Chapter 6
Chapter 5: Entrance door
Despite the words gnawing at her ears, the eight hours of class, and the fatigue of the busy afternoon, Rebeka continued to breathe calmly. To save herself the trouble of looking at the clock, she remained seated in front of an empty table, pretending to read quietly through some subject or other, and then went on to study. After all, no one was going to tutor, and it was because she took that extra time to study and do homework that she had become such a dutiful girl.
For the teacher the situation was the opposite, he couldn’t understand how it was that no student had shown up to review for the exam. This showed that no one cared about passing the calculus class.
“But hey, it’s only been half an hour since the dismissal bell”. As soon as he saw how Rebeka’s desk was littered with papers and notes, he said out loud, What really should have been a thought. “Tutoring time is until the library closes and the place doesn’t close until two hours after classes. Sooner or later, one of my students will come.”
Rebeka listened but continued to ignore it, for to contradict the comment meant to irritate him was only going to start an argument that would not be fruitful, good, or necessary. Sixty minutes passed, and she managed to finish her chores, which made her pick up her notes and sheets to go to the library to look for her favorite book and continue reading.
On the other side of the library, Rebeka could hear the huffing and puffing of the upset professor, especially when he got up and seemed to be looking for something.
“Since no one is coming,” he said as he sat down at the tutoring table. “Why don’t you pretend to teach me what I gave in class?”
“Why would I have to spend my efforts teaching a teacher?” replied Rebeka, almost spontaneously, as she closed the book she was carrying in her hand.
“It’s just that teaching is the best way to learn something” refuted the teacher.
“Well, you get paid to teach, I understand that you want to help me to such a degree” replied Rebeka. “However, as a tutor, my job is voluntary, and I have no interest in learning about a subject if it means I have to teach something to someone who already knows and is willing to point out any and all of my mistakes. By the way, it takes fifteen minutes to close the library; I don’t plan to overstay my welcome.”
With her words, Rebeka reopened the book to the page she had left and continued reading, after which she put on headphones to listen to classical music. As soon as the clock struck the departure time, as if it were a thunderclap, she grabbed her backpack, and without even saying goodbye, she left as fast as she could. She left behind someone so angry that even her ears turned red, and she felt the delightful taste of rebelling, getting her own way, and defending her position with reason.
‘None of them are my friends, nor do I live on their favors’ Rebeka analyzed, as she walked away from the school and watched the sunset, a Victorian air on her face. ‘As much as I may irritate him, in the end, they can’t hurt me anymore or make my life any more impossible than they’re making it for me. Why be nice if I won’t get kindness in return? Fuck them all, and him precisely! As if I have no more responsibilities when I get home? Aaah! Fuck them!’
On the way home, after taking the subway, Rebeka knocked on the door, to take out the keys and insert them into the lock. After undoing the lock, she slowly opened it and said:
“Good afternoon, mom... I’m back....”
‘Ah, I almost remember, just like yesterday,’ she said to herself. ‘Although my father is gone and the marriage still holds, I recognize that my mother’s flesh is weak. One day, when I opened this very door unannounced, I found myself in a rather awkward situation.’
‘I discovered her with a friend of my father’s,’ she recalled, as she proceeded to enter the house. ‘She was small, but not innocent. When I heard how she was moaning, something made me walk very stealthily after leaving the door closed. Step by step, I reached the entrance to the living room. I never felt so much fear and curiosity in my life. I knew what I was about to meet, but at the same time, I couldn’t believe it. Maybe for that reason, I didn’t stop until I peeked my head out and saw him having sex. Even though I saw her, I couldn’t look away, nor could I look away from my body. There she was, staring in the direction of the couch in the living room. I can recall the scene as if it happened yesterday. She was on her knees, her back to the man, her backside steep, and her shoulders and face to the couch. While he was on top, aggressively ramming her.’
‘The sound was so clear that I can’t forget it either’ she reminisced, trying to clear the invasive thoughts stuck in her mind. ‘What struck me the most was to see how she was touching herself with her hand and massaging in a circular way between her legs... And I couldn’t help it. Here, in this place, biting with my teeth the saya she was wearing at the time, I also began to touch myself as she was doing it.’
‘It was the gateway to pleasure,’ she sighed, resigned to remember. ‘Although I had touched myself before, I was never truly aroused as I was at that time. Of course, before the man finished, I heard my mother speak of her concerns as she moaned. ‘You must hurry; my daughter is coming... I don’t want her to see us.’ After hearing those words, I came back to the moment and knew I couldn’t be seen, so I decided to remain silent and go up to my room. Because of all my nerves, I was careless; I forgot to leave the house and close the door, and when she dismissed her lover, she noticed.
Rebeka threw a smile into the air, as if she were teasing her past self.
‘In the evening, she came up to my room and cried in my lap, asking for forgiveness. At the time, I must admit that I felt somewhere between amazed that she discovered me and disappointed that I had discovered her, but today I feel nothing but pity. There she is, my dear mother, slumped on the sofa, among papers, letters, and bottles of alcohol. All we have are debts. It is reality, no matter what; it cannot be changed as it happens in fairy tales. In this society, they don’t hire a criminal’s wife, nor do they have any consideration for a criminal’s daughter. The only solution I have for this family’s situation is to wait until I turn twenty-one, so I can come of age and start working.’
Careful not to make any noise, Rebeka went upstairs. As soon as she left her uniform hanging behind her bedroom door and changed into more comfortable clothes, she set about going downstairs and organizing the living room. She arranged the papers to one side, prepared dinner, and then took a bath.
‘It’s time for the phone alarm to go off,’ Rebeka thought. ‘Just like every day, she gets up to the sound of that poor alarm to go to work.’
“How was school, pumpkin?” asked the mother, with the tone of one who had just woken up from a barely reconstructive sleep to yawn and stretch as hard as she could.
At the question, Rebeka responded with her best smile:
“Good mom, as usual, I can’t complain. I finished my homework, I have the best grades I can have, and no one has any complaints about me.”
Thanks to the bright smile that lit up her daughter’s young face, the tired mother was happy too. The extra hours of sacrifice, the hard work on night shifts, and dealing with disgruntled customers were not so much if she could preserve her little girl’s happiness. That she had no problems at school and was having a good time was reward enough to keep her going and not be fighting for a lost cause. Having a good academic standing opens the way to the beneficial possibilities of a prosperous future, with the guarantee of a more comfortable job along with a better quality of life. What more could a mother want for her daughter?
“Oh, in the morning when I went to the market, I bought the legumes you like so much. I was also able to grab some eggs and juices on sale. I hope you enjoy them. You don’t have to worry about serving me, I can eat out” assured the mother, as she rushed up to go into the bathroom and fix her hair.
The mirror in the downstairs bathroom reflected a very aged woman, with dark circles under her eyes, wrinkles, and skin that was battered by late nights and little sleep. She was thirty-four years old, but at her age, she looked perfectly forty-three. She kept her hair short so she wouldn’t have to wash it so often or waste time combing it.
“You must eat something” protested Rebeka. “The night is long and junk food is not good for your skin. Mom, the years are passing, and you must take good care of yourself to last me a lifetime.”
“You’re a golden girl, it’s okay...” she replied from the bathroom. “Just a bite, otherwise I’ll be late for work” she replied, after storming out of the bathroom and into her room.
Already dressed, the mother took the trouble to go to the kitchen and take a loaf of bread, which she opened in half and filled with whatever she could find: rice, beans, salad, and meat. She closed it, taking care that the contents didn’t spill or stain her clothes, and took a bite.
“What a barbarity, Mother! Sit down to eat, you’ll choke” said Rebeka “Just because you’re late one time, nothing will happen.”
After giving her darling girl a kiss on the head, she said goodbye and ran out the door, apologizing with her mouth full.
“Aww” snorted Rebeka, as she heard the door close, to go on to yell at the door. “You’ve been living like this for three years; find yourself another job!”
Rebeka’s eyes watered, as she wanted to say so many deep and poignant words, but nothing was going to change. ‘What’s the point of me having to study in the hope of achieving a better opportunity, more money, and eventually getting a job if I’m missing you?’
Trying to hold her breath so as not to burst into tears, she continued to look in the direction of the door.
‘Look at you mom, working at a bar across town. See you when I get home from school, because every time I get up in the morning, you still don’t show up... Once again, she heard the door close, and I was left on my own in this vast, desolate house.’
Intent on not worrying about things beyond her control, as the clock ticked punctually to seven o’clock at night, Rebeka decided to distract her mind. Scrubbing the junk, cleaning the floor a bit, taking out the garbage, and organizing the chairs at the table.
With all the chores done, she went up to her room, still haunted by the desire to cry and the sadness that came with the loneliness. At least she no longer had panic attacks or worried about some noise an old house might make, as in the past. Now that she had grown up, she used to cry, and every time she heard something sound, whether it was a real ghost or a demon, she thought that this creature was her hope and would keep her company for a while.
After taking a seat at her desk, she arranged her backpack and said, ‘It’s nice not to have homework to do, but sometimes I regret it. It’s definitely too early in the morning to just sit around and do nothing or go to bed. I can do healthy activities for my mind, like playing some video games or reading another book, but there is something that always beats me.
It was true that a situation like the one I was in was ideal to take advantage of to see what new object could be introduced into her body. Vegetables and legumes were always the first choice for her to experiment with; that’s why she liked them so much. But since she had gone upstairs to her room, the fact that she had to go downstairs and start looking in the kitchen made her reconsider that idea. She might as well surf all over the internet and explore her tastes or stop by her mother’s closet and see how her suggestive clothes looked on her, but today was special for her because she had something different on her hands: she had a boy’s heart under her mercy.
‘I admit it,’ she said to herself, then jumped on her bed with her phone in her hands and looked for the app to call his number. ‘I can hardly stand it anymore. Give myself over to misery and loneliness, or these desires, to satisfy my body. After all, I just need a few hours and enough tiredness to fall into bed... the exact point in this vicious cycle that keeps me alive.’
After shedding several items of clothing she had on her and rolling around on the bed, which was as she had left it in the morning, she continued to look at the phone screen at the number she was about to dial.
‘No turning back; let’s see where this stops,’ she said to herself, trying to make her heart calm down while at the same time pressing the [Make Video Call] button on the cell phone screen.
The phone rang, which triggered a stage-fright-like feeling inside her.
‘Mmm? He’s taking longer than usual to answer; I’m sure he doesn’t know what to do and is as nervous as I am. Really, a video call is something much more personal, anyone would expect a simple text message as an introduction.’
“Oh, hi, sorry for the delay...” replied Omar.
Rebeka could see that the boy had his clothes on wrong, he looked sexy, disheveled, and had eyes that looked like he had been crying.
Ignoring her horniness and letting out her worried side, Rebeka asked aloud.
“Have you been crying?” to then think that maybe she was being too mean to the heart that loved her.
After the question, Omar remained silent, which irritated Rebeka.
‘Would someone have to come along with a baseball bat and hit him over the head so that he would understand my question, drop his pride, and answer with a simple yes or no?’
“At our parting” he made a point of replying “you gave me a handkerchief for a reason, so that I would cry... didn’t you? My life is over, truly it is over. I have no right to ask your forgiveness, nor do I have the right to justify myself with my love. I will accept my sin.”
‘A handkerchief?’ wondered Rebeka in confusion. ‘I must have called the wrong person. With this scene, my libido is leaking under the door.’
“Omar, listen to me and wipe your boogers? Rebeka demanded, watching as the boy went to rub the blubber she had given him across his face once again. “Don’t you dare wipe it off with that again?”
Somewhat confused, he stopped and looked in the direction of the screen, then, Rebeka continued:
“What you have in your hand is not a handkerchief, open it... Yes, it’s my blouse, the one I was wearing today, the same one I took off in front of you. Don’t look at me with that face because I’m super mad at you. Where was your head all day? You really stress me out; talk to me!!!!!”
Stammering, Omar seemed to have turned into a child who didn’t know where to start. Instead of bursting into tears, he began to speak:
“I can’t believe you had gone into my phone for the entire class shift and deleted so many pictures from my gallery or downloaded and looked at the pictures I took of you this morning. I was thinking about... ending my life.”
“Omar” said Rebeka, as she pressed her fingers between her eyes, trying to hide the high level of irritation she had at that moment. “I like you, and even though everything you have done so far is the biggest representation of chutzpah in this society, for me it was like the deepest act of love.”
“Why did you threaten to turn me in to the police?”
“To prevent you from continuing to risk stealing more phones and to force you to pay more attention to me. When I gave you my most intimate garment and told you that you should stop living in your phone gallery, I also had a reason. You know, even though you have better grades than me, I’m seriously starting to doubt your intelligence. Maybe I should assume you were looking at all your tests.”
“My high grades were just another way I could get your attention,” he said, as he turned over on the bed and lowered the hand he was holding his blouse with.
With that fact, Rebeka’s mind went off on an emergency alarm, which was assuming that he was wearing the garment in the direction of where his pants were.
“Oh, those words added a point in your favor,” she said, after giving him a mischievous smile. After putting aside the anger and irritation she felt, her mind was flying in the direction of the guy she was talking to, who on the other side of the screen was unclothed and could pull down his phone camera so she could see the hot present he had for her. “I have a few questions for you” she announced to him.
Rebeka opened the door to change the topic of conversation with a seductive voice and a flirtatious flick of her tongue running between her teeth.
“What do you want to know?” replied Omar, averting his gaze, missing the signals the girl he was talking to was giving him. “I’ll be honest, I promise.”
The tickling that Rebeka was already feeling between her legs intensified, as did the serious eyes of her beloved, her willingness to do her best, and the fact the fact that he was looking into her eyes while it seemed like his hand was moving. It was a spicy scene.
‘He obviously didn’t get the hint of my tongue’ thought Rebeka. ‘Besides, it’s not entirely likely that he’s moving his hand and touching himself. I have no choice but to dive right in and break the ice before this whole sentimental moment turns into a declaration of who loves each other more.’
“How often do you touch yourself thinking of me?” was the first question she asked, which preceded a second question. “Are you doing it now that you see my nipples showing through my shirt? I’m on the bed with my hair down, talking slowly to you, and purring.”
“What?!” he replied in bewilderment.
Rebeka could deduce that the boy was pulling his hand out of where he was holding it. He didn’t want to continue to sully his image in front of her, avoid looking like a perverted pervert who couldn’t have a serious conversation, maintain the respect of looking into the eyes of whoever was talking to him, and not be strong enough to control his hormones.
After swallowing dryly, he made a point of responding.
“I was actually trying to get my erection down at this awkward moment... Regarding masturbating, thinking about you? I do it every day, at least three times.”
‘And it heats up the conversation!’ Rebeka shouted in her mind, as if she had won a fight.
“Give me more details, don’t hold back, talk what you can without shame...” assured Rebeka, which made him squirm on the bed. “You know what? This thing we’re about to have is phone sex, or, should I say, virtual sex. So, the more specific and morbid you can be, the better it will be... Omar.”
After the cuddly words he said, Rebeka took the opportunity to make her hand go down to touch herself between her legs. Slowly and fiddling with her fingers, she discovered the wetness permeating under the fabric she was wearing. Using circular motions, she did not hesitate to thrust her first two fingers as deeply as she could to curl upward. She felt each fold inside her unfold, giving her a first sensation deeper and stronger than the others. Once she got used to it and out of discomfort from having her arm outstretched, Rebeka moved her wet fingers up her labia until she ended up rubbing her clitoral area without taking her eyes off his face.
What Omar saw on the screen took his breath away. The burning face of a girl, who excitedly looked back at her viewer, Someone who felt no shame, pity, or modesty whatsoever and whose bright eyes made him see her pupils dilate, transforming into two crystals he could never imagine seeing in his life.
In the first person, they were more alive than ever, welcomed by the lap of intimacy, letting themselves be carried away by what they had hidden. Eyebrows, eyelashes, mouth, nose, and even hair gave an air of complicity as devilishly tempting, like the fire that glowed on a cold night and promised to warm whoever approached it and was worthy of not getting burned, being enveloped by danger.
Omar could imagine what was happening on the other side of the screen, especially when Rebeka parted her lips and lifted her jaw to take a breath of air. But she couldn’t believe it; she could only feel how her heart wouldn’t stop beating, her mouth was dry, and she needed to swallow in order to clear the feeling in her throat. The combination of fear, insecurity, and adrenaline made him feel excited.
Slowly and calmly, circular movements were taking place because she didn’t want to let her excitement rise but to keep it at bay, with the intention of speeding up and coming at the precise moment she thought was the right one. ‘When I see the erect cock of the most popular boy in the whole school, Aaah!!!, that will be the moment... I know it, I feel it, I want it, I desire it.’
Silence fell and it was as if Omar’s head was going to explode into hundreds of pieces when he heard a gasping moan from Rebeka on the other side as he let out the air he had inhaled. Hearing such an expression of satisfaction come out of the mouth of the class president, the girl who was famous for how demure, decent, and puritanical she always was, that was like being hit in the stomach with a baseball bat, so much so that he couldn’t believe it and preferred to think his eyes were deceiving him and his thoughts were betraying him, as were his ears.
With the same hand that was touching one of the most intimate areas of the female body, Rebeka decided to raise the temperature of the moment and pull down the shirt she was wearing in order to expose the tip of her nipples for a moment. Omar reacted to this as if he were taking a mental picture of something he tried never to forget. She playfully stopped poking at his shirt so that the elastic she was stretching gathered and her breasts were no longer exposed, all in a kinky little flash.
“Oops!” said Rebeka, in a purring, flirtatious voice, as she went back to giving him the proper affection his lady parts required. “Omar... I wonder, if you would have the courage to do whatever I ask you to do?”
What easier way is there for one person to manipulate another through challenges, provocations, and suggestions? Falling into the trap and breathing in order to embolden himself and demonstrate the opposite of the fear he was feeling at the moment, Omar, as soon as he swallowed dryly, nodded his head.
Rebeka admired the eyes of the boy who seemed willing to do anything to impress, but she was more interested in watching him explosively shake the opposite hand with which he held the phone.
“Let me see you there, down there,” she said with a half-sideways grin, signaling with her eyes. “Show me how you cum when you think of me....”
Omar stood up from where he was as one who seemed to be willing to follow the suggestions given to him. At this empowered and abrupt move, Rebeka’s heart seemed to leap louder than ever, so much so that she even held her breath as she riveted her eyes on the cell phone screen.
Using one hand, Omar began the process of stripping off the pants he was wearing, along with his boxer shorts. Even more slowly, as if reconsidering his determination as to what might or might not be a good idea, he lowered the camera just enough to pass his navel and reveal his pubic hair. From there onward, he continued to lower it little by little, as if he would regret it at any moment.
For Rebeka, seeing the trimmed hairs covering her beloved’s pubic mound made her believe that Omar had shaved a few days before. Still, even if the place was unkempt, she found it seductive the way the hairs drew a straight line down from his navel to his pubis. For the moment, the solid base of a cylindrical trunk came into view on the screen, while the rest was still covered by garments so tight that they refused to go down easily.
Rebeka was forced to take a deep breath, perhaps it was the cell phone camera being too close to the body, but what was visible in the image was as thick as it was succulent. She could feel the folds of skin, veins, and flesh straining from an erecerection, all that was left for her to do was to dover how long it might be.
Pushing with his other hand in order to pull the garments down further, Omar continued to remove his pants as he lowered the camera further and further, until the erect member would not allow him to continue lowering unless the other side of the pants was adjusted or the belt was unfastened.
‘Those pants are really making me suffer,’ thought Rebeka, biting her lips, after returning to take a short breath of air and watching the boy’s testicular sac fall behind as he continued to unleash the raging monster between his legs.
Finally, the pants, along with the briefs, managed to get over the bump that prevented them from going down, and the beast, powerful and throbbing, was exposed in an erection right in front of the cell phone camera.
‘Wow, what a piece of meat he’s carrying!’ thought Rebeka, her eyes unhinged. ‘Live and direct, it’s so meaty and hard it looks like bone. So that’s how appetizing the “bird with its eggs” of the guy I love looks on my phone screen. To imagine such a thing inside me, fucking me like a wild animal, so much so that its beads of sweat drip onto my skin... Whew, that turns me on.’
Rebeka’s fingers reached almost ten thousand revolutions per second. Opening her mouth, sticking out her tongue, and losing her eyes upwards, she reached the very pleasurable climax she had reserved until that moment.
Faced with the girl’s rare attitude, Omar was worried about what his spectator might think at the moment when she had exposed herself most vulnerably, so he redirected his camera until he recorded her face in first person and asked:
“What...did you think?”
Agitated, recovering from the tremors that waves of rushing currents were taking over her body, she replied:
“The size of it doesn’t disappoint me at all, on the contrary, now that I see it, I don’t think I can go on living without feeling it inside. Since you’re not here by my side, I’m telling you that I’m going to let my kinky side out... But it’s up to you if I’m going to need to insert something to be able to come again.”
On the screen of Omar’s phone, you could see how Rebeka raised her other hand, which showed a whole string of goo stuck between her fingers that she put in her mouth while sticking her tongue out in the direction of the camera.