Queen of Heaven

Chapter 20
Chapter 19: Foam through the body

 With her boy walking on all fours as punishment for having a flaccid member and coming without her consent, Rebeka managed to take the rice out of the pot, finish frying the meat, and serve the plates on the table, which had the corresponding food rations for each of the members of the household. For her, poverty did not justify the lack of dedication to cooking, since with what little there was, a dish could be made that would satiate the stomachs of those who ate it.


Omar spent more than five minutes on all fours, sniffing his girlfriend’s ass like a dog in heat. With his pants in place, he moved from side to side and had enough time to enjoy himself, but not to regain his erection. 


After understanding that her boyfriend required stronger stimulation to regain the vitality he had lost, Rebeka authorized him to sit in front of the laptop and continue with his work. She was satisfied and knew that, if he searched through the messages for something that caught his attention, it would help lift his "spirits” again, as it might work as effectively as it did the first time.


‘How long could it take?’ wondered Rebeka after swaying her hips from side to side. The girl felt the aroma of freshly made food in the air, along with the scent given off by her boy’s semen. ‘Not that I have a problem with making him use his fingers, but right now I feel like I’m infatuated with his doll. Sometimes I wish I had more experience at this seductive thing or that he had more stamina before he cums.’


All at once, after reading between messages on the laptop screen, Omar raised his head and seemed to be deciding if he could do it. Then he wore an expression of denial and went back to diving into the screen.


 ‘Ohhh,’ complained Rebeka as she noticed this. ‘I can hardly stand it anymore; if it wasn’t for this horniness, I’d kill him for leaving me with the intrigue he showed with that look. Why can’t men do more than one thing at a time? It’s like they can only focus on one task. It wouldn’t hurt if he would put me on all fours on the table and shove it in me; at the same time, he would put the laptop on my back and read the messages. Wow, I sure can do two things at once, one at the table and the second as a lover. If it weren’t for the fact that I already have the dishes served and I can’t afford to damage the food, I’d be proposing.’


Returning to the refrigerator, Rebeka availed herself of a pitcher to pour water into the glasses and moved to sit on the seat next to her beloved. Reluctant to touch the food, she looked at him with desire and even began to massage and rub the nipple of one of her breasts in order to make Omar regain the hardness he was losing.


‘How hot is my cunt? I’m surprised the chair I’m sitting on doesn’t melt,’ she thought, about to grab and throw something at her boyfriend, as long as he would listen to her. ‘Violence is not good, but I’m so in need of flesh. Do I have to insinuate myself more? Make his ‘thing’ listen to me and want to devour me. How do I do that? I can suck it, but I don’t want to; I’m too lazy. Besides, it’s all smeared with dry, cold, stiff fluids. How do times change? I’m sure if this were our first time, he’d throw the damn laptop aside and be loving me, even though he came two and three times, like he did two days ago. But it was also me who made him very aware of how much money is missing in this house.’


  Rebeka understood that the anger and doubts she was feeling were not good counselors and were totally contradictory to the feelings of helplessness and guilt she had felt just a short time ago. After taking as deep a breath as she could and stretching her barefoot under the table, cuddly and flirtatious, she was able to reach her beloved’s feet.


At first, Omar jumped a little on the chair, as if he did not expect to feel something cold touching his most delicate area under the table. That is a reflex that many people have, just as it is characteristic for many men to sit with their legs open, leaving them unprotected. But as soon as he identified the contact as pleasurable, he surrendered himself to the tickling movements of his girl’s foot.


After running her tongue over her lips, Rebeka felt her foot gently rubbing the leather sack from which two balls hung outside her beloved’s body. She could feel the warm cock stroking the back of her foot, as if she was grateful that he was touching her and making her feel good.


‘It didn’t feel like ice cream about to melt under the table, but at least this should encourage him to wake up,’ she thought, as she stopped her foot movements every time she put something in her mouth. She found it hard to concentrate on doing two things at once, but she was still willing to make it an inconvenience. ‘He’s taking deep breaths. I no longer feel his member flopping back and forth on my foot; it’s stopping him. His speed on the laptop is slowing down. Whew, how exciting it is to seduce my boy and make him show more interest in me than in the things he likes. Winning this fight feels so refreshing, like a proof of love, to know that he loves me more than what he does and that I come first.’


Omar stared at the laptop screen in despair. After that, he took the plate he had on the table and put several spoonfuls into his mouth, almost choking, for he could not allow himself to go hungry, much less when he was eating next to a ravenous beast that was about to devour him.


  ‘I shouldn’t have served him his food ration,’ Rebeka thought. ‘I should have left him hungry enough for him to eat me without a second thought. Besides, his limb runs on blood, the brain too, but the stomach even more so. I’m sure if he gets too full, his sexual performance won’t compare to what he could have on an empty stomach. There is no other choice. I must stop him from eating everything he has on the table. I will continue to gain territory between me and the things he likes, with the techniques of my foot and the passion of my heart.’


Deftly, Rebeka moved her feet upward, causing the big toe and second toe to spread wide enough to grasp at the base of the cylindrical trunk of her beloved. Without holding on for long, she used the hand opposite the one with which she was taking food into her mouth and, secretly, began to poke between her lower lips.


Omar’s fleshy, erect shaft was beginning to harden.


  ‘This is the beginning,’ thought Rebeka, pleased at what she was provoking in her boy. ‘Come to think of it, this is the first foot massage I’ve ever given a boy. The movements feel so clumsy, uncoordinated, and out of training that I don’t think it will make him orgasm, but, for my part, it feels slippery and tickles. Since the fluids are not yet dry, I make it easy for the flesh to slide between my fingers like slippery soap, moving back and forth. What if we were dining in a fancy restaurant, surrounded by lots of people?’ the girl imagined.


After settling better in the chair, Rebeka put her other foot up to intensify the situation. Before long, she was playing, kneading, and masturbating her boy more masterfully than at first. Although she had not yet fulfilled her purpose of making him come, at that moment, the goal did not matter to her if she could enjoy the journey, learn, and get good along the way.


Omar took the last spoonful of food from his plate, and although he was hooked on the laptop screen like a fish that had taken the bait, Rebeka could feel on her feet a tree blossoming with all the splendor and power it could have before spreading its seeds. However, she was no longer interested in having him stick it in her but had made up her mind to learn how to use her feet, as long as she gave him another punishment. 


Two minutes passed, and although Rebeka did the best she could, helped by the morbidity of fantasizing about being in a public place, it was she who came onto the chair she was in. The situation was exciting, and the heat was at its peak. Plus, cumming without her boy or “someone else” noticing added a little more libido to the situation.


With the sharp pain in the muscles of her feet burning from holding them taut in the air for a long time, Rebeka opted to conclude her inexperienced attempt. After all, she had freed herself, while her boy was beginning to have needs.


Once she was done with the food that had been served, in a mischievous manner, she placed her feet on the floor, leaned back, and made the chair move back, after which she got up from the table and took the opportunity to grab what junk she could with her hands and carry it to the sink. After that, she used a damp rag to wipe down the table, the mess she left on the chair, and the floor she had walked on.


‘Sitting anywhere without panties, that’s a hazard,’ she said to herself, after which she watched out of the corner of her eye as her boy’s member was still erect and jumping up and down. ‘Good thing the chair is wooden and doesn’t absorb any fluids; otherwise, I’d be in trouble.’


As soon as the plates and glasses were left in the sink, there was only one serving left. Rebeka wasn’t going to tell her boy to go and take it to her mother, as she had her ‘friend between her legs’ with a big erection, so she picked him up and managed to neutralize the alarm mechanism her boy had installed on the door to her mother’s room, after which she went in and saw that she was asleep.


 Soe was breathing slowly, as if she was in another world, on the verge of life, or at least it seemed that way. Rebeka carefully went in and placed the covered food on the nightstand for her, along with two pieces of silverware and some water. She did not intend to wake her, as she was sure to return to a hell of pain. Carefully, the daughter, who hid all her worry and had the determined look of fending for herself and making money, walked out and looked back towards the table where her boy was sitting.


‘I’m mad, hot, but mad,’ thought the girl, who had nothing else to do except love and be loved but was determined and convinced of the purpose of preventing, by all possible means, her mother from waking up in a house without enough money to pay for electricity, water, or food. What she was doing was not a game; of course, enjoying the process was allowed, but it was a job, and she could not fail. She couldn’t be as picky as Omar was. ‘I’m about to look for the perfect reason to fight him, to the point of running him out of the house.’


As if reading his girl’s thoughts, Omar jerked to his feet, just as he would a soldier standing at attention. As steady as his friend was down there. The boy closed the laptop and tucked it under his arm, then looked with a determined attitude at his girl.


“Guess?” asked Omar as soon as Rebeka approached him with the face of someone who remembered his purpose to fight in life.


As if she was someone unwilling to play games anymore, when there were people who suffered and needed her, Rebeka made a bitter grimace with the right corner of her lip and looked at her boyfriend.


“If you don’t surprise me, I swear I’m going to make it hurt.”


Startled by the feisty air his girl had, Omar raised a hand in the air and said:


“I already accepted the other proposals.”


“As horny as I am, I don’t care if you ask me to do whatever you want. I’m going to accept,” Rebeka said, as if it were a warning.


Omar paused to take a deep breath. The offer was tempting, but he was a sensible boy, and he had to devote himself to the job his girl had given him in earnest.


“It’s time for a good bath,” he said. “After we’re done, we can celebrate the evening together and put the work aside.”


Rebeka understood what Omar’s words implied. Quickly and happily, she said yes, as she pranced on the spot, as kind girls do when they are happy, and since her breasts were out, her breasts bounced like two balls that wouldn’t stop until she grabbed them with her hands.


After finishing organizing the kitchen, the couple arranged the dining room chairs, picked up the clothes they had left on the floor, turned off the light, and went upstairs, holding hands, to the second-floor bedroom. 


Once they entered the bathroom, Rebeka jumped into the tub, and as soon as she put her hand on the shower faucet, she stopped as she heard her boy’s words:


“Don’t let the water come out too hot,” said Omar. ”The steam can fog up your phone’s camera and make the pictures blurry.


The young man made sure to keep the bathroom door open and look for a position where he could capture the best photo as soon as the scene was perfect.


Rebeka turned on the faucet and, with the back of his hand, measured the temperature. The water was not hot, but the temperature killed the cold, making it warm to the touch.


“For the next pictures, you should wash your hair. If it’s too much work for you, I can help you lather it up.”


“Don’t worry” replied Rebeka, from inside the tub, totally naked. 


Unlike the previous times, she first got in head first under the shower, so her hair and body ended up wet in seconds under the rushing stream of water. After making sure her hair was soaked, she grabbed one of the bottles on the opposite side of the bathtub from the faucet. She grabbed the shampoo on a shelf, poured a generous amount of the contents into her opposite hand, then rubbed it into her hair, aiming to work it into a lather.


‘How spicy,’ thought Rebeka, as she diluted the shampoo lather with water. Her excitement grew, and she let go of the determination she had found when she left her mother’s room. 'Again, I must keep my eyes closed as if they were blindfolded. It will depend on what he tells me. It’s as if I willfully let go of such an important sense of my body and can feel submissive. I am aroused by the pleasant smell of the shampoo, the feel of the water, the weight of his gaze, my being on fire, and these uncontrollable urges that invade me.’


After that, Rebeka scrubbed her hair, and after pulling away from the water, she felt the suds begin to trickle down her back, pass between her buttocks and down her legs, and end up scattered on the floor of the tub.


"Perfect, my love, turn around. Arch your back and push your ass more steeply,” Omar told her.


Rebeka could hear her boy’s orders and felt ready to obey like the good girl she was, so she turned around and steepened her ass. Although she couldn’t see the flash of the camera as she took a picture, she felt the sound of the click. The water and foam, her heaving breath, her heart pounding between her legs, and her thirst to be dominated were the perfect cocktail of seduction.


  ‘Only two more pictures to go...’ she thought, anxious to get the work out of the way. Now she understood how people who worked twelve-hour days and counted the minutes until they had to finish felt. ‘Is there anything that connects more than this kind of situation in intimacy? Who would have thought that in a few days, a fire could burn down a whole forest? From two boys who liked each other in silence, now there remain two tempestuous flames burning to complement each other.’


‘This is the feeling I’m becoming addicted to. This lustful fire is burning inside me, expanding until it sets my insides on fire. This, I feel, is as tasty as it is morbid, for it turns me on to have the camera lens and he looks at me naked and watch the water, the foam, and my heart melts. I would not have had the courage to do it alone; I always needed his help to feel this excitement and how it makes me feel when I am safe. At no time during this whole process has it ever crossed my mind that I am not enough for those who see me on the other side of the screen, because if I am enough for him, the others don’t matter.’


 Omar walked over to where his girlfriend was standing and didn’t hesitate to reach out until his fingertips made contact with her wet back. She was mesmerized by the shower water and floated in his thoughts. 


‘Oooh! His fingertips,’ she thought, after feeling the fire inside her stirring more than before, fanned by a tsunami of pleasure. ‘The palm of his hand is running across my skin! It blends in with the soap, the water, and the beating of my heart. It goes down, following the curves that make up my arched back. I feel every bone in my spine, until I reach the beginning of my buttocks.’


With her hands against the wall, Rebeka stood on tiptoe. She felt a tingling sensation in her belly, which told her that her meat button was about to explode if it wasn’t rubbed in the most explosive way it had ever been touched in her life. However, she hoped that her boyfriend’s hand would take away all the heat she felt inside. She hoped he would touch her just once and run his fingers up the inside of her legs in order to give her one of those orgasms that wouldn’t allow her to stand for a long time.


‘I can’t cum; at least I can’t do it now that he’s watching me.’


“Keep lathering up,” she ordered him after pulling back as she wrung her hand out.


As if she had the biggest itch she had ever felt between her legs and was forbidden on pain of death to scratch it, Rebeka wiggled her hips from side to side, followed her boy’s order, and stopped holding herself against the wall to go back to rubbing her hair with more energy than before, intent on finishing as fast as she could. Then she wanted to demand her boy love him, and she could no longer hold back the urge due to the fact that at that moment she was an orgasm addict, on the verge of having a side effect from abstinence to sex.


“We’re done with the shampoo. You can rinse your hair and turn off the shower,” Omar pointed out.


‘Aww! He’s to blame for making me wait so long; it can’t be that hard to take some pictures and get it over with!’ she thought, with a desperate attitude.


Rebeka wondered if she would finally be awarded. After which, she rinsed her hair with the shower water, opened her eyes, and looked down while her boy took care of shutting off the water.


Omar’s torso was inside the bathtub, and thanks to the fact that he had turned off the water, neither the phone in his hands nor he was in danger of getting wet.


‘Ufff, his hand is squeezing and squeezing my breasts,’ she thought as soon as she felt her boyfriend holding her breasts from behind. ‘How far will his stake be from my entrance? His feet are still out of the bathtub, but if I try to touch him with my ass to reach up and find his erect member with my doors open, will he control himself and not drive me all at once deep into my heart?’


Rebeka slyly stepped back with the mischievous intention of scratching the itch she felt inside, using the perfect tool for that: her boy’s member. ‘How wise is nature? No one can question the mother of all, who took hundreds of millions of years to reach perfection in a trial-and-error process called evolution.’ She exhaled, fought with dozens of justifications in mind, and, with much dissimulation, backed up until she reached the edge of the bathtub.


‘Oh, I can’t find you, my love,’ she thought as she pulled her body back, to no avail. ‘I can’t keep looking for you. I’m afraid I’ll slip and fall. I don’t know what to do anymore. So close and so far away at the same time. I’m at his mercy; do I have to beg him? Maybe then he can take pity on me?’


“You won’t do anything to me?” The girl said to him that her voice was shaky and almost nonexistent.


Omar let out a breath of air and said to her,


  “For now, you’re going to have to make do with my fingers.” In Rebeka’s desert, a glass of water might not be enough to quench the thirst he had, but it was something. “For the next picture, your smallest hole should be open enough for the camera to see inside... I’m going to help you loosen up. Yes?”


‘His words felt so hot that they even burned the skin behind my ear. It’s my ‘teeny-weeny’ at stake, but how could I refuse when I told him I’d let him do whatever he wants?’ analyzed Rebeka.


With a very submissive attitude, Rebeka placed her hands on the wall while biting her lips and tugging her tail even harder.


 Omar stopped holding his girl’s breasts and, with his hand, slowly moved down the arch that made up his beloved’s back. He brought his thumb down to his girl’s buttocks and pressed the tight hole that made up her anal sphincter, which looked like a pink button about to spew a kiss.