Chapter 30
Chapter 29: Sex and Blood
Rebeka didn’t know what to do; she couldn’t control her breathing. She was scared and couldn’t believe the situation she was in.
‘This can’t be happening,’ she said to herself. After swallowing dryly and taking a deep breath, Rebeka proceeded to ask:
“Who are you?” but her trembling voice made no sound, forcing her to repeat her question.
After taking a step back and looking for something to defend herself with, the girl was emboldened and asked again:
“Who are you?”
The old man wore a fine suit and kept an immaculate beard; his tie was unbuttoned, as if he needed to breathe; and he was holding a glass of liquor with melted ice. He looked calm, as if he had everything under control and nothing could happen to him. With a smile on his face, he proceeded to answer the question posed to him.
“I...” he paused as if to playfully make sure there was no one else in the room. “I am a great admirer and also your protector, in a manner of speaking.”
The word “protector” coming from someone who clearly needed to have power and be admired by her had made her think, but not out of curiosity.
In order to buy time, the girl kept talking.
“What do you mean by protector?”
“Many people in this world hate your father,” said the subject in a calm voice, then gave himself a drink, as if he wanted to be seen in a good light. “By correlation, they hate you, to the point where no one would care if you disappeared. But these people have seen your naked body and want to own it.”
The man put the glass of alcohol on his left foot and reached up to push back the sleeve of his suit, so long as he could see the time on the fancy watch he had.
“You can’t blame the power that money and guns have; it’s not what they are capable of doing on their own; it’s the people that are the problem. You understand me, little girl? Among the “colored vultures” in this empire that exercises its power through blackmail, violence, and crimes, there is an immense sum of money to kidnap you, but I, your benefactor, have been working hard to avoid that situation. Well, after the principal of the school where you were.”
The guy knew her name as well as flaunted the powers he had to exercise power, which allowed him to dominate the lives of others. The situation was really serious, and although he could be lying about everything else, if he knew a detail like that and had the personality he had, what else could he know and do?
“I want to tell you that if you continue to work in the sector of "prostitution,” my boss and I will be able to continue to protect you. If you withdraw, just as you did after harassing a teacher, you will be out of the hands and out of the territory of this organization. I know you’re a smart girl who knows what she wants...a full and carefree life, don’t you?”
“Something tells me you want more than to prevent my retirement or guarantee the life I want,” said Rebeka, who, from the subject’s attitude, was able to infer more, as that was the impression he gave her. After all, one favor with another is repaid. And what could an individual who thought the world revolved around him ask for?
With a smile on his face, the guy got up from the chair and, with animal eyes, looked at Rebeka’s still-naked body, which was under the towel she was wearing to cover herself.
“I’m no different from the others, because I want your body too. But I don’t plan to force you, and you should be happy about that. Since I’ve been looking at you, I got curious to know what it feels like to destroy you inside... You are the only one in the top 10 who still doesn’t taste this piece of meat I have between my legs.”
Along with his words, the guy unbuckled his belt, then the button, and finally the hanger of his pants, to take out his member.
Rebeka couldn’t help but stare at that gigantic thing that was twice the size of Omar’s. She would end up in the hospital if such a member was forced into her.
Together with the solid blow that was heard, both Rebeka and the guy looked back.
It was Omar, who, with something in his hand, was hitting the glass facing the balcony.
As soon as the glass shattered, the young man jumped like a madman inside the room, shouting and insulting the man.
“You fucker, I’ll kill you!!!!!”
Omar stopped dead in his tracks; the bed was all that separated the individual with his cock out and him.
“How is that possible?" You crazy fucker! We’re on the highest floor!”
“I’ll kill you, motherfucker!!!!” shouted Omar as he pointed the axe he had used to break the glass at him.
“So, you’ll kill me? Come and try.”
In the midst of so much shouting, Rebeka didn’t even know whether to feel relieved or not. Even though her white knight had come to the rescue and she was not alone, her legs were still shaking and she could barely stand.
As she tried to take a step forward, Rebeka felt one of the glasses pierce the flesh of the sole of her foot, which made her kneel from the pain.
Omar and the man kept shouting at each other as they circled the bed. Rebeka didn’t know what to do, but she understood that her best option was to block the door. What could happen if someone else came in? After all, in the mobs, there was no such thing as a single person. The best way out was through the window, which was sure to lead to a place where there were many people.
The older man, still with his erect member, dodged Omar’s downward axe and, after punching the boy directly in the face, knocked him to the ground and pushed him back.
With what strength she could, after feeling the glass digging deeper into the soles of her feet, Rebeka managed to knock over one of the cabinets that stood directly in front of the door, blocking it so that no one could open it and enter.
Turning around, Rebeka saw Omar being strangled and beaten by the older man, to the point where he couldn’t even defend himself or do anything. For some reason, that didn’t surprise her at all, but she didn’t close the door to keep anyone from getting between Omar and the guy, but to keep anyone from getting between her and the guy.
Seeing her boyfriend being knocked down by the guy who clearly fought better, an incomparable rage invaded Rebeka’s mind. After forgetting the broken glass on the floor, the pain in her feet from the fear she felt, or the twisting in her stomach, she grabbed one of the drawers of the fallen piece of furniture and, with all her strength, dropped it from above on the head of the man who was assaulting her beloved.
The dry sound echoed off the walls of the room, and the wood broke into several pieces.
Out of protective instinct, the subject stopped strangling the young man and took his hands to where he had received the blow as he fell to his knees. Omar separated from the subject and breathed as much as he could, which made the color of his face return to normal.
Rebeka knew that a blow to the head with a fake wooden drawer was not enough, which, if anything, might stun the assailant, but it was not going to resolve the situation. So, the splintered wood that had been left in the drawer for another blow with something like that would fail to knock the guy unconscious.
She kept her eyes open, as she hadn’t blinked in all that time. Besides that, she was breathing slowly but deeply and not thinking much. She didn’t even care if the towel covering her fell off, as she could only see the movements of the subject about to get up. In her field of vision, right in front of her feet, was the axe lying on the floor, with which her beloved broke the thick glass of the window of the room.
Omar held his breath and swallowed dryly, only to see how, in a matter of seconds, his girl grabbed the axe from the floor, lifted it as she did the wood, and hit the head of the older guy, who only just found out that another blow was coming his way.
Rebeka used all her strength to bring the instrument down on the subject’s head. As soon as the blow connected with his hands, Rebeka could feel the flesh break through, but the bones held firm, causing her to feel an uncomfortable vibration.
Because the man was still covering his head, the eight leading fingers flew out with the edge of the axe that came into contact with the skull. The dry sound was disturbing.
After screaming as if he could not believe what was happening, the man lost his balance and fell face-first to the ground, causing him to use his hands to keep from falling face-first onto the glass. Seeing his missing fingers and the blood dripping down from his head between his hands, he tried to crawl away while begging for mercy.
Rebeka raised the axe again, this time splattering the walls of the room along with the skin of his naked body. After placing a foot on the back of the one who at first was her aggressor, she made another blow with the sharp spike of the axe against the neck of the one who was crawling, but it did not cause his death.
Three blows from a weak girl were not enough to end the life of a burly and strong man like that guy. After giving in to her instincts, Rebeka raised the axe again and struck several times, until the blood and entrails of her victim were scattered all over the place.
With each blow she struck, Rebeka saw society and the men who wanted to take advantage of her body as weak.
“Rat!” the girl screamed. “You are at my feet! How does it feel to die like a dog?”
She wanted to keep screaming, to let out all the fury she had accumulated for so many years, but she couldn’t stop breathing because of how agitated she was as she hit the man again and again with the edge of the axe. Without even being able to lift the weapon completely, the blows continued, even though her hands ached and hurt as she continued to hold that instrument.
The body that wouldn’t stop writhing finally stopped breathing or making sounds with its throat.
“Love,” said Omar, sitting on the floor after holding his head with his hands.
Rebeka heard her boy’s whisper.
’Aww, he wants to talk to me, but I don’t want to listen to him; if it’s an apology, he has to tell me.’ As if time were passing slowly, she took the necessary breath and looked at her boy covered in blood. ‘Even seeing him in such a vulnerable state as this, I can’t help but love him and feel as I did in the first moment. Remember that my love for him is as much of a “roller coaster” as ever. Even though his actions make me feel disappointed, as soon as I understand that it was all a misunderstanding and that he is the perfect guy, it makes me feel more in love.’
"Love,” said Omar, lifting his head and sitting on the floor. “You look wonderful; thank you for saving my life.”
On a body that was still letting out warm blood, Rebeka couldn’t help but be electrocuted by the feeling of being aroused. Her beloved’s words triggered a strange sensation in that part of her, which, at another time, would probably have made her fall to her knees and lose control. Still, even though her legs did not respond, her hands went in search of her most intimate area, in front of that one, who was not selfish at any moment and always let her climax first.
“Always make sure your eyes never stop seeing me as pretty." Rebeka said, more like a warning, as she felt powerful and unstoppable.
His girlfriend’s face was the same face she made whenever she was about to orgasm, but, for some reason, she couldn’t. After putting it all behind him, the young man rose from where he stood and, with open arms, wrapped his arms around his girl’s trembling body in a tight embrace.
Rebeka let out tears, but they were not of fear or pain; they were of happiness, of all the things she was grateful for, and for having the best boyfriend in the world. She told him so out loud, loudly, with all her might, and she made the anxieties that were holding her back go away. In the midst of her tears, she swore to him that she loved him with everything she had, and though her words ceased to be understandable, her tears spoke for her.
The girl went from believing she could handle anything—from having her body wrapped in a steel shell—to being naked again and letting herself be seen as she really was. For her, that was the secret of the couple.
When the tears and weeping stopped flowing, the couple kissed each other hard. Still embracing, amidst glass and blood, they turned around in the same place, as if they were in some kind of ballroom dance.
With the intention of not hurting each other anymore, Rebeka stood on the shoes her boyfriend was wearing, and under the sound of the glass being stepped on the floor, Omar walked around the place, taking basic steps that ended in turns with circular movements that made their way to the bed.
With no insecurities or lack of confidence, they both blossomed and sought sex between their bloodied bodies. Maybe apart, they were one thing, but together, they were something complete.
In the sickening situation they were in, Omar moved his hand down to his beloved’s legs and made the movements his girl needed to come. Rebeka did not resist at all; she surrendered to the sensation, to the moment, to the present, and to the opportunity to finish and erase from her body the memory of having been able to be raped.
“My beloved, even if your eyes are not the same, even if your behavior, prince of my loneliness, is even wilder and more desperate, still, because I belong to you and you belong to me, fuck me with all your intensity. Your hand will not be enough, Omar! If you love me so much, don’t you dare leave me behind, because I would never do it with you.”
Kneeling on the bed, the young man undressed as quickly as he could, and although his member was well short of erection, Rebeka did not hesitate to offer him enthusiastic fellatio.
“I will not control my screams; I will not refuse to express how much I love you!” vociferated Rebeka as she got on all fours on the bed, once her boy’s member was erect enough to proceed with the act.
“If all I have to give you is love, then I’ll give it to you as hard as I can.”
With just one lunge, the young man thrust himself all the way inside his girl, who didn’t just moan and scream as much as she could.
Holding on to Rebeka’s hips and thrusting as hard as the strength of every muscle in his body would allow, Omar went so far as to dislodge the bed from where it was with the swaying of his movements.
‘He’s giving me as hard as he can,’ thought Rebeka, who all she could do with her mouth was scream frantically, besides using the strength of her hands and legs to push herself backwards, just to make her boy penetrate her harder and harder. ‘Yes, like this. Slam your hips against mine; don’t hold back; show me your sick laugh; I’ll show you mine; I’ll laugh out loud in the direction of the body of the man who wanted to possess me but couldn’t.’
“Cum inside me, Omar! Fill me with your milk until that boiling liquid hits the end of my belly and turns to foam in my vagina, no matter how hard you give me! Come in me, inseminate me, make me a son. Never mind the consequences; let the future go to shit.”
“Your wish is my command, my queen,” said Omar, who did not slow down the rhythm of his onslaught, and despite the fact that he was coming, he got the necessary strength to keep on giving it until the semen he had ejaculated turned into foam, just as Rebeka asked him to.
The girl heard her boyfriend’s scream—the roar of a warrior who refused to give up in battle.
Once Omar’s member became so flaccid that it refused to enter where it should, it was that the boy stopped.
On the bed, on the top floor of one of the most luxurious hotels in the center of the city, were two agitated bodies fused into one, smeared with the blood of an enemy, amidst sweat, fluids, silence, glass, and a dead man on the floor. Rebeka could hear the unmistakable sound of someone discreetly knocking on the door of the room.
Maybe her boy’s scream was the problem. An unfamiliar voice from another man could alarm whoever was guarding the entrance.
After returning to reality, Omar broke the connection between his girl and himself. Without performing his function as a plug in his girlfriend’s womb, all of his sperm came out like a waterfall.
Rebeka continued with her hips raised and her tail steepened to facilitate fertilization and maintain the morbid sensation that excited her. She thought that being free, in a way, meant having the decision to create a life of her own. When she saw her boyfriend sitting on the side of the bed, she accepted that the reproductive act would no longer continue.
Still with his shoes on and his pants below his knees, Omar sat on the edge of the bed next to his girl, and after that, he put his hands to his head, as if it hurt so much that he couldn’t think clearly. He leaned forward to notice that the door was locked, which gave him some calm regarding the situation they had.
“What do we do?” he asked.
‘Oh, the still warm semen is seeping inside me; I can feel it. Why does someone have to come knocking on the door at a time like this?’
For Rebeka, the situation looked bad. Everything was a mess; she had no clothes, she was bathed in blood, and there was still a corpse on the floor. Even if they could escape, they wouldn’t get very far. After returning to the present, she stopped rolling her eyes to lift the torso of her body on the bed and look back. ‘Yes, there’s my laptop camera, recording... What could be worse?”
After keeping calm and dissembling so that her boy wouldn’t notice the device on the shelf in the bathroom, Rebeka stated:
“We should leave by the route you used to take; it’s better if some people see us; besides, if we use the corridors, I doubt we’ll get to the elevators. Before we leave, it’s better to set the room on fire. The smoke will trigger the firefighting system, and the water will be able to erase our tracks, attract the authorities, and give us a little more margin to get out of here.”