Chapter 17
Chapter 16: You’re so dirty
With a smile from ear to ear and an offer he couldn’t refuse, Omar forgot about the hunger that had literally awakened him and went downstairs to stick his face right between his beloved’s legs.
With Omar giving her oral, Rebeka again picked up the laptop she had tossed aside and pressed the "upload video” button. She wasn’t thinking so clearly, and even if the guilt and regret were immense, to the point of crushing her for the consequences of her actions, she was willing to magnify the selfishness inside her. She wanted to be proud of her body, to not let anyone or anything affect or define her because of the way they thought of her.
Later, Rebeka woke up from the deep sleep she had managed to fall asleep on the sofa in her living room. After staying awake for thirty-six hours, it was no wonder that sleeping felt similar to blacking out.
‘Ahh!!!’ said Rebeka, as she stretched out as much as she could on the couch she was curled up on next to her boyfriend. ‘What a gorgeous morning. Maybe it’s because I’m in love, but I can’t help but love and do all the things I normally do if I’m next to him. Love, sleep, wake up, love again—all without clothes, no matter how hungry.’
After scratching her eyes with her closed hands, she pulled her hair back and looked at her boyfriend, who was also starting to wake up.
Omar wouldn’t have woken up much later, either. Although he was bothered by his beloved’s stretching movements, he had had the most sleep to feel replenished and rested. Nevertheless, he tried to cover his face and settle into sleep on; were it not for his beloved waking him by planting a shower of kisses on him, he might have continued to hibernate into the night.
‘With him, the intensity of the colors around me is amplified. Everything feels even more wonderful and warm with him by my side. How happy I am!!! More kisses for you!!!’
“Good morning, baby!” said Omar, who was quick to rectify his posture on the bed and respond to the kisses his beloved was giving him. ”Or good afternoon?
‘It’s the second day we woke up together, but I’m even more curious to watch him, enjoy him, and feel him next to me,’ thought Rebeka, who didn’t hesitate to say:
“Lazy boy, let’s take a bath and start what’s left of the day. If we continue lying down, we will grow roots.”
After learning the most fundamental secret to making a woman happy, Omar breathed as deeply as he could and said the magic word “yes” as if he were ignoring all the tiredness that still remained, the hunger that weakened him, and the laziness of being lost and with no way out that awaited him.
The warm rays of the sun came through the windows of the house and touched everything with their light. From one side to the other, the walls of the rooms, the furniture, and the books were illuminated, so that there was nothing left that was dark to the gaze of Rebeka, who could see the naked body of her boy, and he could see her too.
They both went into the bathroom, took a shower, and as soon as they dried off, they ended up washing their mouths together.
Rebeka was so happy that she was even humming. She might have no job, no money, and almost nothing to eat, but she was happy to have him and to be next to the one she loved. In the meantime, they got up from the sofa, and during the bath, she couldn’t look away.
Omar remembered the scolding he had received about not urinating in the bathtub, and as soon as he could, he ran to the toilet and, with a relieved face, let go of the pressure he had probably been feeling since he started bathing.
‘Watching a guy pee feels exciting and novel,’ Rebeka thought, impressed by the loud sound created by the liquid falling on top of each other at such a height. ‘Oops, now that I hear him, it makes me want to pee too.’
After moving awkwardly, with the toothbrush still in her mouth, after Omar finished shaking the last drops from his flaccid member, Rebeka moved to take her place in the cramped bathroom.
‘Mmm, does peeing standing up make guys always leave a trail? I forgot to check before I sat down. Maybe it’s better if, in the future, he uses the bathroom like the girls, sitting down. That way I don’t have to sit on uncomfortable droplets. Also, how much water does he drink a day? I didn’t see him drinking a glass yesterday. That’s why his wee-wee comes out so... concentrated.’
"Omar,” said Rebeka. “Those urine droplets you left around the cup where I’m sitting won’t leave a good smell on my skin.”
“Oh, sorry, my love,” he said, realizing something. Then he asked, “Why did you sit down?”
“I had an urge to use the bathroom, and just for today, I’m not going to bother about it.”
As one who understood that he should be more careful, Omar nodded his head. But, at the sensual sight of a girl sitting down about to do her business, he could not prevent his cock from being aroused again.
On the other hand, the girl couldn’t help but look up into her beloved’s eyes. There, sitting on the toilet and with her legs wide open, she pulled out what she had stored in her bladder.
Omar could see the process by which the big spurt turned into a thin trickle that ended up sprinkled between his beloved’s lower lips.
‘I could feel it. It’s already just a few drops that I push with my pelvis... but this is about to get uncomfortable’ thought Rebeka.
“Omar, out of the bathroom!” she said, after closing her legs quickly while straining to contract her belly.
At the change in his beloved’s attitude, Omar paused to wonder if he had done something to anger his girl as she pushed him out of the bathroom. From one moment to the next, he could hear something heavy fall into the water inside the toilet and reach the bottom.
Omar realized what the situation was about, and with a smile on his face, he looked in the direction of Rebeka, who didn’t want to make eye contact but also didn’t want to get up from where she was.
“What’s wrong, my love?” asked Omar, still with the toothbrush in his mouth.
With a playful smile, Rebeka pulled the chain to let, along with the sound of the water, whatever was left in her bowels fall out and leave.
At that moment, she couldn’t look at her boy, though she knew he kept his smile wide. Relieved of the urge that had come over her, she reached out for the toilet paper, but he stopped her.
‘Oops!?’ She thought, not understanding her beloved’s position. ‘What does he intend to do?’
Omar’s actions became the answer she was trying to find.
Quickly, he held what she was reaching for, the toilet paper, and after rolling it in his hand, he pulled it closer to Rebeka, his firm intentions exposed in his gaze.
“No!” exclaimed Rebeka, as with his outstretched hand he kept the distance between them.
“In health and in sickness, I will be your hands, your legs, your eyes, your coat, and whatever you need me to be, in this life or in another, in heaven or in hell,” said Omar, who took the opportunity to add. “Be thankful I don’t clean you with my tongue. Go ahead. Don’t feel sorry for me.”
“So nice that the first part was so nice,” claimed Rebeka after shaking her head and using all her strength to resist.
At her boyfriend’s insistence, she felt it was inappropriate to keep holding him back because it wasn’t like she could win the fight either. After all, she believed that being vulnerable in front of the one she loved the most, in a moment of discomfort, embarrassment, and grief, was a sign of love. It was letting the relationship go down a good path, and it was the way to know that the love was true and solid, not like those loves where the more you get to know the other person, the more he disappoints you. ‘The more you try to change him, Maybe I should stop trying to make him different,’ she said to herself.
With conflicting thoughts in mind, Rebeka stopped pushing her beloved away with her hands and made a point of enduring how he approached her. With no choice but to let herself be cleaned, she held onto him tightly. After wrapping her hands around his waist, she pressed her head against the abdomen in front of her and thus managed to lift her tail slightly from the cup and stay steep.
After looking at his beloved, Omar noticed that she had closed her eyes tightly, as if she didn’t like the idea of having something done to her, but she let herself.
‘I feel his body leaning...’ she thought, who, having her eyes closed, sensed with her body. ‘ His hand is moving down my back. The paper is touching me, and his fingers are applying pressure. Oops, the back-and-forth motion is going underneath me... More paper. He’s thrusting forward again, and this time I can feel his fingers curling even more. He’s raking me outward, cleaning, and carrying as much as I can. Again, he drops the paper into the cup. He picks up another piece and repeats the motion a third time. When is this nightmare going to end?
With the intention that her boyfriend would not take any more toilet paper, Rebeka decided to speak out loud:
"Omar,” added Rebeka in a trembling voice. “It’s still not enough; you must use soap and water. This way, I’m going to be ready for you to eat me at any moment.”
“It’s okay, my heart,” he replied in a warm voice.
Without separating her body or making it difficult for his beloved to continue hugging him, Omar took the soap with his right hand and then held a small watering can with his left.
The device was conveniently installed next to the toilet and consisted of a head with a button at the tip and a mini shower-shaped opening at the other end, which uses the incoming water from the toilet and is the appropriate length for its purpose.
‘The feel of the water,’ thought Rebeka, ‘along with the slippery, circular motion of the suds, feels erotic, dirty, and kinky.’
“Stick one of your fingers in a little,” she said aloud. “Not too much. Just a little bit.”
Omar, being the good listener that he was, followed the instructions as instructed.
“Now rinse well...” With the end of the process, Rebeka stopped burying her forehead in her beloved’s abdomen, to say as one who wanted to change the subject and forget what had happened. “But what do we have here? It’s your "thing,” hard and hot as a rock; if I could talk, I’d say it’s screaming for a hole. Does this situation turn you on so much?”
At the comment, Omar seemed speechless.
“You’re so dirty,” she told him, after looking at him seductively from the bottom up.
Rebeka was glad she could be who she was in front of her boyfriend. She knew that, because of the love he had for her and had shown her, he would put up with her, even if all she asked for were whims. As soon as she could, she took toilet paper and dried it herself to give it the final touch. Then she dropped that paper into the water as she grabbed the cylindrical piece of meat in front of her and treated it as if it were a railing she needed to lean on, though what she did was to take it directly into her mouth. It looked red, swollen, and even bigger, so as soon as she closed her eyes, she could feel the delicious taste of skin with the tip of her tongue, and, without stopping, she advanced as far as she could, seeking to get it all the way down her throat and further down if she could.
‘The taste is bitter, but it fades quickly,’ she thought as she drew back her head and devoted herself to tasting without chewing what was in her mouth. That which she could suck and not swallow, and no matter how much she licked, it was never going to wear off. ‘Mmm, I wonder if I can make him cum in my mouth.’
The girl, dedicated and enthusiastic, used one hand to fondle her beloved’s testicles, while with the other she wiggled the libidinous member more firmly than she did with her mouth.
‘I don’t think that’s enough,’ she said to herself as thirty seconds passed. ‘My jaw is starting to ache, as much or more than my hand muscles ache, but I won’t give up. I’ll get what’s inside him, even if I have to squeeze his balls.’
After two minutes, she looked up and met the tender gaze of someone who enjoyed what was being done to her but would not come. Somewhat frustrated at the lack of practice, she sensually asked:
“Honey, am I doing something wrong?”
“No, my love,” he replied, then asked. “Why?”
“Because you don’t cum,” claimed Rebeka, puffing out her cheeks and looking disgruntled at the situation.
“You haven’t even been here five minutes, and you already want me to cum?" asked Omar, amused by his girlfriend’s claims.
“Yes!” she exclaimed. “Cum in my mouth, now. Go ahead!”
“Are you willing to do anything?” he asked, which made Rebeka nod with a defiant look. “Then put your hands behind your back where I can see them. Cross your fingers; the rule is that you can’t spread them apart; if you do, I’ll stop.”
“So, what do you plan to do?” asked Rebeka, with interested eyes.
“Use your mouth hard and mercilessly.”
Attracted and aroused by the proposition and tempted to try it, Rebeka put her back straight and steepened her chest, then proceeded to take her hands back and interlock her fingers as she had been told. After closing her eyes and looking up with wide eyes, she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue.
Rebeka could feel Omar’s hand land on her head from above. The grip was firm and intentional, so as not to let her move backwards as she thrust forward her hips. On her tongue, she could perceive how the piece of flesh rested firmly on her, as if being guided by the other hand.
Throughout the whole process, Omar’s member moved back and forth over the tongue that was out. Rebeka began to understand that her boyfriend was being considerate of her, as he could stick it all the way in. She thought his intentions were to go all the way down her throat and more if she so desired, but when she opened her eyes, all she saw was her boy’s excited face frantically masturbating so that his glans were all that brushed and touched the wetness of her tongue.
Perhaps, in his mind, the scene did look violent and wild, but in the present, Omar was just content with the feeling of being able to do what he was thinking.
‘Mmm’ said Rebeka, who recognized that she still needed practice to reach the perfect speed, the right coordination, and the precise movements to milk her boyfriend’s virile muscle as fast as he could milk himself.
After feeling her boy’s hand movements stop, she thought, ‘These are his spasms as he cums.’
Indeed, the red flesh, swollen and hot, began to convulse milk to the inside of the open mouth. Three strong lashes, a fourth and a fifth somewhat poorly, were so thick that they did not have enough momentum to shoot out but slipped out. Instead, Omar let out all the air he had and ground himself well on his feet to avoid losing his balance.
Rebeka kept her mouth open, as if waiting for more, and when she saw that it would not be possible, she held her tongue and swallowed, which made her cough a few times.
The phone in the living room began to ring.
“Why did you give me so little milk in my breakfast today?” she asked in a disgruntled manner, between coughs, ignoring the ringing phone. “This wasn’t even three sad drops.”
“I have no idea,” Omar replied with a confused look on his face. “I think you have me parched, and I may need time to recover.”
”You have two hours to bathe me in milk; my skin needs treatment and rehydration,” demanded Rebeka playfully.
“Of course,” he replied. “Can I use the bath for a while? I’m in need of it too.”
“And if I tell you that you have to sit on my spread legs and find a way to aim correctly?”
Omar couldn’t help but stare at the ceiling and stifle the guffaws that wanted to come out of him. His beloved’s demands were unreasonable, but he could do nothing but try to do the best he could. Laughing at his own misfortune that karma had brought upon him was one way to approach the situation differently.
“Maybe another day, now, please, now have mercy on me...” he pleaded, as soon as he realized how determined his beloved was.
After showing an amused attitude at her boyfriend’s behavior, Rebeka got up from where she stood and gathered her hair with her hands. As soon as he relinquished his seat, she made a point of walking out the door, and saying to him:
“I’m going to see what I can make for breakfast.”
After sitting on the toilet, Omar tossed a question into the air:
“Love, the phone’s been ringing for quite a while, aren’t you going to answer it?”
Rebeka prepared to go downstairs, while giving her beloved an answer:
“No, it’s probably my father who calls on Sundays at this time.” She was disappointed with what had happened so far, and if to be happy one had to stay away from things that could make her sad, then she preferred not to talk to her father and have to tell him the truth. “With what happened yesterday to my mom, you, and me, I don’t feel like answering his call, and I don’t think my mom does either. Anyway, he’s about to leave. We’ll talk about it then.”
Thanks to the fact that the door to the second-floor bathroom had been left open, Omar was able to hear his beloved’s words, even though she was prowling around the kitchen and the phone was ringing insistently. “About to leave?!” he asked, as one who was looking for confirmation.
"Yes,” replied Rebeka, after opening a door and taking a pan off the shelf to fill it with water. “The mayor’s murder was not fully cleared up, and my father, the only suspect, pleaded not guilty during all that time. Since they couldn’t prove real charges against him, he is entitled to get out of jail on parole. Didn’t you know?”
“No, to be honest, I didn’t know.”
As soon as the phone stopped ringing, there was a knock on the door, which made Omar’s hair stand on end.
“Good timing, that must be my mom. It’s weird that she knocks on the door if she has a key!” shouted Rebeka, unconcerned.
The thought of the authorities knocking on the door made Omar take a deep breath and try to stay calm. If they were going to take him away, it wouldn’t be honorable of him to behave like a scaredy cat in front of the girl he loved. In a way, the boy would rather be interrogated and taken away than have to talk to his girlfriend’s mother. After all, if he didn’t get her approval, his life with his girlfriend would be guaranteed hell, as no one in a sane state would be able to make his beloved choose between him, a mere boyfriend who only recently became official, and his family. It wasn’t like Rebeka was one to scream “Save me from my family; take me with you” either, and even if that were the case, he had nowhere to take her.
After finding the inner strength he needed to be who he was, Omar could hear the front door open, and with the sharp eyes of an assassin about to complete his job, he felt his stomach cringe after hearing an animated voice say good morning as he entered.
“I knocked on the doorbell because you told me your boyfriend has nudist habits,” said the sweet voice of a mother who was incapable of getting angry, no matter what.
Omar broke out in a cold sweat and became conscious of his mother-in-law’s words: to come to the conclusion of wanting to disappear, to become a particle of dust and float with the wind or go down the drain. ”Your boyfriend has nudist habits,” were the words that circled her head and ripped the air out of her. But, as much as he wanted to ask his girlfriend to explain herself to him for damaging his image and lying, he opted to find something to wear. Sure, if he got dressed, it would prove that Rebeka had lied, and the situation could be partially resolved. However, only two towels were in the bathroom, plus the door was open and she wasn’t done yet.
“Daughter, you are also without clothes,” said the mother. “You’ll catch a cold. Youth is really wonderful; enjoy it a lot; it will go away later.”
“Mom, you’re on time. I was making rice soup for breakfast, and I saw you brought something. It wasn’t necessary. Weren’t you supposed to be discharged from the hospital yesterday?”
"Technically, they let me out today in the morning. The nurse helped me with a lot of things and gave me an extra dose of medicine and healing therapy. I came in the morning, and since I saw there was nothing for breakfast, I went out to buy food. In the morning, I forgot to knock.....”
“And you saw us sleeping on the couch!!!” exclaimed Rebeka angrily. “Why didn’t you wake us up? We could have gone shopping for you.”
“Youth is a treasure, daughter, and you were both sleeping so peacefully after not having eaten anything. I even took pictures of you.” Listening to what his girlfriend’s mother said, Omar felt his stomach turn, and thank goodness he was sitting on the toilet, because nothing could have been worse for him.
‘I even took pictures of them.’ Irrefutable proof that he was guilty and had been caught red-handed. Not even dancing in caustic soda could clean him up.
“Don’t change the subject; how many times have I told you that you can count on me?”
As Rebeka complained to her mother, the lady proceeded to sit on one of the kitchen chairs and, with slanted eyes and a knowing chuckle, patiently listened to her daughter’s complaints as if she was used to it.
After a short time, Omar built up enough courage to flush the toilet, and with a towel wrapped around his waist, he went downstairs in search of his clothes. Step by step, the boy looked as if his soul had left his body.
“Mmm, but what a man,” said Rebeka’s mother as soon as she noticed the boy’s presence.
“Omar? Come, don’t worry, and don’t be embarrassed. My name is Soe, and I’m glad you’re spending time with my little girl. You can make yourself at home. I brought some food for dinner and also for you to have a quiet breakfast, since I already ate on the way. I was just telling my baby that she is very hard on herself.”
“Mother, are you listening to me? "I complained to Rebeka in a fussy way. “What do you mean you already ate on the road? Aren’t you going to eat with us? What a big thing! You have to eat more. You just got out of a hospital... Omar, tell her she has to eat with us!”
“Hello,” said Omar, after looking at the one who waved at him as he stood up from where he was and made an expression of tiredness and wanting to sleep.
Rebeka could see the expressions on her boyfriend’s face change. He went from being grief-stricken and not knowing where to put himself to someone who, in one way or another, felt sorry for her. That made her not wrong. Her mother was a representation of a person who would take away what she didn’t have to give to her daughter, even food, and as much as she wanted to disguise it, she was reflecting that to the world.
“How sleepy I am,” said Soe after arranging the chair. “I’m going to my room; I need to get some rest. If I’m hungry, I’ll eat some later.”
Soe’s features were similar to Rebeka’s, so much so that, had she been in better condition, with less weather-beaten skin, anyone could tell they were sisters. Leaving aside the fact that Rebeka was naked while making breakfast, Soe was wearing a large coat along with giant black glasses, obviously intended to hide the bruises on the left side of her face.
Heading for her room at the back of the second floor, Soe pretended not to hear the claims of her daughter, who practically already had a plate in her hand.
Omar saw how, as soon as his beloved’s mother entered her room, she closed the door delicately, giving her daughter the excuse that she was going to eat later, when she was hungry.
“Of course, you don’t feel hungry! If you don’t feel pain from the medications, what hunger are you going to feel?” shouted Rebeka, frustrated. At that moment, she was about to return to the kitchen with the plate in her hand.
After seeing that her boyfriend’s countenance was all over the floor, Rebeka decided to complain to him:
“What’s with that face?!”
There was Omar, still standing, covering himself with a towel, with his head down, almost crying.
“A lousy first impression of me... Oh, I don’t know what to do,” he replied, wanting to die.
“Well, you’ll have to do something, because my mother wants to talk to you in her room.”
Omar had seen his girlfriend and her mother walking around the house, but at no time had he overheard such a conversation. As soon as he heard the news, he couldn’t help but reflect on his face that he thought Rebeka was lying to him to play with him.
“I’m still naked,” he claimed, as soon as he understood that his girlfriend wasn’t lying, as she was handing him the plate she was holding.
After tightening the towel he had around his waist, Omar prepared to take with two hands the plate of food he had been given. In such a delicate situation, he didn’t want to drop anything.
Like a little child about to be scolded, Rebeka watched her beloved walk in the direction of his mother’s room while accompanying and encouraging him.
“Oh, wait...” said Omar. “Then the signal she was giving me with her hand as she was going to her room was not of farewell but that I should accompany him.”
"Precisely,” replied Rebeka, who prepared to open the door and enter the room with him.
The interior of Soe’s room was simple, as if he was intent on having the fewest objects to take care of. After all, he wasn’t in the house very long, and most essential the bed, which was as large as it was, reaffirmed his loneliness to him.
“You can leave the plate on the dresser,” Soe indicated. “My child, please leave us alone for a moment.”
"Yes, mom,” replied Rebeka reluctantly.
After accepting her mother’s suggestion, she turned around and walked out the same door she had entered, but as soon as she closed it, she stuck her ear on the varnished wood, with the intention of being able to listen in on the conversation.
“Omar... No?” Soe repeated the boy’s name again, as if he had forgotten he had already asked the question. “I approve of your relationship with my daughter. I don’t want to put more weight on your shoulders—not that I want to give her away to you either—but my family’s circumstances are not the best. They are young, and I know that sex is tempting, more so when you are exploring it for the first time. As a mother, I ask you to be responsible and not get her pregnant. A child, under the laws of this society, would be to destroy the life and future of my daughter, who has not yet lived.”
“I understand perfectly, madam,” replied Omar, who had sounded like a military man from the other side of the door.
“If one day I should be missing, would you be willing to take care of her and protect her? Don’t give me an answer; just think about it. You are young and, in my eyes, naive, irresponsible, and arrogant. The happiness you feel right now is not a very good advisor for your answer. The same thing I want you to do when you are angry is refrain from giving an answer. That’s the best advice an old woman like me can give you, as long as you don’t regret it in the future. Moving on, can I ask you for a favor?”
“Yes,” he answered firmly.
“Will you be able to receive a package at the address I’m going to give you?”
“Yes. What is it? If I may ask.”
“Money and a bottle of booze,” Soe replied.
Behind the door, Rebeka smiled bitterly. After putting her big toenail to her mouth, she said to herself, ‘Mom is having a relapse.’
Because no more conversation could be heard on the other side, Rebeka peeled herself away from the door and went to the kitchen, where she pretended not to have heard anything.