Back inside the cave, with no trace of water or fire yet, Rey set about leaving the book in a safe corner, but not before making sure that his companion was safe and sound.
Taking small steps, Rey approached the Paradise guardian cub. Before the tired eyelids of a face composed of huge dark circles under his eyes, the small furry feline slept more peacefully than ever. Despite the time that had passed, the precious creature remained in the same position in which he had left it. The walls, floor, and ceiling of the cave had not changed in appearance either. Everything remained exactly the same, including the bones at the entrance and the blood on the spot. It was as if whatever existed around the sleeping being had stopped in time.
Rey wanted to sleep, to rest, and for the night that refused to turn into day to end once and for all. But after Silvia taught him the new language, it would be a waste not to take a look at the secrets the book held. Also... who could assure him that the next day Katherine wasn't going to kill him? Or that his brothers were training with the intentions of killing him when they had the chance?
Changing his mind, Rey shook his head as if wanting to get rid of the sleep that was invading him.
"I can't sleep. Not without first finishing some other unfinished business, besides reading this book." He turned his face to the cave's exit. "In many of the stories I have read, the remains of an honorable enemy deserve to rest in peace."
The little boy touched the soft furs that covered him.
"Out of respect from me, I must not let others see you in shame. Your bones and memories deserve to rest in peace. I wish I could have realized that you were missing a tusk, oh great feline," said Rey as he stepped out of the cave and with his hands set about digging a hole in the most suitable place he could find in the vicinity.
After having placed the bones in the center of the hole, the little one took off the skins that covered him and also placed them inside. Performing an improvised burial procedure, Rey filled the hole with the earth he had accumulated on one side. Once the burial was done, he shook out his injured hands and breathing a sigh of relief at the grave containing the big cat's remains, he announced a few words.
"The graves in the books have names, but I don't know what to call you. Still, I ask your forgiveness for trespassing on your property and allowing myself to be controlled by fear, hunger, and despair. I recognize that it was not your fault if you were controlled by hunger and rage. After all this time has passed, I was able to remember, but it is too late for both of us. I made a mistake that cannot be mended. But your death was not in vain: your flesh, your bones, and blood were sacrifices for both of us to continue living. In your name, and in your absence, I will continue to watch over her. Rest in peace, great nameless beast... rest until I can make amends for my mistake and bring you back.”
Having finished his words, Rey left an offering of food on the rustic tomb and then returned the way he came. Entering the interior of the cave, he observed his companion once more. Lowering his gaze, he thought that, if she died, she should at least have a name to be remembered by. But a name was a serious thing and could not be taken lightly, for, as his father had said, the name is the path to greatness. For a while the little boy spent it standing around, not knowing what would be the most appropriate name to call his companion.
"Maybe in this book I'll find something to help me," he said to himself and then curled up next to the little guardian of Paradise and escaped the cold. There, settled and with nothing outstanding, Rey opened the first page of the book titled Requirement for Resentment.
"Interesting. The first few pages detail in complexity the function of the twelve fundamental elements plus the influence of the same on tangible and non-tangible planes. Superb... Maybe I can finish reading it. Umm. Then what would be left to do? Sleep like everyone else sleeps. After so long awake, I wonder if I will be able to sleep. It's time to let go of this fear of closing my eyes. I must move on. Face Hero, Mother, and Father. Maybe they will come too. At least I will be away from Katherine and Mijan and the rest of the pack. For now, they pose no problem to me. On the new day, I will learn more, try to beat my master and pass the test to make him teach me sorcery. I will act normal or however I want to act, without fear of what might happen... I have figured it out. No matter how long I stay awake in this eternal night, no matter how much I prepare myself, I will never be able to overcome them. But because they are so distant from me does not mean that everything I have achieved so far is insignificant. In all this time I have been surpassing myself... Yes, it is not in them, but in me. By having them as a reference I will be able to get there faster, but by surpassing myself I could get further. That's my challenge. To keep going forward, and when the time comes, I'll worry about the rest.”
The little boy, who shared warmth with his furry companion, refocused his gaze on the words of the book. He also began to meditate while, between puffs of air, he explored the different sounds that his mouth could emit with the intention of not falling asleep. Suddenly, the letters came to life. Each one of them stopped having meaning. They became a movie running at more than hundreds of images per second.
"What was this she meant by optical illusion?" The letters captured on these pages, those that are meant to represent words and sounds, now come together, levitate in the air, and form colors, images, and stories. It is a fascinating privilege to be able to visualize concepts that I do not understand and to feel feelings that I cannot explain. To see this with my eyes, here, in front of my face, is as if another path of knowledge were opening before me... perhaps, in this one the teachings are less complex. Friendship, sacrifice, companionship, innocence, affection, tenderness, love, concern, overstepping boundaries, defending, appreciating, regret, pleasure, happiness, helping, giving, winning, losing. The misfortune of many. The happiness of a few. Fear, bravery, courage, daring, folly, madness, evil, honor, honesty, good, dishonor. But... how could I forget the words of the wise man? Knowing these things does not mean that I can truly understand them. They are not so true; they are just easy words to be said. Come to think of it, it's not the first time I've felt this way...”
"Vaguely, I can remember that the two of them carried a book just like this one. That books have ‘knowledge’ in them. That knowledge is easy to forget. Yes, long ago now, when the dawn lights were brightening with his calm voice, he said, ‘Are you ready?’ when I could see with my eyes a past that was present and learn from that path of knowledge. I can no longer afford to forget... Curiosity stung so much in me when I saw the sphere of thoughts that materialized in the air, between the hands of the old man. I was naïve, barely able to speak or listen properly. ‘The gift of knowledge. Create your own memories and make your own conclusions.’ So said the Great Wise Wizard. Now I wonder if it was really a gift and not a deception. If what I felt was curiosity and not temptation? Did I really draw my own conclusions? If the knowledge given to me was intended to make me more manipulable, I must tread carefully. As far as I can see from this book related to elemental control, the practices of the twelfth element are lost. Time and space control exists in theory, and it is said that no one has used it. But whatever is said, I do not believe it, for I can see such control before my eyes on this eternal night. If I can somehow learn from this skill, I will reach the ‘transcendental’ rank. To be able to control time and space is to interrupt the purpose of the destiny that awaits me.”
With the turning of the last page, Rey dropped his hand and the book he held with the intention of finally surrendering to sleep.
Somewhat more content than tired, the little boy with no last name drifted off to sleep. The sounds receded; the light of darkness finally darkened once more. The scent of the forest, of the damp, of the earth, of the book with old, burnt pages slowly receded. In the brief moment, before finally falling into the world of sleep, the little boy felt two things that brought him tranquility on either side. An inseparable friend and the warmth of a shelter: they were the components of a home. He smiled as one who knew he was where he wanted to be. In the darkness of the dream world, images began to appear. Panoramas that were accompanied by words. The little boy knew what he saw and what he heard, since he had already lived it and heard it... He was dreaming of what had happened on the first day, before leaving with his master for training.
Traveling back in time, under a small tree he could see green meadows and beautiful landscapes filled with divine brightness. The wind was warm and carried with it a heavenly scent. There, where the Great Wise Wizard sat, there were also three little ones. It was the day when the parents were saying goodbye to their children so that they could begin training that would condition them to belong to the pack.
The Great Wizard of Wise Men, Point of View
The Great Wise Wizard understood that the little ones, despite their size, did not know how to speak, nor did they know about the place or the history of the three planes. But how could he explain entities, concepts or define sets of situations and variables to those who could neither speak nor ask questions? First, he had to teach them how to communicate and reason. That was easy, he had up his sleeve the first step to master wisdom. The old man formulated a spell and between his hands made a sphere of thoughts appear and materialize in the air, which entered the minds of the three little ones. The diluted mist that fragmented entered through the middle of the children's foreheads, causing them to roll their eyes for a moment. After a little while, they began to articulate their mouths, then to speak, and finally to ask questions about the basics that needed to be learned.
"What are we?"
"Good question, my little ones, I have an excellent answer. The soul is purpose, which will grant the right to exist in this multiverse. According to the function, behavior, and type of energy they have, will be classified existence. For example, this rock." The old man with a long and fluffy beard, wearing a simple orange robe tightened at the waist by a rope, lifted a simple boulder from the ground. "It has a function to develop, it also has a soul and purpose of passive character. In the language I taught them so that they can communicate, it is named as ‘rock’ or ‘object’ in order to conceptualize and thus understand it."
After placing the boulder on the ground, he pointed with his fingers.
"Those on the prairie who walk, and many others who can fly, swim, jump, burrow, and crawl, are characterized by having the most basic needs of all: to be born, grow, reproduce, and die; although they are named in different ways, they are ‘animals’ or ‘living things.’"
After lowering his hand and bringing it to his chest, he watched the three little ones with his metallic black eyes.
"The third group is chaos, violence, destruction, and construction, mostly influenced by feelings. The non-tangibles are those who have no need to survive, feeling no danger; the need to evolve does not exist. And finally, the fifth group, the consumers, who maintain an insatiable hunger. Among these five main and most notorious forms of existence, there can be a whole infinity of variations if they combine with each other. And you are a result of those combinations that compose and populate the three planes.
"What other kinds of variations are there? Mmm..." wondered the old man as he rubbed his shaved head from back to front and then fluffed his white beard, which reached to the midpoint of his abdomen. "We have a fair amount of realms, both earth plane, interplanar, and space. But in the animal kingdom of the earthly plane there are succubus, vampires, lycanthropes, fairies, nymphs, cherubim, elementals, elves, orcs, ogres, bestialized, humanized, dullahans, cyclops, trolls, dwarves, gnomes, giants, minotaurs, changelings, goblins, elves, fauns, satyrs, amazons, golems, ghouls, harpies, hannyas, and humans are the most prominent high intelligence mammals among the combination of the five main forms of existence.
"Mammals. Another weird word, isn't it? It wasn't in the basic teaching package I gave you. By mammals I mean they were born from a womb, have four limbs, and warm blood, just like you. Although any of the above can still be what they are without being or having been a mammal. Yes, I mean a vampire can be and exist without necessarily being born from a womb, having four limbs, or warm blood. Without one of these three characteristics, the species in question ceases to be a mammal, but not by what it is known and distinguished for. I will tell you about the events and facts that belong to the past, and that constitute the development of two species, from their origins to the present time, so that you can understand."
After making the figure of a human with white skin, black eyes, and brown hair appear in the air, the old man continued. "Not even humans (who, not because they are the last on my list, cease to be the first to reign on the earthly plane) were mammals at all times. Yes, just as you are hearing it. The first ones were not necessarily born from a womb, although they did have warm blood and four limbs.”
Then, another similar figure with white hair and blue eyes appeared floating next to another body with red eyes and black hair.
"The first vampire was not a mammal either, nor were the first lycanthropes. Are you curious? Indeed, his mother is of vampire lineage, his father is of lycanthrope lineage and, like everything else, he also has a bit of human lineage. I will tell you..."
Waving his hands, the Great Wise Wizard opened the book he was carrying and made the letters float.
"Long ago there existed a terrible monster of cold air that wandered aimlessly and without shelter among the nights of the first world. Though it mated with different species to its own, from its womb it could never create offspring. This existence grew hungry, it could not satiate its appetite, even though it devoured all the newborn creatures of a village, drank the blood from the pulsing necks of the residents, and swallowed the nightmares of the surviving children again and again.
"On a night full of mysteries, the scene was set for an abominable act. A human broke tradition and for the first time raped the naked body of a female he had just met. As she refused to stay underneath, the man in a fit of rage bit her and, under the rising of the stars, was deserving of a singular curse. On the spot, the blood that cloyed his palate tasted like fruit. The next day, when the woman was no more, he noticed that her neck was pierced. Later, the beautiful woman, who had dissipated with the morning, left in the air some laughter, for she had finally been able to conceive a son.
"The first of the vampires had no choice but to pursue the intoxicating taste of fruit and leave behind the tasteless flavor of the food he usually ate, realizing that he had the power to gain energy, life force, prolong existence, and youth each time he drank of the most fundamental liquid for life. The cursed gift of drinking blood was spread like seeds among the shadows of the nobility until, one day, between two, a creature with deep blue eyes was formed. In time, the descendants developed white hair after having gone through a considerable amount of time, like you, Jhades."
The old man looked at the little one who sat on the far right. He had no white hair or protruding teeth, but he did evince blue eyes and the surname of his mother's lineage.
The old man continued. "On the other side, next to the first cold-winded primordial spirit, another artificial existence of unknown purpose roamed the damp and dark areas of the orb. Wearing a pointed hat full of rattles and bells, it warned of its presence while hiding its red fire-injected eyes and iron skin. The creature loathed herself and, with even more hatred, saw those prettier than herself. Its ferocity grew larger and larger very slowly until it decided to devour any pregnant woman who got in its way.
"One day, the creature in question began to devour the women of a well-known lover with intense sexual desires. Said subject was on his way to being the first to be able to rule an entire universe and who, using his ingenuity, managed to do what not even a whole host of angels could have done. But being a primordial spirit, the creature could not be destroyed, so he kept it with him until he found the perfect opportunity to punish someone else who had the imprudence to want to deceive the gods of the moment.
"The wretched monarch of so many other many mortals harbored the primordial spirit of fire in his body. From man to savage beast he transformed, as did his succeeding generations, all with the abominable nature could triple their physical and athletic conditions, expanded their lungs and chest cavity. They were called lycanthropes, while they could be recognized by their angry red-hot eyes and hard skins, like the metal inherited from the first spirit, which still lives in them, just as it lives in you, Dante."
The old man's eyes moved to the far left. The little one there did not denote in his face or in his body the characteristic features of a beast, but he did have his fiery red eyes and bore the surname of his father's lineage.
"Leaving the term mammals and the origins of these three species aside, my point is that new combinations of the five major existences can still be born unnaturally, as are you, Rey of No Last Name.”
The black-skinned old man looked with his eyes at the little one sitting in the middle. That one who had white eyes and black hair, but on his face showed the expression of someone arrogant.
"You do not share the appearance of a vampire or a lycanthrope, but you have in you the characteristics of both. Do not feel bad if you are considered an outcast, mundane, or a despicable being by humans. In history, humans became the light responsible for the dark time and brought minorities almost to the brink of extinction, even themselves. Time left carved in stone a lesson and in the logic of the weak, a prevention. With the intention to survive, the weak will end up becoming the bad guy.”
The whole magical world of floating words and knowledge was interrupted by the call of the instructors.
"Rey! Dante! Jhades!"
The little ones turned their heads. In the distance were three familiar faces. One of them continued and spoke for the other two.
"It's time..."
Almost with a grin from ear to ear, the shaven-headed old man raised his voice and in a charismatic tone said, "Just a little longer, the day is still long, and it is far from becoming night... I want to finish giving the little ones the gift of knowledge."
Although the three adults present there showed facial gestures that they did not agree with the delay, they decided to wait for the longest of them all to finish what he had started.
"If so, teach them about their parents... about what awaits them if they intend to venture out and experience life outside of this place. Perhaps it will become a good motivation for them to know what is right, and what they must train for before they belong to the pack," Heroclades said.
Clearing his throat and clearing his voice, the old man continued with the barrage of rambling stories. Barely had the three little ones returned their attention on the floating figures in the book, figures that seemed to move forward in time to the perfect moment.
"Of the not-so-distant past we are going to talk about, I will tell you about your parents' wedding, also of their arrival here. With a little luck, they will be able to imagine a vague idea of what the world is like out there."
Wife and husband were seen standing over a chapel full of roses, kissing each other.
"This marriage we speak of was and is considered a forbidden relationship by humans and by many gods. The husband was none other than Wulfgang Lobato, better known as Fang, a direct descendant of the first lycanthrope, whose invulnerable body is endowed with destructive prowess that can surpass that of the first transcendental spirit of fire. And the betrothed, Maryam Priovan, descendant of the longest-lived family lineage in the universe, feared, respected, and shunned on all worlds for her noble lineage and strengths comparable to those of the transcendental spirit of cold air. In addition to her parents, other notorious personalities were also at the event. In conclusion, a very fearsome group of troublemakers.
“As an option and to avoid direct confrontations, the humans decided to reward whoever could eliminate these individuals, as well as their descendants if the case arose. Those concerned recognized themselves as belonging to the unofficial group of ‘”bounty hunters.’ Taking all possible precautions, these individuals waited until they became strong enough. Composed of those who were interested in accomplishing such a feat, those who sought to earn the bounty of the unimaginable and those who wanted to intervene with the marriage like other vampires and lycanthropes, the team set out to meet their parents and companions.
“On the other hand, not knowing at what point they would lose another member of the group and with something to protect, Wulfgang, Maryam, and the rest of the pack decided to set out on a journey to the one place where no one would dare look for them, not even the ‘gods.’ Why? Because this is a place where a thousand darknesses reign. Where only the dead and non-tangible bodies can go. It is the abode of dangerous consumers who feed on the souls in pain. The realm of the worst demons of creation. To get here meant fighting against all of the above and going through countless ordeals.
“But his parents and the others did not fight against such demons or dangers, and, even so, they reached this place, which is considered being the eye of the stormy "Infernos," the Heavens. They came directly to the entrance. This is because Maryam had with her a manuscript that had been inherited by her family, by none other than her grandfather, that individual who devoured the heart of one of the regents of Hell and who was put to judge the souls to take them to lower circles by Zeus... Explanation enough?!”
Two of the three little ones had their mouths open and cocked their heads to one side. Rey, while holding a fixed and arrogant gaze into the old man's eyes, denied the question.
Heroclades' footsteps were heard approaching until, finally, availing himself of a brisk voice, he added his thoughts to the conversation as if he were fixing someone else's mistake.
"I don't know if it was intentional, but you didn't explain to them how the marriage went. Nor about the dangers that await them out there. A world where everyone fears those who are stronger than they are, what they can't control, and so they look for ways to shut it down."
"Well, well... I couldn't tell how the wedding went or about the dangers out there. To be honest, the facts that make up these events outweigh any attempt on my part to recap them. Perhaps because I wasn't there."
The Great Wise Wizard half-opened his eyes to see Heroclades, the formal master of Rey, a tall, imposing, strong and well-muscled fellow, whose body was covered by robes with gold buttons and threads, as well as other golden accessories. Despite having lived a long time, he had caramel-colored eyes, an extremely good-looking face, dark gray hair that reached his shoulder and rested gathered in a braid along with a beard of the same color, which he seemed to take good care of and always kept trimmed.
"Who better than you to tell them about it?" continued the black-skinned old man. "Cheer up! Tell the little ones, they are curious."
The Great Wise Wizard closed the book he held in his hands, narrowed his eyes, and flashed a smile in Heroclades' direction, as one who had given a tempting suggestion to fulfill. All the De-Grecians had something in common: the taste for dissertation on any subject and the search for other people's opinions.
Heroclades moved even closer and, after reflecting on the old man's words, said to himself, "In the face of these three pairs of such attentive eyes, it's not as if I can refuse. Besides, I suppose it was I who started this, now I must finish it. I don't have a book of floating letters. I guess I'll have to keep them entertained with my words. I'll have to get right down to business." After taking a deep breath, he lay down on the floor and gave a heavy look at his two companions he had left behind.
“Katherine and Mijan understood the tan-skinned fellow's expression. They got along well and could make good use of a little alone time before going on an expedition, so they were no more uncomfortable than necessary.”
Heroclades intoned and began, "While all places in the outside world are like this place, I mean a place where at least the trees are moved by the wind, the surroundings are filled with the noise caused by the growth of vegetation, the bustle of animals, and the constant hum of breaths, we, under the streetlight of a lonely street whose pavement was stained with fun, could only hear the beating of our hearts, the hum of our breathing, and the friction of our garments. In the almost total absence of noise, under the dark blanket of night, the perilous journey of our distinguished group would begin. I, Wolfgang, Maryam, Mijan, Katherine, and Ehimus...
"With tear-filled eyes, Fang, your father, looked at me, as well as determinedly looked at each of the members of the group and, after putting his hand on my shoulder, he said, ‘It is not possible that I can consider you as my friends... In my eyes, you are my family.’
"And, yes, I have to admit that when we were ignored, rejected and cast aside like trash by the others, your father always continued with us to the end, without giving up. He gave us his strength without wavering, his heart, his soul, his hope, and new opportunities, both in almost lost battles and in everyday life on a daily basis. Thanks to his leadership, we all learned that a family created by loyalty was far stronger than any bound by mere blood ties."
Heroclades paused to act as if he was about to say something painful to admit.
"I realized it too... Thank the Heavens and the seas that it wasn't too late for me. Forgive these ramblings of mine. Perhaps they are ailments of age, wanting to talk so much and knowing I'm not saying anything. Going back to the night of departure, in that very touching scene, Katherine was the first to spoil the mood. Also, from the beginning, she never had much emotion to share with us or to understand how inconvenient her comment was. When she raised her guard against the enemies, there was no way to remain unaware that we were surrounded or to enjoy the peaceful silence or the sentimental moment..."
Slapping his face, Heroclades caught himself again trying to ramble. A little regretfully, he looked up, but behind the three little ones he saw that the other two masters accompanying him were undressing where he had left them. Flashing a somewhat weary smile, he thought, "How good it is to be young? The way Katherine is looking at me, she looks like she doesn't want the little ones to see her. I can get even with her if I let the little ones see him and go ask him about things."
Heroclades had not realized that, by cutting off his narration and plunging into his thoughts at the moment when they were surrounded, he had created a very great suspense in the little ones.
The window of curiosity had opened for Dante and Jhades who did not hesitate to show anger to the point of forming a tantrum on the floor, and even attempting to assault the narrator with the intention of making him finish the story he had left halfway through.
"I'll continue, just leave me alone. Come on. Go back to your places and give me some space, unruly children," said Heroclades a bit tired, averting his eyes to the enjoyment of the vampire and the light elf on the grass.
The two energetic little ones stopped their movements as soon as they heard the words of Rey's master.
Heroclades folded his arms and puffed out his chest to give his disciple a discreet glance. Rey was intrigued, but her eyes were not interested in his words, but were still looking at the Great Wise Wizard, who had been unable to withdraw because of such a situation.
"I must entertain Dante and Jhades. He has no reason to stand up and go to those two indiscreet lovers and break their moment," he thought. Returning to the initial motivational intonation in his manner of speech and demeanor, Heroclades continued the dialogue:
"I said Katherine spoiled the moment because, despite being surrounded, we had no reason to be alarmed. The presence of De-Agracia, or some other individual of 'god' rank or higher, was being felt in the vicinity. Although the situation was not very beneficial for us, precisely because we were together. With no intention of boasting, I and any member of the group could have incinerated all those aggressors with just a strike of a backhand. But the intention of the moment was to protect Maryam, your mother, and not to fight alone to avoid wasting energy unnecessarily.
"The formation of us was very small and, for everyone's sake, it was not possible for one to use one's powers without limiting oneself. Therefore, your father also raised his guard and, stepping forward, took on the task of acting as a shield alongside Katherine. As a wizard I can't create a protective barrier to cover someone other than myself. So in the group of six we had two defenders; me and Mijan took care of the long-range attacks, Ehimus of the support, and Maryam of the backup and healing, staying in a very efficient circular position.
"One thing was for sure: there is no fight better won than the one you manage to avoid. Maryam had in her hands one of the ‘Holy’ grade legacies of the Priovam family with the intention of avoiding any combat that could expose us to unnecessary dangers. On the spot, with speed and organization, we all took a step forward, but in opposite directions and her mother, from the shadows of her presence, pulled out a large scroll full of ancient scriptures.
"When the ‘bounty hunters’ noticed that they lost the advantage of the surprise factor, they had no choice but to change their plan and try to avoid our strategic retreat. In such a silent place, an avalanche of war cries ensued. Leaping as high as they could, in an improvised movement, the hunters threw themselves against us. Well sure I am that the poor fellows employed the best attacks they knew. And there, as night turned to day, the cutting edge of countless blades caught fire, the pointed antlers hurled vibrated with speed, the nimble daggers hurled rolled like whirlwinds, the bullets fired boomed like cannons, the arrows fired traced in the wind, the incantations recited twisted and shattered the surroundings, the controlled elements doubled in size and much more in our direction; but Maryam had just enough time to place her hand on the scroll, which was activated in a flash, and the barrier formed by the writings surrounded us all.
"Inside the barrier we were safe. No attack could touch us unless it was of a higher degree. Even so, the bounty hunters did not give up hope. They continued the assault they had begun. It was time, they would not have a second chance to make another such organized attack against us. Not that I could blame them for trying. Well, all except one. Who was it? His name is Árjos, and he is a 'false god'" said Heroclades with a bitter smile on his face, for he knew many of them and none of them knew him.
"A god among humans will never be a true god among those who are. In the world where everything is more delicate, any mediocre existence that has basic knowledge of energy can cause effects on a planetary scale."
Scratching his head, Heroclades recognized that he was not setting a good example, plus he was also bound to digress, so he continued.
"If the world of humans is developed, the world of gods is more so. A god without the need for any tools can build a house with the same structure and complexity that perhaps a thousand humans cannot, even if they used tools and blueprints. Therefore, following this logic, if ten gods build a house, it will be much more wonderful and resistant than the one built by ten thousand humans.
"Back to the subject, this false god is still alive. I know because I saw him. Unlike the other fools, he, with the palm of his hand, created a barrier of air to support his arm and jump backwards while dodging my attack. The collision of all the techniques launched against the barrier that his mother created ended in a magnificent explosion capable of pulverizing... Well, pulverizing is not the best term, although it looked that way, but one thing is certain: everyone in the vicinity also ended up being teleported along with us and we found out because the Great Wise Wizard said so when he welcomed us to the place.
"It seems that both our pursuers and we appeared on the outskirts of the forest that protects this place. Beyond those gigantic trees you see in the distance, under another sky and facing the unknown, we witnessed the real Hell. Horrors and frightening visions loomed on the horizons of the whole place where darkness did not exist. An endless and permanent scream replaced the silence. A mist of blood floated in the air along with smoke and ashes of burnt flesh. The floor, of dust... and the dust, of bones. From one side to the other, the footsteps of the occasional giant could be heard, as well as the flying of strange birds or the rolling of hideous creatures. But they were far away. Even so, the light caused by the teleportation seal aroused the curiosity of those who dwelled around us called guardians of Paradise.”
Heroclades decided to imitate what was a thin and squeaky voice to speak imitating someone.
"It is not yet time to let our guard down! Hostile beings, full of murderous intentions, want to welcome us."
The three little ones could identify who he had imitated. It was the little green elf of the group. Heroclades continued. "That was said by the immature Ehimus, almost screaming in despair. And her being in the pack, she made us all sound as if we were scared or in danger."
Heroclades covered his face with his right hand as he remembered the embarrassing moment that had been caused by someone who did not know how to control the intensity of his emotions.
"In my opinion," continued the tan-skinned narrator, "it was not a good first impression for those felines studying us. Remember this that I am about to tell you: When a 'predator' identifies a weak and defenseless prey, it will not hesitate to attack. Returning to the subject, preventing this, his father hastened his movements and intensified the red of his eyes, while transforming his right hand into a gigantic paw. Wulfgang wanted to intimidate all the sharp eyes and shadows of beasts that peered out to look in our direction, getting them not to dare to attack and to look where first.
"Maryam had been left too weak to stand on her own feet any longer. The shaking of Ehimus' bones could be heard all over the place. Mijan was even raising his guard and Katherine was acting as if nothing mattered to her. None of these behaviors went unnoticed by the animals, who clustered around and just as Mijan, the ‘know-it-all’ of the group, with his usual passive aggressive attitude said, ‘At least they are much smarter than the last fools. They recognize their place,’ and a large feline beast, covered in black, shot out with its huge, ravenous mouth open.”
Making the motions with his hands, Heroclades continued to narrate.
"As if in desperation, it lunged its whole body in the direction of the rear. But Fang played the role of shield before the green elf attacked and put us all in danger, as it always does... Chass! The teeth, designed to shred flesh and make the difference in any situation, ended up embedded in the arm of the lycanthrope, who did not give in or move, despite that huge being using all his weight between jerks, and trying to tear off his limb.”
Along with the words of Heroclades, we could also hear the astonishment of two little ones involved in the plot of a violent tale. So much so that the narrator paused for a moment to stand up on his legs and imitate the pose that Wulfgang had struck.
The Great Wise Wizard took the opportunity to observe and make eye contact with the third boy who seemed to be more interested in the instructional aspects than the heroic exploits of the past. "Hmm? My analysis of him says that everything is in order. But he doesn't behave like his brothers or the other two that have passed through here before. He's a totally different monster who even pretends to be normal. His eyes give him away. They've changed... Now they're alive and burning. They reflect a hungry and insatiable flame. Something that should not exist in a tool pulled by strings. It's a pity..." The indifference and coldness of someone who had no heart came out through the long-lived gaze.
"In my judgment, these are hopelessly broken. Even if my analysis says otherwise, I'll have to add a few extra factors to the formula. I will bring forward Edith's arrival. You will experience life and loss, but not death. I will increase the humans' knowledge of you and your whereabouts. I will give you access to knowledge, but not to time or space. Perhaps those factors together will make you someone who cares about survival so you can serve your purpose. I must be cautious. Even if you manage to break the threads that bind you, you will still be aware of the chains..."
After making his conclusion, the black-skinned old man in orange robes closed his eyelids, breaking eye contact with Rey, turning around and leaving silently.
"Master, may I ask the old man something?" Rey cut off the words Heroclades intended to use to continue the story he was telling.
"I'm almost done," replied that tanned-skinned one to the determined look of his disciple. "Will you miss the best?"
After giving his clarification, Rey's formal teacher understood that Rey would not change his mind or was even interested in the ending. With some regret in his words, he continued. "All right, go and ask the Wise Wizard anything you want. Don't go far, I'm almost done."
Rey nodded, stood up, dusted himself off, and marched to where the Wise Wizard was walking.
"Great Wizard, why is it that you and my master carry that wherever you go?" asked Rey.
"Oh, you speak of this?" The Great Wise Wizard extended his book to the front. "This is a book and books harbor power, so it is good to carry it with you wherever you go."
"Power and strength are not the same thing?" asked the little boy, intrigued.
"In a way, no." The Wise Wizard let the little boy hold his book. "Knowledge is power, but not the kind that makes you physically stronger. Still, knowing is a weapon and, like all weapons, it comes with responsibilities and is useless if you don't know how to understand or use it."
"So, I want to learn to understand," demanded Rey, who was seeing blank pages.
"With what so? Let me tell you, understanding is not something that can be taught. But I sense that, somewhere, inside a corner of your mind, you have the thought that, if you become stronger in this world, you will give relief to others, don't you?"
"I'm not sure. You carry a book, even though you are a wizard and not a sorcerer. Still, you are much wiser than Heroclades and everyone here, hence, stronger."
Rey held out his hand with the book to return what he had borrowed, as he looked the old man in the eye and realized that the old man would not deny the comment. He continued, "But no one looks at you the way they look at me."
"Mm-hmm! You are correct and there has also been a slight irregularity," the Great Wise Wizard said to himself to continue aloud, "You seem to be catching on, but what makes you think that?" he asked as he also opened his metallic gray eyes and looked at the little boy. He had a real incongruity in front of him. He was improvising with a situation that for the first time escaped his calculations and in truth fascinated him.
Rey replied, "You managed to make the letters float from your book, while my teacher didn’t even bother to use his."
The old man was more intrigued than he had been. He had not expected such a childish response. He paused to think. Looking curiously at the book that had been returned to him, he asked himself some questions like: "How many other explanations do not exist or could he have given me that would have been better founded? Why, as intelligent as he is, had it not occurred to him that there were different books? But what if maybe it is because they want to complicate something, that intelligent beings make wrong decisions even though they have the answers right in front of them? There is no point in deciphering the reason why he asked that particular question," he thought.
Without reservation, the old man asked, "Can I trust you?"
As soon as Rey nodded his head, the Wise Wizard made motions with his hands as if he were drawing in the air and continued. "I have power over occult forces, but even if I teach you to speak and of history, I cannot give you ‘knowledge.’ Instead, let me guide you along the path to find that which you seek. This stormy path is but an endurance test for you to see how much you want to learn and how much effort you are willing to give."
"Can't you transfer the knowledge and save me the trouble?" asked Rey looking from the bottom up.
The Great Wise Wizard continued, "Oh, little one. You live within a world bound by the laws of balance and equal exchanges. To desire knowledge means to feed on something that makes it possible to obtain it. The process is necessary... But what better way to demonstrate to you what I say than by giving you an example?"
"I am listening," said Rey.
"If you are feared and hated all around you," said The Great Wise Wizard, "those circumstances are perfect and will be fine because the emotions that come with them will teach you to keep moving forward. The warrior's body is doomed to transform into war. Knowledge, power, and strength are just conjugations of mere words that are easily said and do not even come close to fully describing true power, or true strength, let alone true knowledge. People must sometimes become a well and make their bodies a malleable material. The more they grow with the intention of making capacity for more power and more strength, the more cracks will also abound, and no matter how much they put in, they will never become full. Knowledge, even in the hands of those who never die, is easy to forget and almost impossible to remember. Power in the hands of the humblest ends up dragging him to the corruption and self-destruction of himself, as well as of that which surrounds him. Power in the hands of the tyrant will never be wrong and, in front of the weak, will always be right... Rey, can you remember, understand, feel, and respect the sentiment of these words at all times?"
"No, just as I cannot understand them or feel them..." claimed the young man as if realizing something real: knowing is not the same as living.
"That's the point," said The Great Wise Wizard. "Knowing these sentences does not mean that, in truth, you can understand them because they are my knowledge. There will be nothing better than accumulating memories of your own so that you can draw your own conclusions, even if those conclusions come too late to be used. Still, knowing all this, are you ready?"
"What should I do?" asked Rey with readiness.
The Great Wise Wizard said, "Walk through the past that once was present. You will walk beside your parents when they came to this place. Feel what they felt. Get close enough to learn from them and accept them, just as they are. Study their opinions. Live their experiences for yourself and then draw your own conclusions," said the old man.
As soon as he finished creating a whole little world of letters, images, emotions, and thoughts in his hands, he made everything white turn black and everything black turn white. The colors merged, the sky was swallowed by the earth, and the earth rose in an almost bottomless void. And before the intimidating lycanthrope, in the middle of a whole different scenario, Rey made his presence known without anyone seeing him.
It was the past, a place where he could not interfere, only see. Although he had never been there in that time before, Rey understood that it was not strange that he could not do anything, that it was normal that he could not speak, and that his voice did not work for him. That no one could see him or speak to him or even feel him. Not the dust on the ground, not the leaves on the trees, or the wind. Everything around him was static.
Strolling around the place, Rey inspected every little detail with his eyes. After thinking for a while, he came to the conclusion that he was inside the story that Heroclades had been telling him and his siblings, when his parents and the others escaped from the "bounty hunters." Rey also noticed how his father, Wulfgang, stood like a solid, wild mountain in front of everyone. He was not wearing his usual suit with vest, shirt, and tie, nor his short-brimmed hat, but he did maintain his characteristic mole near his left eye, the muscular, solid, robust, arrogant, and brave build of someone who had survived countless battles. With red hair, short on the sides but long on top, which he always pulled back, he now wore combat clothing, garments dedicated to protecting the vital organs of the torso without compromising mobility. Rey noticed how time began to resume its course, and with it the imposing body with his father's hand held high. Fang even flinched at the bites and jerks of the great black beast that nearly doubled his size as it stood upright on its two hind legs.
Time ceased to be static to proceed forward. Wulfgang, with his right arm, proceeded to squeeze the aggressor's throat, making him recoil and then lifting him off the ground and projecting him back against the floor, thus exerting even more pressure against the well-protected furry neck.
One on top of the other, the two beings roared at each other, faced fierce war faces, full of teeth and wrinkled facial expressions. Rey thought that if his father was a mountain in the situation, the big cat was more like a rock. "What harm could a simple rock do to him against something massive and gigantic?" he wondered.
Indeed, Rey turned his head and witnessed that, despite being in front of a dangerous situation, none of the group members dared to interfere or even show interest, except for Ehimus and Katherine, who were suffering more for the animal than for their companion. They were neither interested nor sensed any danger. Looking back, Rey noticed the sad face of Wulfgang, who continued to exert gradual pressure until with his arm he broke one of the animal's upper fangs, causing it to give up in pain. As soon as the lycanthrope undid its grip, that immense being got back on all fours and, with its head bowed, moved away the way it came.
"Why did you do that? It could have hurt you!"
The female voice seemed to have found an opportunity to complain. A voice that caught the little boy's attention, for he well recognized her. It was Maryam, of very young body and short stature, with long white hair, which reached to her waist, but at the moment she had it tied back. She was wearing fine blue earrings, and a tight-fitting one-piece dress of the same color, which revealed her thighs to the hips on the sides and back.
"There is no merit in solving a complicated situation in a complicated way if there is a simple solution waiting to be employed. Intimidating her with my strength left her alive and also warned the other observers," said the lycanthrope with the shadow of a half-smile on his face.
"It is better to die in battle than not in disgrace. Stop being so selfish and think of others... Fang," said the muscular vampire, who folded her hands and still held her chin up high.
It was Katherine. She didn't have an appearance that had changed much from how Rey remembered her. With long, flowing white hair, she wore the same combat garments: boots that came up to her knees, and gauntlets that came up to her elbows, both made of solid, sturdy metal. On her torso she wore two close-fitting garments, one that covered her breasts a little and another that covered her pelvic area very little. All other areas with defined muscles were exposed to the air. Not to mention the gigantic sword she carried on her back.
From one moment to the next, Rey noticed how the atmosphere was submerged by the presence of another being. Someone strong enough to put those present on guard, including the muscular vampire. With this behavior from the group, the small spectator was able to draw his conclusions as the tension of the moment lingered.
Wulfgang said quietly, "I can't smell her scent." Thereupon, he almost roared from deep within his chest. "Show yourself! It's inconsiderate for someone like you to send scum to do your dirty work."
Rey circled the place. He couldn't sense the danger that the elders felt, so he had no choice but to wait until he saw how out of the darkness came someone looking particularly at him.
"It can't be. His eyes are looking at me in a world where no one can see me," he thought with a racing heart. At this event, the little boy also noticed how all the other black shadows slowly withdrew as if they had lost interest in the newcomers.
Mijan muttered to Heroclades and Katherine, who were standing side by side, "I think he was watching us from the beginning. This place feels like a ‘Zone.’ Maybe that's why it has no smell."
Rey could hear the comment coming from the light elf in the group. Mijan maintained his slim build, but with defined muscles, along with his somewhat long and unkempt silver hair, green eyes, just like Ehimus. He wore a tight-fitting one-piece suit, a double belt at the waist, and silver shoulder pads, just like his boots.
None of those present knew who it was that was approaching, which was why they were so excited. Rey calmed down when he recognized the unmistakable metallic gray eyes, black skin, and shaven head that were becoming more visible. "It's the Great Wise Wizard," he said to himself. With this thought, the subject changed the direction of his gaze.
"If you seek to harm mine, you will not have my forgiveness," Wulfgang warned, more like a threat, more like a true leader, one who was not afraid to step to the forefront of battle when he knew one of the allies would die.
The shadow moved closer to the outskirts of the forest. Calm and unhurried. Step by step, it made all present wait, raising the tension of the moment, until words in a language understandable to those present were heard.
The wise man shouted. Rey could understand that the old man was still far away. If he spoke normally, they might not be able to hear him and the faster he lowered the tension of the visitors, the better it would be for him to be able to interact with them.
"I am at last filled with joy! Welcome passengers of life! Fragments of the transcendent spirits of heat and cold created in the Heavens, the place to which you are destined to return! You! Entrants from the gates of Heaven are the ones who this time will grant three miracles to this sacred spot! Fear you must not. Feel privileged to have the right to step on the ground you tread. Before me, at this instant, your most despicable actions will be interpreted as the noblest."
A little closer and the voice became less loud.
"Sorry for the delay, it was a last-minute change. I did not expect to be the one to welcome you. If Miguel had been in this place, he would have avoided the confrontation against the animals he cares for and appreciates so much. I am sure that, if you see him, he will be considerate of you, just as you were considerate of the huge beast."
There he stood, a lanky, almost bone-tight old man with a long, fluffy beard, closing his eyes to give a smile and look friendlier to visitors. "Hmm! Still their looks are wary," the long-lived old man with the calm face and closed eyes said to himself.
Katherine, wary, raised her motive, "The parchment we used was part of a family legacy left by Lord Ambrogio Priovam De-Byron, who is in our family tree and who was supposed to welcome us. Not you, nor this Miguel fellow."
"Ahh. I can understand that. It makes sense. You were expecting Ambrogio to welcome you, or at least someone with blue eyes. Unfortunately, that may not be the case. He's busy doing his job. Let me introduce myself. I am known as the Great Wise Wizard."
He pointed his finger at Ehimus and quickly said, "You don't waste your breath. Be considerate of me now that I speak. On the other hand..."
The green elf hadn’t even said anything, yet everyone looked at her with confusion, as if she had done so, for they perfectly believed her capable.
It was true: Ehimus, despite being the smallest in stature, had behavior that was not at all like that of adults. Her hair was green, long enough to be able to be pulled into a ponytail on the right side of her head. She was wearing a large, hooded garment that seemed to serve as a raincoat that reached all the way to the ground, which she would trip over if she tried to run. She was barefoot and all the other underclothes were composed of rose petals and delicate leaves. Rey believed that if green represented life and nature, she was the representation of green and, even if someone tried to kill, cut, or burn her, she would re-emerge with even more strength and experience than before.
But Ehimus had not spoken so that the Great Wise Wizard would tell her to shut up. Even more: it could be said that the old man had restrained her for no reason or motive. Rey, as an outsider, noticed something odd in those words so rarely uttered by the old man in his rebuke against the elf. Thinking back, no one ever called the Great Wise Wizard by his real name. And now that he was introducing himself. He was using a distraction not to say it. Or maybe he had said it, only it had to be reconstructed between those words of off-key pronunciation. Either way, it was a lot of work trying to deduce someone's name if you could refer to them in any other way.
"Michael," continued the Wise Wizard, whereupon everyone returned their attention to him, and Ehimus, the only one of the group who was actually curious to know the old man's name, kept quiet just so the others wouldn't give him the same look again for interrupting, "that one I told you about earlier, he is the guardian of this circle and it seems he has yet to finish guiding those who have been previously reaching out to you."
Katherine articulated her mouth showing distrust. "What particular work is Lord De-Byron doing that he cannot welcome the most illustrious descendant of the Priovam clan, if you can tell?"
"One that Zeus personally commissioned the original user of the body to do," said The Wise Wizard. "If you know what I mean. But since the mind ceased to be who it was, I asked it to continue the work that the doomed body was willing to do as it had been commanded. Instead, I granted it the opportunity to leave Hell for a brief period of time and that it would also carry with it an express ticket to the interior of the safest place on the three planes."
Although the words sounded convincing enough for those listening to relax, among so many questions that haunted Ehimus' immature mind, Ehimus was able to formulate the two that seemed most important to him.
"So, do you know Maryam's grandfather? And were you the one who gave her the scroll?"
The Great Wise Wizard turned his gaze to the little green girl.
"Indeed. When he stopped being Minos and his vampire heart finally took control of the doomed body, it was I who gave him that seal they used. I can prove it. The scroll was headed by the following writings: ‘Without sword, but with the palms of their hands and this scroll on the ground, will fight a battle the persecuted who wish to rest in peace, so as to come to see a new place in the warmth of a dream, within a sky with no stars to chase,’ and many other metaphors that really make no sense. The scroll itself is the seal and not the writings that come inside.
Heroclades nodded at the Great Wise Wizard's assertion.
"Therefore, as I gave the scroll to Ambrogio and suggested that he not neglect his work, I also told him I was going to take responsibility for you... I hope it doesn't take you by surprise, but the three blessings I spoke of are due to the fact that the vampire carried in the arms of her leader will bear multiple children," said the skinny, black-skinned man to turn his attention back to another subject.
Rey had never seen the elders talking to each other for so long. They were serious and tense, as if they were preparing to attack at any moment. Rather, as if they were preparing to be attacked, except for Wulfgang and Heroclades. Wulfgang was surprised and his face showed the expressions of someone who did not know what to say in the face of the revelation. On the other hand, Heroclades, who wore the same robes with buttons and gold threads, was the one who was most impressed and concerned. Unable to contain himself, he asked a discordant question, since the future father could not manage to find a concordant one.
"But the predictions say it's one! What do you mean, multiple! It can't be. What, wasn't he the incarnation of...?"
Rey noticed that everyone in the group almost took a step back. They knew that such an ambiguous comment by the tan-skinned lord was not going to be taken well by the lycanthrope. And indeed, the werewolf replaced his emotion of sadness with an explosive, gut-wrenching anger, the product of the emergence of that lacerating comment, which caused him to angrily shout words of warning.
"So that's what you think. And I suppose you have a good reason?"
Wulfgang ran his hand over his head and flattened his long hair back so that only a few strands were left sticking out of his face.
"What is your reason, son of Metis! Is it that you think my descendant will finish what you gave up on finishing after what happened to your sister!"
Heroclades did not know what to answer. Like a father who feels ashamed of the claims of a son, he averted his gaze. He forcefully placed his hand on the book hanging from his belt and, despite having lived many years, could not help but look emotional when his sister was mentioned.
The awkward situation seemed to affect Maryam, who lost the strength to continue supporting herself on her feet. Wulfgang stopped confronting his master and quickly held his wife and then examined her with worried eyes and ended up carrying her in his arms. Like one carrying something as delicate as a baby, the lycanthrope was careful to make sure to settle his wife properly.
"You mustn't worry so much. I'm just a little tired," the vampire said almost using the same methods of distraction that the Great Wise Wizard used.
Rey was paying more than a lot of attention to everything. Heroclades didn't seem to have grim intentions, but it was the first time he had touched the book that carried crystallized rabbits. His father seemed to be hurt, but he wasn't wrong either. Ehimus was letting the air out as if she didn't know who to defend. Mijan folded his arms as if hiding his discomfort at being so close to the muscular vampire. Katherine was making herself look on Heroclades' behalf, as one who was waiting for an opportunity to speak.
"Don't worry... let me be your feet from here on out."
With words the lycanthrope soothed the vampire who couldn't even show her belly, or her tiredness. Then he glanced apologetically at the tan-skinned older gentleman. "Ummm, Hero. I was wrong to have mentioned your sister knowing how much she hurts you."
Heroclades replied valuing a disguised sadness, "No hard feelings."
Before the eyes of the fascinated little one whose presence no one noticed, the vampire gave a discreet smile and then closed her eyes where she felt safe, in the arms of her beloved. It was no wonder that both the master and the pupil, there present, had a whole great past for which they could argue and end up fighting as they had done so many times, but Maryam managed to dissociate the attention with her almost silent words and weak acts. Katherine was the only one to show her disagreement.
The Great Wise Wizard, after patiently waiting for the group to resolve the internal conflicts, continued speaking.
"If you will excuse the clarification, the tan-skinned gentleman is not entirely wrong. The lives of those who die are apt to follow the natural course of their existence, even after death. This course may be delayed by unfinished business of parents or acquaintances. Even so, the reincarnated are consecrated to follow the same path. If they failed in a previous life to fulfill the path, whether for good or for evil, they will be obliged to reincarnate again and again, regardless of whether they attain spiritual wisdom or succeed in finishing their task."
"But, although they have the need to reincarnate to fulfill a basic function, as basic as revenge, the reincarnated lose the memories of their past experiences. These are locked up so that the individual can live a new and full life. The possibility of one of the little ones being the reincarnation of someone is present, and more so in this sanctuary. Which of the three coming is the one chosen to reincarnate? No one knows, it could be all three. It will only be known when they grow up and find the path to which their powers and gifts belong," said the old man trying to explain the delicate situation that was taking place.
With a firm voice, Katherine, who was waiting for the chance, took the opportunity to expose her doubts. "Does that mean that there is also the possibility that Hades could be reincarnated among one of the babies on the way?"
At the ironic comment of the muscular vampire, Ehimus spoke for Heroclades as if it were something personal. The elf, as a matter of admiration and respect, had not said anything to Wulfgang when he offended Heroclades, but she did not feel the same towards the vampire.
"And are you going to mention the name of the one who almost permanently ended the life of Hero's much-loved sister? Some people never tire of hurting other people's wounds to seek conflict."
Mijan, who had not averted his gaze from the Great Wise Wizard, seemed to feel Katherine almost touching him, as the same had moved forward to stand closer to the elf. Nervously he added, "Is it wise to argue any longer? There must be something better that can be done."
"If you wish, you may follow me to the best circle within Hell," said the Great Wise Wizard as he turned and walked. "I admit, if you notice yourselves more irritable than usual, it is because of the effect of the place. I assure you that you will be able to think better when you leave the irritating noise of suffering voices, the smell of burning flesh, and this haze of blood behind."