked on his gasping breath as he used his girl’s chest while hugging her tightly.


‘The one I saved myself from, I thought I was really going to lose. ‘Mmm, this feels so hot,’ thought Rebeka, in the midst of the situation she was in, after watching over her beloved’s head as the posted video increased the number of views. ‘I’m unexpectedly horny. Drugs make people feel good in this society, especially if we consider sex as a drug that brings happiness... There is a lucrative future in this world. I still don’t feel he's very convinced to act; maybe it’s because he’s not excited enough. In the meantime, I’m going to give him time to make up his mind, and I can start preparing dinner with the stuff my mom brought. If we start a sex marathon, maybe what happened the other day will happen to us. We wouldn’t leave the room all night. The only food I would give him would be me and his members, which is all I need to fill my whims. Even so, I would have more risk of getting pregnant, and at the same time, it would be the loss of an opportunity to produce money.’


   “Love, what do you think?” said Rebeka playfully. “We already have fifty-two dollars in our account. The site works; how about we make a little more money together? I’m counting on you, and you’re counting on me for this. If we make an extra five hundred dollars tonight, we could live for a whole month, buy clothes for you, and surely have the medicines my mother needs.”


Omar kept silent and opened his eyes, while Rebeka kept talking.


“If you want, this time you can take care of it. While you were away, I came up with magnificent ideas, and you are the one who has the most important role. Besides, I can teach you how to use the video editing program.”


  “I don’t know,” said Omar, who clearly wasn’t overcoming his feelings but was doing his best to pretend he was. “I’m still uncomfortable with you showing yourself to people; it doesn’t feel right.”


If all she needed was to convince her beloved, Rebeka understood that the situation was settled. Besides, knowing what it was that made her boyfriend uncomfortable, she had something to fall back on to form a convincing argument. In the past, talking, convincing, and persuading were likened to having effects akin to witchcraft. With the right words, you could change people’s way of thinking and make them have courage, bravery, and dedication in their actions. It was like putting them under a spell.


Omar made his body pull back to look his girlfriend in the eyes and think twice and three times about the situation. He was aroused, but not enough to act irrationally.


 “My love, the person in that video is not me. That’s Yuno, and he’s not you; he’s Neo” Rebeka continued to argue, looking like a desperate little girl who wanted to do something bad and begged for permission.


“What do you mean by that?” asked Omar, somewhat depressed but at the same time willing to give his consent.


“They are fake versions of us, ephemeral stagings of our carnal moments. Even if our naked flesh is seen, our souls will always be invisible to your gaze. I am naked only before your eyes, and you before mine. There we can be who we are: Omar and Rebeka, two boys who love each other madly, live together, and laugh together. That is not captured by any camera lens.”


Omar looked at the video again, and it was real. Putting aside the idea that it had been recorded, how was it different from the thousands of other videos he had seen?


“What did you have in mind?” he asked.


“Trying to run an ad now, when the site has the most traffic. Among all the people who have seen the video, I am more than convinced, that at least five of them, have the possibility to offer a hundred dollars.”


Rebeka turned around, ran to the closet, and after selecting a set of clothes, she got dressed and groomed as if she was going out. Then she climbed on the bed and, on her knees, thrust her ass with the intention of seducing the curiosity of the boy who had been watching her silently.


  Omar was still sitting on the chair, his attention on Rebeka and his manhood well-spliced, so much so, that it could be said that he was screaming hysterically for not understanding the reason why his girl was dressed.


 Rebeka knew that seeing a naked body for a long time caused one to lose interest, to get used to it, and to normalize it as a situation. For example, seeing people wearing beachwear was nothing new; however, seeing a man with defined muscles taking off his sweater in a place where no one else does it is eye-catching. In the case of women, wearing thongs on the beach was no big deal, as normal as working during the day and sleeping at night. However, for that same thong to be exposed to the eyes of others because the skirt was lifted up by a gust of air was a situation worthy of causing an uproar. She knew it was all in the context of the situation and that, being naked, she was inviting Omar to stick it in whenever he wanted, but now that she was clothed, she was suggesting to him that he had to undress her in order to have sex; she had to get the obstacles out of the way, whereas before she had a path with no obstacles to worry about.


Rebeka could describe her boy’s reaction as that of someone who had lost access to the body he was so used to seeing. He looked like an adorable kitten, his ears standing at attention to his owner’s movements, as if waiting for food.


 “You still haven’t told me what your ideas were,” he said, anxious for the wait, as he swung his leg up and down.


“Well, my idea starts with you taking the laptop and whichever phone has the best camera.”


"Done,” said Omar, as soon as he placed on his lap the two things he had asked for.


“Now post an ad on our site, it has to say the following...”


{I want to misbehave. Only five individuals, those who agree to pay one hundred dollars, I will send you an exclusive picture of me. I will not show my face for security reasons, but everything else will be exposed, as indicated in the instructions}.


[To pay $100.00.]




Omar pressed the accept button and looked up to say the following words:


“I think it will take a while.”


  A hundred dollars for a photo after watching a whole video for free was definitely a lot of money to have on the account. Besides, hunger was already knocking at the door of her and her boy’s stomach. Intent on making the situation more difficult for him, she arranged to sit on the bed.


“I guess you’re right,” she said after getting up from the bed. “In the meantime, we’d better go get the food ready.”


Omar didn’t think his words could provoke such a reaction in his beloved. He was already prepared to do a whole photo shoot, but before he could say anything, Rebeka came down the stairs with all her clothes on. Faced with that, he had no choice but to grab the phone and the laptop and chase after his girl while looking at the inside of the screen with disappointment.


Once back in the kitchen on the second floor, Omar proceeded to place the electronics on the dining room table so that they faced away from the entrance to Soe’s room.


   “Help me and get the salad out of the refrigerator, as well as the meat,” Rebeka requested, intending to finish as quickly as she could while she prepared the utensils she would have available to prepare the various ingredients she had.


Omar made sure to help his girl. He was excited, and the fact that she was walking away made him want to gain more of her attention. So much so that as soon as he had the chance, he put his hands on her buttocks, approached her ear, and said:


“The more I see you, the crazier you drive me.”


Rebeka felt flattered by the comment, but the smile on her face was one of accomplishment because she was getting her boy to begin to lose the feelings of doubt that stopped him from acting or doing anything to achieve his purpose. She believed that this was the easiest way to convince a young man to fall in love.


Faced with a situation that resembled a double-edged knife, Rebeka was neither immune nor had nerves of steel. She was also tempted to give up her plans to reciprocate the desire her boyfriend provoked in her.


On the verge of giving in, tempted to meet her mouth with his, she looked over her shoulder and could see on the screen the characteristic sign of having received a notification waiting to be read.


“Is that a request?” asked Rebeka aloud.


Like one who missed his chance to devour prey, Omar turned and confirmed his girl’s suspicions.


”Yes, it’s the first order,” said Omar as he walked in the direction of the table.


“What does it say?”


“It says: A naked picture of you in a public place with... blah, blah, blah... Witty!”


“Denied. Are there any other messages?” mentioned Rebeka, somewhat disappointed.


“Yes,” said Omar, unable to lie in the face of a direct question.


“How many?”


“About thirty messages,” he replied.


“Did you ignore them?!”


"Yes,” he replied, to which Rebeka stared at him and had no choice but to justify her action. “It’s just that they are stupid people, asking for the impossible. Since I posted the comment as I was walking down the stairs, I began to think that $100 was too little as a requirement.”


 Rebeka was glad to hear her boy protesting, as well as the comment that a hundred dollars was too little.


“Why don’t we do something? While the food is being made, you get to pick the five requests that turn you on the most,” she said, in a punishing tone, as she chopped the vegetables on the board quickly and forcefully.


Although it sounded like punishment, Omar accepted the proposal.


Among all the sounds that the laptop provoked, a very different one was heard, like the one emitting a proposition being accepted.


“Tell me, what should I do?” She asked, her heart wanting to burst out of her chest, after placing her hands on the table and putting aside the knife with which she was cutting the vegetables.


“You must pull up the panties you are wearing until they go between your labia minora and it looks like the fabric is being bitten off.”


As soon as Rebeka turned around, she saw her boy get up from where he was to approach her with his phone in his hand and his eyes lit up, searching through the cell phone apps for the camera option.


For her, the way he spoke and acted made her body feel struck by a bolt of electricity. The first proposition was something she had never done before and sounded very exciting.


“Omar, go to my mother’s room and see if she is awake,” said Rebeka.


After raising his eyes and remembering that his mother-in-law was in the house and could leave at any time from her room, Omar stopped on the spot. As quick and agile as a ninja, he set about moving through the house, taking care not to squeak the door or the old plank floor.


Meanwhile, Rebeka filled his lungs as much as he could with air and moved his hands back and forth in order to get the fear out of his body and build up the courage to do something.


As quiet as a feather swaying in the air, Omar opened the door to his mother-in-law’s room and confirmed that she was asleep. After drinking the liquor from the bottle that was less than half full along with the ten pills, he could confirm that not even a bomb could wake her up. Nevertheless, with the intention of being cautious of an uncomfortable situation, he placed something on the door handle. It was an ornament that had a rope at its tip, which he took from a shelf, and if the opener lowered its level, then the toy would fall to the floor and make noise.


Rebeka saw the precautions her beloved was taking as she boiled the water she assembled to cook the vegetables. She had the perfect excuse to keep stalling, but she wouldn’t let herself. With a jerk, she put the vegetables inside the pot and closed the pot with a glass lid.


After playing hard to get, she watched as her boy returned to the kitchen with the lump between his legs as stiff as a bone.


With the phone in his hand, Omar crouched down in front of his girlfriend. Like the good cameraman he pretended to be, he wanted to take the best picture of the day and was anxious to see how his girl took off what she was wearing and proceeded to fulfill the proposition of the message. 


With the intention of transmitting decision and boldness, Rebeka unbuttoned her pants and lowered them little by little until they reached a little above her knees and exposed the blouse she was wearing. With one hand, she pulled the blouse she was wearing up to her breasts, revealing her navel, and with the other hand, she pulled the fabric of her panties.


Rebeka’s lower lips showed how the skin-tight garment stretched and, at the same time, shrank as it sought to accommodate the elastic tension created by pulling it up. However, the corner of her vulva still did not bite into the fabric, as her boyfriend had specified.


After some more pulling, moving her legs, wiggling her hips, and squatting, Rebeka finally managed to get her panties between her labia majora, so that all that was covered was her clitoris and labia minora.


Somewhat agitated and with her cheeks flushed from the sensation of the moment, as soon as she saw how her boy was taking pictures, she moved on to gently remove her lower garments. The pants came off easily, but her panties didn’t, as they seemed to be stuck between the voluptuous pieces of flesh that wouldn’t let her go.


Omar acted as if he had no intention of waiting to get the perfect shot, since, from the start, everything seemed perfect for him, who kept pressing the button to capture the photo.


After pulling up one of her feet so she didn’t have to bend down, Rebeka picked up the panties that were between the pants she had taken off and that were now lying on the floor. Although she knew her boy didn’t mind having her ass and pink nature spread open right in front of his nose, she had to take precautions. After all, not having any underwear on and getting down on herself in front of a needy boy was synonymous with ending up being stuffed like a turkey at Christmas and putting aside work to celebrate the act of reproduction.


‘It felt weird; I’ve never thought of stuffing myself with any of this kind of material,’ she said to herself after pulling the intimate garment in the direction of her face with the intention of sniffing it.


“Would you run your tongue over it?” asked Omar.


The proposition was not without merit, but there was no logical purpose to it. Sucking on something that had just been pushed deep into the recesses of her legs, even superficially, only played a specific purpose in the mind of someone with such morbid desires. From the beginning, Rebeka had intended to smell the piece of cloth she had been wearing for a few minutes to confirm whether it was reusable or not, but now that such a proposition had been made to her, it didn’t hurt to think twice.


She wasn’t going to do such a thing because she liked doing it, not that she didn’t like it either. It was simply that she neither gave nor took from him. However, precisely because her boy’s question sounded more like a challenge than a suggestion, she was thinking about it. At that moment, she could do it; she wasn’t entirely uncomfortable with it, and she was also curious to see what expression she could make.


Before running her tongue over it, Rebeka fulfilled her original purpose of sniffing her panties and after they were close to her mouth, she thought, Why not?


After searching for the area of the garment that had been pinned between her labia majora, Rebeka flipped it over and opened it over the palm of her other hand with her fingers. She found her jelly-like fluids pooled in the lowermost part. She could feel them still warm and seductively. In front of her boy, she opened her mouth, and with her tongue, she picked up the fabric to take it inside and closed her lips, making sure to bite down on all that had been smeared on her modest parts.


Omar increased the frequency with which he captured the photos. One after the other, six or maybe nine per second. All that because there, in front of him, was his girl, with her bottom naked and only her breasts covered by a blouse. With her pants in her mouth and her pants to one side, It was an erotic scene totally filled with morbidity, according to his point of view.


  ‘Mmm, the taste is a bit strong, but indeed, my salivary glands are being disturbed. Definitely, after this, my panties will go straight into the laundry. I may have to wash them first, but why not use them for something else?’ she thought.


“Would you stick it in?” asked Omar again.


The boy couldn’t breathe properly, inhaling and exhaling as if he was about to die of asphyxiation. If it wasn’t for the fact that he had to hold the phone with both hands so that it wouldn’t shake and the pictures wouldn’t come out blurry, he would already be strangling the goose between his legs with all his strength, even tearing its head off, if he wasn’t strong enough to resist the rage because of the high level of excitement he had.


Still savoring what was in her mouth, Rebeka was not surprised by the question her boyfriend asked her. She had already thought about it, and as soon as she had the chance, she planned to do it. Without hesitation, she pulled her panties out of her mouth and leaned her body back against the table so that she could open her legs better, due to the fact that the pants no longer interfered with her movements.


‘That it’s not hard means I’ll spend work to get it in,’ she said to herself as she assessed the situation based on past experiences. ‘Even though it’s well lubricated, if I don’t find a way, it won’t go in easily, at least not like any object I’ve chosen before.’


After slowly lowering her hand, she stood on her tiptoes and, with the opposite hand, parted her vaginal lips.


In front of Omar’s camera, it could be seen how at his girlfriend’s lower entrance was his finger, wrapped with part of the rolled-up fabric of her panties.


‘Whew, how hot I’m getting with this, hotter than I expected. On the other hand, will my finger be enough to get it in? Since it’s fabric, the dry part will absolve the moisture that is precisely responsible for facilitating penetration, but what better way to know if you don’t do the experiment?’


As soon as she was able to slip one end of the garment into her reproductive cavity, with her index and middle fingers, she took it upon herself to push the fabric inside her body patiently. ‘This is scratchy; I’m dry, and I feel stuffed.’ She was noticing that, despite having wet her panties considerably before the process, they were giving her a bit of resistance to enter, but it wasn’t that it was as difficult or painful as expected. With calmness and a few thrusts, he managed to get her insides to receive what she wanted.


‘I have to push a little bit up and down there... I feel it go into me.As soon as Rebeka felt there was no more left to push in, she massaged her pleasure button in a circular fashion as a reward.


  She felt she could keep pushing the fabric further in, but the thought that she might lose it and make an embarrassing visit to the emergency room was not very pleasant. In a way, losing something inside her body or having it break, as might happen to a glass bottle, was one of her biggest phobias. However, playing between the boundaries of what was safe and what was not was exciting to him.


On the other hand, Omar was taking pictures of his girlfriend’s invaded and stuffed flower. You could see how the hole showed its circumference with a dark-colored cloth in the middle.


"Love, how about selling these panties along with the pictures?” mentioned Rebeka in a cat-in-heat voice. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to put it back on. The fabric may be warm now, but as time goes on, it’s sure going to get cold and uncomfortable, and washing the piece would also be another waste. What do you think?”


“I’d give a million dollars,” said Omar in a desperate tone.


“I’m glad to hear that, honey. Tell me, would I dare to do anything else?”


At the question, Omar was left wondering.


Rebeka carefully took off her panties and after offering them to her boyfriend, she unrolled the blouse she was wearing. This garment, which covered her torso, was long enough to partially cover her lower parts, as long as she didn’t bend over too much or move from side to side.


After turning around, she dedicated herself to lowering the heat she had from cooking, so she took out the vegetables she had put to boil inside the pot.


Omar treated his girl’s panties as a figure to idolize and revere for the rest of his life. Next, he went back to the table and tried to relieve the erection he had with his hand.


‘I feel my hands shaking, as well as my heart pounding between my legs. I want him to push me against the wall and give me hard... Aaah!,’ Rebeka felt she was doing her best to maintain her composure. ‘My body feels all crazy, and at this rate, it would be a miracle if I finished making the food. Maybe I should provoke him some more, make him fuck me, and then blame him. Five hundred dollars is a lot of money to make in one night. I wonder: What’s the next pose I’ll have to do for the next picture?


The question didn’t stop hanging around in Rebeka’s head.


‘After all, the longer an orgasm is delayed, the stronger it becomes,’ she said to herself. ‘But I can’t wait any longer!’


 Just about to get on all fours, to get her ass nice and tight, and to lift up her blouse to ask her boy to make love to her right there, the sound of the rice cooker brought her to her senses.


After grabbing a fork, she opened the rice cooker and stirred the contents.


‘All that’s left now is the meat. Add a little seasoning and place the pan over medium heat.’ The girl was interrupted by the sound of a new message being accepted. ‘He’s taken another offer!’


Rebeka turned to look at her boyfriend with a desperate face. Omar, on the other hand, availed himself of quick movements and set about doing something without saying anything. Although his movements could be described as normal, his face was that of someone floating through the sky.


‘What’s he doing?’ wondered Rebeka.  ‘He’s holding the phone in his hand, but he’s walking in the opposite direction from me. Could it be that having my panties made him awaken inner security and peace?’


At the look on his girlfriend’s face, Omar opened the top door of the refrigerator, rummaged inside, and took out the ice chest, which made Rebeka change the direction of her thoughts.


‘Ice!!!? Mmm. Interesting.’


“Run it over your nipples until they harden,” demanded Omar as he extended his right hand, not as a challenge but as a command.


Rebeka showed obedience and couldn’t help but feel a drop of her most modest fluids running down her right leg. At that moment, hormones were not making her think at all or notice things that were easy to notice. Her boyfriend’s words made her vibrate, reminding her of how provocative, passionate, and maddening he was in bed. Added to the fact that under his school pants, a big, powerful, and veiny piece of flesh was captured, about to explode, capable of making the dreams of a pervert like her come true.


The intensity of the moment was rising, just as the most sensitive area of her body was overflowing.


“At your command, master,” replied Rebeka, thirsty and needy to continue what was coming.


Before Omar’s ears, the word 'master’ puffed his chest with ego, power, and the ability to control the moment.


 ‘I want to fuck!’ Rebeka wanted to scream. ‘I am not repressing this desire at this moment, and you are still refraining. Did the roles get reversed?’


Blinded by her chaotic mind and doomed to follow her boy’s orders, Rebeka lifted the only remaining garment she was wearing, as if she wanted to rip it off in one go.


Because she had two ices and two nipples, that meant she had to use her hands in the process. With her teeth, Rebeka bit down on the bottom tip of the blouse she was wearing to hold it well up and leave her breasts well exposed.


She held the ice cubes with her fingertips, brought them to her breasts, and very carefully rubbed them to feel the most contradictory sensation she could experience at the moment. The fact that the cold made her feel warm was ironic in every sense of the word.


In a matter of a few seconds, the sensation caused by the ice wrinkled and shrunk her skin, which hardened Rebeka’s nipples. The ice melted amidst the circular motions she made on the skin, which caused the water droplets to run downhill, down to the floor, and even joined her most intimate fluids, which ran down her delicate white legs.


Seeing her boyfriend so focused on the cell phone screen, dedicated to his work, and not wanting to fuck her, made her vibrate more. She had the idea of misbehaving and not obeying her master’s order so that he would punish her somehow. But the photo session was not over yet, for he was still looking for the perfect picture and would not give her permission to abandon her task. Perhaps telling her master had made him enter a dominant role in the relationship, which turned Rebeka into a flesh-thirsty beast.


  ”Take the ice in your right hand to the hottest area of your body and, with your left hand, pinch your right nipple, until you pull it as far as you can, her boyfriend ordered her.”


After stifling her desire to moan, Rebeka felt a cold path open up through her abdomen. She didn’t want to misbehave, nor did she want to stop, but she felt the desire to melt at her boyfriend’s feet and beg to be defiled in an indecent, dirty, perverted way.


“Ahh!” she screamed helplessly, due to the coldness of the ice cube making contact with the hottest part of her body at that moment, which was so hot that it peeked out like a small hood to the outside world.


The moan was worthy of making any boy suffer a seizure and devour his prey like a beast.


 "Perfect,” said Omar, with an unexpected tone of seriousness and professionalism, after turning and heading to the table, with the attitude of having captured the perfect photo.


Perplexed by what was happening, Rebeka stopped biting her blouse. With that, the garment returned to its natural position on her body, and her sensitive nipples stood out and made a statement.


‘Where was the desperate beast that wanted to do everything possible to fuck!’ wondered Rebeka, who turned into a sex-starved animal.


After flipping over with difficulty, she threw the remaining pieces of ice into the sink and held on as tightly as she could to the table. If she’d had muscles, her veins would surely have popped out, and she would have ripped the shelf with her fingers.


As if nothing were wrong, Omar put the phone aside, picked up a rag, threw it on the floor, and bent down to clean up the mess his beloved had left behind. He had the noble intention that his girl would not slip on the water from the melted ice along with Rebeka’s fluids, which were left on the floor.


‘He’s there,’ Rebeka thought after curling her toes. ‘Whew, he’s under me. He can see me, and I know he can touch me if he wants to. There’s still three more pictures left, and we can separate the want from the should. Aaah! Definitely not.’


“What’s wrong with you? Why are you doing this to me?” she asked desperately, unable to stand the situation she was in.


Omar raised his gaze and opened his eyes, as one who doesn’t understand women.


“What are you talking about?”


Rebeka turned around, lifted her leg, and placed it over her boyfriend’s bulge. Hormones had done her wrong. After she gave her panties to the boy, her fierce behavior vanished. A member that a few minutes ago was about to burst now didn’t feel so hard. Something had to be wrong. Perhaps while she had been entertaining herself with the vegetables, he had committed an act worthy of condemnation. 


After opening her eyes to the sensation perceived by the sole of her foot and putting in place all the pieces of the puzzle that her mind, obfuscated by excitement, ignored, Rebeka demanded the following:


“Take it out of your pants.”


Showing little pride in what he had to do and kneeling on the floor, Omar pulled out the piece of meat before the domineering eyes of his girl, who had the superior position in the situation. Rebeka confirmed the suspicions that were invading her.


Omar’s love muscle was red, and veiny, held a half erection, and was smeared with semen all over. That was irrefutable proof of the crime he had committed.


“So you cum,” asserted the girl after seeing that her beloved’s package was composed of meat, eggs, and milk. After crossing her arms, Rebeka demanded, “With whose permission did you do it?”


Without having a concrete answer to give, Omar lowered his gaze, as if following the silhouettes of the white skin that made up the foot that still stepped on it. He did not know how to explain something so natural because what had happened to him was the product of a great deal of excitement. Besides,  he had to find a way to control himself so as not to take action, ignore the disposition that his girl had, and make him see the stars right there.


The roles were reversed, and now Omar had no choice but to receive punishment. Besides, without being sufficiently aroused, he might not be as open-minded as he has been so far.


“Since you’re cleaning the floor, clean between my legs... with your tongue.”


If that was the punishment, Omar was ready to be punished every day, all the time. After placing his hands on the floor and kneeling like a knight, swearing his honor to a queen, he began his cleaning job from the bottom up.


 ‘Ahh, to feel his tongue from the tip of my calf to the deepest part of my insides makes me want to fall to the ground. From the cold of ice to the warmth of a tongue, the contrast is so great that I’m cumming... Ohhh! Yes, this is the relief I’ve been looking for so long. Every pore of my body bristles, my muscles contract, and I want to receive more. I still have three pictures left and need to finish making the meat to satisfy the hunger in our stomachs. I can assure you that during these days I lost several pounds, although strangely, I feel stronger and more aggressive, not wanting to let go of my prey.’ After grabbing her boy by the hair and rubbing her hips over his mouth, Rebeka continued, ‘I don’t think I can. As soon as that piece of meat rises again, I’ll bury it in one go. I want my sentence to be impaled by him. These feelings stopped being desire; they evolved and became the urge to love and be loved, until I lost consciousness.’