Chapter 25
Chapter 24: Trying an open relationship
At the entrance of the house, with their looks full of pride, Rebeka and Omar said goodbye to the uniformed couple, who left early in the morning, heading to school. Lizandra and Miguel seemed to be feeling nostalgic as they said goodbye to their friends, who would stay at home while they had the duty of going to school to study.
After saying goodbye to their friends, closing the front door, and going back inside the house, Omar and Rebeka took the time to have a leisurely breakfast, read the newspaper, and even clean the house a bit. Thanks to how liberated they felt by not having to go to school or being under the pressure of exams, homework, and studies, once they finished their chores, they went to do something they had already planned. Omar sat down to assemble the new computer they had bought together with the cameras and the photography set that had arrived last Friday by mail delivery. He had long had the idea of making a special recording room with semi-professional equipment. Rebeka sat on the recliner with her favorite blanket, a cup of latte, and one of the books she hadn’t finished reading.
Since Omar was his own boss, Rebeka could see that her beloved was taking his new job to heart, so much so that she had this thought: ‘I worry that he’s obsessing. They say men work to relieve the stress they feel.’
Rebeka thought that, because she knew well that Omar was still not over Soe’s death, despite trying to pretend otherwise, he was still losing weight, smiling less often, and hardly sleeping. It was as if he was working, as long as he didn’t think.
“How nice!” said Omar loudly as he turned on the machine, which made Rebeka look up.
The computer that was finally assembled had only three pieces: a screen, a mouse, and a keyboard. It looked like it had everything it needed to operate without much delay.
“I was looking at editing a program designed to recognize facial expressions and other distinguishing features.”
“Oh?” mentioned Rebeka, intrigued.
“Yes, remember that people care a lot about the social image they have." After turning on the computer, Omar turned to the internet search engine and managed to find a video that could better explain the idea he had in mind. “There are several programs that can search and track one’s information on the Deep Web. I just have to set it up properly, and it will take care of looking for photos and videos of us that might have been leaked, something that takes away from our profits at the end of the day.”
“Honey, if you’re going to spend too much time in front of the screen, remember that you can damage your eyesight,” warned Rebeka, who well knew that if she didn’t take care of her boy, no one else was going to, not even him.
She went back to her book, while Omar continued in front of the computer screen. Six hours went by in which a warm silence invaded the lives of the young people, who had no worries whatsoever. This silence was called tranquility.
From time to time, Rebeka got up to stretch her legs, replace her cup of coffee with tea, or go to the bathroom. Omar, meanwhile, would look for something to drink or eat while the program loaded the information.
Once evening fell, Omar got the program running after following the meticulous instructions from videos and programming books he had watched while working. Superficially, the scan was able to find approximately twenty sites where photos and videos of them were being posted for free, and another five sites where someone else was getting paid for selling other people’s material. It wasn’t fair to those who paid for the privilege of having exclusivity over the content of the “Heaven” account.
Omar was quick to ask for the photos and videos to be taken down after applying claims of copyright infringement and non-consent of the authors. In a matter of minutes, one after another, the websites, for fear of being completely shut down, removed the content they had been asked to remove and instead left an apology banner, which redirected to a link to the original material.
It was past three o’clock in the afternoon, and although Omar was proud of his accomplishments, Rebeka began to act more nervous than usual, so much so that she was about to clean up what she had cleaned up less than five minutes ago. Now it seemed that she didn’t want to think. It was all because that afternoon, both Lizandra and she would be left alone in the room to have their first lesbian experience, just as they had agreed in the morning after getting up.
As punctual as it should be, the doorbell rang, and it wasn’t too hard to tell who they were. Miguel and Lizandra were arriving from school.
Omar greeted the arrivals, still seated at the table, almost without taking his eyes off the screen. As he thought about matters that outraged him.
“Are you going to tell me you haven’t gotten up from there all day?” said Miguel, pretending to be surprised because he wasn’t as nervous as Lizandra. “Well, today at school was as heavy as a Monday can be, so you and I both deserve some guy time! We haven’t been out to the sports center since you’ve had a girlfriend, so it’s time to take advantage. She also has to have her “girl” time with Lizandra.”
About to drag Omar by the hand, Miguel was determined to lead him out the door, which made the young man groan at how little time he had left to finish the things he was doing. Both Rebeka and Lizandra stayed quiet throughout the whole process, went to see the boys off at the door, and after they saw them off, proceeded to quietly walk into the house.
Sometimes doing things in public gives a sense of courage that you don’t feel much when you’re alone. You couldn’t predict which one was more tense in that situation, where they might regret being left alone.
Ten minutes passed, and neither made eye contact with the other nor did they exchange words. Rebeka was the first to break the silence.
“You know, following up on the question I asked you the other day...”
“What question?” asked Lizandra nervously, between the kitchen and the living room, still not sitting down.
“Despite having so much money, why do you have the need to steal my things?”
Lizandra kept silent, opened her eyes, and shook her head as if surprised, although she had nothing to say in her defense because she was guilty. Having the idea of getting to sleep with someone and having that person accuse you of being a thief for the time being was not something that was going to end well, or was it?
“The person I’ve been corresponding with told me a lot of other interesting things,” Rebeka said, as she understood Lizandra wasn’t going to talk. ”Among those things, “Anonymous” claims that you have always been jealous of me. That, according to your personality, you want to be like me, and it really became very obvious to me since, with the last pair of shoes that went missing, the thief would have a whole set of clothes of mine. It makes a lot of sense, so much so that it makes me question whether or not he is right and you want to be like me.”
Rebeka stretched out the last five words of her accusation.
Lizandra took a step back, while Rebeka took a step forward. The brunette saw something she hadn’t expected in her friend’s eyes. The blue eyes denoted vivid expressions of disbelief, surprise, and, at the same time, a desire to run away from that house. The look in the blonde’s eyes confirmed to her that her assumptions were not far from the truth, but also that this person who had been writing to her was not her undercover friend, as she had assumed.
“‘Anonymous’ told me that there was a way to really clear up whether those doubts were true or not,” said Rebeka, extending her hand. “Give me your phone.”
Lizandra turned as fast as she could and tried to run out, but as soon as she opened the exit door with her hand, Rebeka pushed it back before it slammed shut. Breathing on the verge of an anxiety attack, Lizandra had no choice but to drop to the floor to protect her phone.
“Lizandra, here’s your chance,” Rebeka continued, this time with a familiar and cooperative tone. “The morning’s deal holds. Maybe you can’t be me, but if we can get together and be one for once, I need you to confirm my assumption, as well as face your insecurity and let me see your phone.”
Lizandra’s attitude could be described as that of someone who is scared. A person who, by chance of life, had had a chance to be able to recover what she had lost, and even if she didn’t mean to steal or do harm, she had done so unintentionally, and her crimes were exposed, potentially ending in a net loss. But as she heard that the morning’s proposal stood and that she should face her insecurities, she took the courage to raise her head and look over her shoulder at the one who was still extending his hand.
“There is nothing more humiliating than this, please,” assured the blonde from the floor.
“Anything but this.”
After realizing she couldn’t negotiate her escape by sitting on the floor, Lizandra relented and offered her already open phone, allowing Rebeka to hold it.
Straight to the private gallery, the most recent photos confirmed the suspicions that the brunette had, but not that Lizandra was the one who wrote to her, posing as the user "Anonymous,” willing to pay a lot of money.
In the last photos, and almost the only ones she had, Lizandra was wearing the clothes that had been lost. In the privacy of her room, the blonde had done the same hairstyle and used poses in front of the mirror, with which she pretended to be Rebeka. Passing between those photos came the moment when Miguel introduced himself.
‘There are four of us in this relationship,’ Rebeka thought, as if coming to the conclusion that the pieces finally fit together. ‘If Lizandra wasn’t the one pretending to be Anonymous, then it had to be Mig, who also has money to spend and, from the beginning, wanted to give it to us, as long as he paid to stay in the house. Now everything fits. That’s why he didn’t put up much resistance to this situation happening, just as he also took Omar away to leave us alone.’
“I don’t need you to give me back what you took,” said Rebeka. “Unless, out of consideration for me, if you want to keep taking more things, ask for them or replace them with something new.”
At Rebeka’s words and her handing the cell phone back to her, Lizandra looked up in surprise, with a question slipping out between her lips.
“Aren’t you disgusted with me?”
"No,” Rebeka replied. “Get up off the floor and let’s go to my room.”
Once they were upstairs, Rebeka was the first to throw herself on the bed, and then pat the empty space next to her several times. Understanding the signal, Lizandra walked over and, as discreetly as she could, sat down on the spot.
“The times when we were best friends, every now and then, they crossed my mind, and I feel nostalgic. I missed them,” Rebeka said, looking up at the ceiling. “Only my resentment at the time was much greater, and I wouldn’t let myself show it to you. I’m sorry if I made you feel bad, Liz. In a way, I couldn’t accept what you and my mother were having, whether it was for love or money.”
“It’s not you who has to apologize; it was me. It was really me who let the money go to my head. I thought I was my father; I abused the trust that was given to me.”
The tone with which Lizandra blurted out the last words was as if she was confessing, admitting something she regretted and would have wanted to change, given the chance.
“Undeniably, you were the one who was hurt the most,” added Rebeka in a voice of acceptance. “I was your friend, and you were simply discovering your body and sexuality. By holding you back because of a mistake and making you feel as bad as I could, I clipped your wings, and you stopped being you.”
“Why do you say that?” asked Lizandra, curious.
“Your gallery of indecent photos is boring.”
“Bullshit!” Lizandra defended herself. “Maybe in comparison to what you’ve done, it doesn’t look like much, but I’m telling you, these are pictures that would turn anyone on if I showed them to them.”
“They didn’t turn me on at all,” Rebeka replied, looking at the ceiling, proving how wrong the statement Lizandra had given her was. “Everything I am, everything I learned regarding the kinky, sexual, exploratory realm, I learned from you. To touch myself every time I’m sad, to put things that bother me aside, to fight for who I want, to dress sexy, to compulsively seek ways to experience more pleasure. However.”
“I stopped being who I was,” replied Lizandra, as one who acknowledged something she didn’t want to accept.
"Yes,” affirmed Rebeka.
“Fear and regret haunted me every night before I went to sleep,” said Lizandra, looking back to the past, where she was on a bed, unable to fall asleep. “When I was with you, I didn’t care what anyone said, but when we stopped being friends, I started to care what others said. Every word in the hallway, every look... everything felt like they knew my secret, that I was to blame for why we broke up, Rebeka.”
“Tell me.”
“I want to tell you that I felt and still feel attraction for you,” Lizandra confessed.
“I can’t reciprocate with you, at least not in feelings,” replied Rebeka.
“I know, but I feel that telling you makes this weight on my shoulders lighten.”
“To tell you the truth, knowing how you feel about me, I don’t think it’s fair for you that I want to experiment with you with the intention of making money." At those words, Rebeka turned over on the bed, turning her back to the blonde and acting as if she was reconsidering things. “Playing with your feelings and making you enjoy something that you may never be able to have is very cruel... I think too much for you to bear.”
“No, it’s not cruel. It’s everything I ever dreamed of.”
Lizandra kicked off her shoes and lay down on the bed, hugging her friend from behind, as if seeking to comfort her and convince her otherwise.
With the curtains ajar, the evening light crept into the room, and from one moment to the next, it rested on Lizandra’s right hand, which discreetly caressed Rebeka’s breasts.
“You know,” Rebeka said, after stopping her friend’s movements. “More than for work, and even though I promised myself I wouldn’t do it, I plan to treasure this first time in which I’m going to let myself be touched by another woman. Money aside, and following my curiosity, I’m glad you’re the first woman to do what I want to do with my body. We won’t regret it, I promise.”
On the bed, Rebeka lay on her back, making it easy for Lizandra to access the breasts she was touching.
Surprised to be seeing so clearly what was in front of her, with trembling fingers, Lizandra pulled up the blouse covering her friend’s breasts until she could see her nipples. The blonde was curious to know what it felt like to suck on another woman’s breasts. At the look on her friend’s face, who let herself be done, Lizandra pulled her hair to one side as she leaned in. She opened her lips slightly and kissed the breasts, which rose as if they were an imposing crown on Rebeka’s body.
Rebeka felt the same tingle that Omar could give her when he gave her affection. The difference was that Lizandra’s hair, longer than her boyfriend’s, fell across her chest and tickled her as well. Now that it was another woman sucking on her breast, it felt somewhat different. It could not be described as unnatural, as all women suckle on their mothers’ breasts when they are small. But you could say it was something that was not expected to happen once they were big, at least in her mind and in the eyes of society.
After almost forcibly detaching herself from what she had caught with her desperate mouth, Lizandra lifted her torso onto the bed. She made a bun with the plush she held in her hand, and after unbuttoning her shirt, she removed her bra and left her breasts exposed.
Rebeka could tell that her friend’s aureoles were much lighter than hers and had an almost pinkish hue to them.
“Can you touch me?” asked Lizandra, her face flushed, as she leaned forward at the same time. “These days, my breasts have been very sensitive.”
With one breast over her mouth, Rebeka just had to open her lips to stick out her tongue and wet it with her saliva, then slide the breast slowly and steadily all the way into her mouth.
Still with her eyes open, the brunette watched the expressions on her friend’s face. It was as if Lizandra loved the sensation in a way that could not be described, so much so that as she moaned, she brought the fingers of her right hand to her mouth, not to suck on them but to fill them with saliva.
In the position she was in, Lizandra took her fingers out of her mouth and went about caressing Rebeka’s right nipple, as if she wanted to cause her to orgasm with that sensation. After leaning in again, she went to the other nipple, which still showed no signs of hardening.
‘If I could describe her efforts, I’d say she acts like she’s my lover,’ thought Rebeka, who didn’t feel her pussy moisten or throb from excitement with the situation. ‘She tries as hard as she can. I have to give her credit for being so dedicated to what she does. As if she tries to make every movement as smooth as it is erotic. Who knows a woman’s body better than another woman? Still, even though Omar is rough, desperate, and looking to get as much as he can every time he does something sexual, I like him better than her. Maybe it’s been several minutes now, but she doesn’t tire of pacing her fingers, trying her best to barely graze my flesh with her moistened fingertips or the tip of her tongue. I wonder how my boyfriend’s member would get to see me being loved by another girl... that big, fat, veiny thing that seems to have a will of its own.’
As she carefully licked and stimulated the erogenous zone of Lizandra’s breast, Rebeka used a small, but sufficient, suction power to make her partner increase the rhythm of her breathing.
Before Lizandra’s eyes, she was on top of a straight girl, who, despite so many times she tried to conquer her, she never could. Maybe this was her last chance to “lesbianize” her friend. If she could turn that sweet-faced body, innocent look, and angelic features into a compulsive seeker of deviant pleasures, maybe they didn’t have to be official girlfriends, but they could be lovers whenever they felt like having a good time with each other.
Lizandra was still engrossed in Rebeka’s breasts, not because she didn’t want to do anything else, but because she was afraid to put her hand down and find a dry fountain, which meant the total loss of her hopes.
After building up all the courage she could, the blonde slid her other hand down Rebeka’s belly. On her way and strategically, the fingers that had embarked on their descent paused to apply pressure to the base of her palm, below Rebeka’s navel. After pressing on the spot, she proceeded to make circular motions, as if playing with the cut hairs that were there.
For the blonde to do this massage and descent without being stopped by her friend was a triumph worth counting. After all, when Miguel went to put his hand between the fabric and her nature for the first time, she was startled by the speed and haste of the gesture, which, in her opinion, carried preparation.
On the other hand, Rebeka was already bored by the wait and was fantasizing about what she would most love to have Omar do to her. She willed the lack of interest in having sex into an uncontrollable desire to want to fuck as hard as her being, soul, and body would allow in a matter of just a few seconds, and that was enviable.
‘Maybe she’s treating me the way she likes to be treated,’ Rebeka said to herself, still with Lizandra’s nipple in her mouth, about to bite it, just for the sake of doing something new. ‘Mmm, biting... mistreating this body doesn’t sound so bad; after all, if it’s the last time I’m with a woman, it’s better if I take it to the extreme, right?’
Lizandra could feel how horny she was already getting between her legs to be doing what she liked to do with a girl and not have to deal with the impatience with which boys behaved. The blonde also wondered if her friend’s intimacy was just as hot as hers. Curiosity was so much that it was what made her overcome the fear that was holding her back and continue the descent to where Rebeka’s reproductive organ was.
The brunette still had her panties on, which meant that Lizandra had to wriggle her fingers under the elastic fabric before they reached to directly touch the moist, sensitive flesh that awaited her there. After slipping her hand under the panties and about to reach the beginning of the brunette’s nature, Lizandra decided that it was more appropriate not to advance so far and that it was better to go down to play with those lips, above the fabric that covered them, so that the contact would not be so direct and, therefore, become more erotic and exciting.
The frictions and caresses that were not direct felt less than those that were, so Rebeka began to move her legs, opening them as much as she could, as long as she could, in order to allow access to her friend, who was trying so hard to touch her, while she caressed one nipple and sucked on the other.
‘Three moves at once is something to be proud of, but Omar would have ripped my clothes off with his teeth at this point. Or at least he would have pushed aside the fabric that dared to get in the way, to drive his stake into me like I was an animal... Oh, Omar... and Ouch, Blondie, you’re earning that I want to take away all that romantic innocence.’
After stroking over the fabric, Lizandra finally began to feel herself getting wet from the inside, down the middle, and where Rebeka’s flower was, which was something she was happy about. She also noticed her friend spreading her legs and, with her body language, inviting her to keep going. Maybe it could be real, maybe not, but not even in her wettest and hottest dreams had the blonde been able to get this far with another woman while taking the initiative.
“Rebeka, I want to confess something else to you,” said Lizandra as soon as she detached herself from her friend’s nipple. As soon as the brunette affirmed with her head, she continued. “At night, many times before I went to sleep, I would touch myself until I reached the highest point before I came, because then I was more likely to end up dreaming about kinky stuff like this. I still do it many times. It’s the only way I have to escape my bubble.”
Rebeka felt a nostalgic feeling come over her. After all, it was from such confessions that the friendship between them had been born, grown, and cemented.