Queen of Heaven

Chapter 23
Chapter 22: Past

After hearing the officer’s words, Rebeka could not help but feel happy with the screams and moans of that guy, who put the most effort into making her life miserable until that day.


The students were not happy, nor did they feel bad about the event that was happening. They talked to each other and even wondered if, when they came of age, they would be able to act in such a way.


Rebeka looked around, her gaze telling her that, for the first time, she was the center of attention. After feeling like a person who existed—someone who was not invisible and who could fight against the injustices she had received so far—she looked in the direction of the other teachers.


Those individuals who were contemporaries with the one who had just been found guilty shared the same crime and could be sentenced equally. They only needed to confront her once again, as long as an officer was present.


After the bell rang, the observers returned to their daily routines of heading to their first class, while the teacher left shouting and calling for support from anyone who could help him.


 Rebeka took her beloved’s hand again and, proud of what she had done, continued to the classroom where she was supposed to be and where the calculus teacher was waiting for her. As soon as she reached her seat, the other students entered, although not all the chairs were filled because two were missing. As the seconds passed, between comments and whispers, some classmates took the initiative to talk to Rebeka and even to congratulate her. Others greeted her, and the rest just kept commenting from afar.


Once everyone knew that a professor had been arrested, a question arose: “What now? Because the calculus professor did not show up, even though the statutory fifteen minutes had passed.


When the minute hand ticked exactly one-minute past quarter past eight, a familiar face appeared through the classroom door. Suddenly, as a gesture of politeness in the presence of the principal, the students fell silent.


 “Good morning; the first-class shift is temporarily suspended,” announced the man in a calm voice. “Due to certain circumstances, no teacher is volunteering to cover the shift. You may take the time off until it is decided what to do.”


As soon as the principal made his exit, the students threw their notebooks in the air, got up, and left in a scattered manner. It was needless to say where Rebeka and Omar headed, as they went to the lovers’ corner.


They had been the only ones in the class to go to such a place, and since the stairs were alone, as soon as they went up a little, the boy had his hand under his girlfriend’s skirt and put his big toe deep inside her while he walked and laughed.


Between laughs, Rebeka let out an exclamation as soon as she passed the last step. It wasn’t because she was being penetrated; it was a product of what she was seeing.




Omar heard his girlfriend, and although the exclamation was a gesture that didn’t sound very happy, it made him curious. As soon as he passed the stairs, he could deduce the reason why Rebeka wasn’t feeling very comfortable, which made him exclaim while disguisingly pulling his hand out from where he was holding it.


“Who knew that Miguel and Lizandra would get along so well that they would want to “eat” each other up here?”


“My day was going very well,” mentioned Rebeka, predisposed.


“If you intend to make us go back to class,” Lizandra said uncooperatively, straightening her untucked clothes. “You can go back where you came from, Mrs. President and Co.”


Lizandra’s voice sounded as irritating to Rebeka’s ears as ever.


 “Omar, long time no hear from you,” said the charismatic boy, intent on defusing the situation. “This weekend, I thought we were going out together, but you got eaten up by the earth. I sent you several messages and you never responded; plus, your parents don’t even know where you hang out and treated me like a dog, more than they usually do.”


“A lot of things have happened, my friend. I can see it’s not just me, but you’ve been very busy too.”


“Yes, that’s what I wanted to ask you for advice and talk to you about,” mentioned Mig, who suddenly paused before continuing, as if realizing too late that he had blundered when he spoke.


“Advice about what?” asked Omar, arching his eyebrow, intrigued.


“Didn’t you see how they were kissing?” expressed Rebeka as one who wanted to settle the matter and leave the place as fast as she could. “They were pitiful; they were short of breath; they looked like two beings in agony, clashing their teeth.”


 Lizandra, detonated by Rebeka’s criticisms, launched into an argument in order to defend herself:


“This is the president speaking. You have no opinion, straight girl; at least he is interested in learning.”


“For your information, the “straight girl” is no longer the president, and right now I’m older than you, so more respect, otherwise I’m going to drag you all over the school floor.”


  Omar had to hold Rebeka so she wouldn’t go over Liz’s head. On the other hand, Miguel also had to put up with his girl, as long as she didn’t stand up and confront the brunette. The two of them were acting like they had been itching to come to blows for quite some time.


“You were best friends, and now look at you,” Omar said, not understanding what was going on.


Miguel didn’t have to think back to the times when they were inseparable in the hallways and studied together.


“Isn’t it obvious?” assured Rebeka, who had been silent for a long time. “The reason why we stopped being friends is the same reason why she hangs out with you, because with her venom she turned as many students as she could against me, spreading false comments and gossip.”


“Shut up, stupid, that’s not true!!!” She shouted Liz out of her mind, as if she was being cornered.


“Miguel’s girlfriend, did you want to be with Omar? Don’t make me laugh, you fucking lesbian!”


 “No, no, you’re lying. You’re a liar; no one will believe such a lie. I’m not a lesbian; you don’t have proof.”


“Oh, you’re going to tell me that you were only willing to practice...” Omar and Miguel watched Omar’s behavior.


Omar and Miguel observed Lizandra’s hysterical behavior.


Under the pressure of the stares, the blonde screamed at the top of her lungs in order to overshadow Rebeka’s calm words. She waved her hands and head frantically to the sides in denial and to see if there was anyone else who might have heard the news. From one moment to the next, Lizandra broke into a cold sweat, dry swallowing, shaking, and trembling. Her breathing became uncontrolled, and although she tried to take control of her chest movements, holding her breath as long as she could, she was forced to bring her hands to the level of her heart, for she was feeling pain as intense as a stab wound.


  Omar stopped holding his girl, who was no longer showing aggressive behavior, and approached Miguel with the intention of helping him in any way he could. However, Lizandra looked back at him, as if she felt about to die.


Rebeka stood behind the two boys, looking at Lizandra as if she knew perfectly well what was going on, but at the same time, she didn’t want to say anything, just to see how the situation would turn out.


“Friend, please...” said Lizandra, stretching her hand between the two boys in order to reach Rebeka, who stood with her arms crossed, looking away.


  At that point, on the rooftop of the school, only Rebeka seemed to know what was happening to the blonde, as well as how to fix it. Both Miguel and Omar could tell this, thanks to the facial gestures and gesticulations Lizandra was making, to try to ask for help when she couldn’t breathe.


“What’s wrong with her?!” asked Miguel without knowing what to do.


The young man with a boyish expressions was worried about the hot flashes his girlfriend was exhibiting—something he had never seen before.


Rebeka continued to behave like someone who was ignoring the situation. Ignoring the question, she also let out a sigh.


As soon as two minutes had passed, Lizandra’s symptoms, appearance, and condition worsened so much that she vomited on the floor and began to stagger from side to side, looking for something to lean on, with almost no color in her skin. With her mouth open, her sweaty hands were watering, and her eyes were almost lost in the distance.


  “Rebeka, if you’re not going to help her, at least tell us what’s happening to her, so we can do something.” mentioned Omar with a tone of inconformity. From his point of view, Lizandra looked too serious to do anything.


Omar’s words sounded firm. In a couple, necessarily, the two of them should not agree on everything, but they should always support what the other needs.


“She’s not going to die,” assured Rebeka, a little softened by her boyfriend’s words. “She’s having a panic attack.”


“Panic attack!” repeated Omar, just to confirm if the information he had heard was correct and also to try to remember if he had heard a familiar term before.


“It turns out that those who do the most harm are the most vulnerable to being harmed,” said Rebeka, with the tone of someone who wanted to prove her point and rub it in the face of whoever was there. “The secret she most wanted to avoid is here and now; she doesn’t know how to react. That’s why she’s like this, to play the victim.”


Neither Omar nor Miguel could do anything with the explanation, as they did not know what a panic attack was. Having no idea, they could only attribute to the situation the seriousness they were seeing in Lizandra’s body, who was about to faint while her fingers and hands were contracting.


“A panic attack!!!” repeated Omar.


“We have to take her to the hospital! Her heart is failing, as she can’t breathe because of the attack!” shouted Miguel desperately, about to carry his girl on his shoulders.


On the other hand, Omar agreed with the solution and did not hesitate to help his friend with the decision he had made. So, he grabbed Lizandra by the legs and propelled her body to fall on top of his friend.


After watching Liz get away with it and being even more stressed by the disbelief of her guy, who was ready to charge a snake, Rebeka finally decided to take charge of the situation.


“What fucking hospital are you taking her to? Let’s see. Move aside. Let her sit on the bench. Give her room to breathe.


Miguel and Omar stayed on the spot, thinking whether to let Rebeka intervene or not, while they heard her say to them:


 “If you carry her, she is going to vomit again; maybe she will pee and wet herself." The boys turned away, not because those fluids disgusted them or anything like that, but because after the event, Lizandra would not be able to live with the regret of having had such a scene at school.


Reluctantly, the brunette pretended not to care about the condition Lizandra was in. After forcing herself to do something, she sat down next to the blonde and held her to her chest as if she were a mother taking care of her daughter so that she wouldn’t be afraid after having had a nightmare.


After running her hand over the blonde’s face, Rebeka repeated to her:


“It’s all right; just breathe, and it will pass.”


In short, Rebeka had an angry expression on her face, the sharp eyes of someone who intended to kill, and spoke without articulating her lips. Still, amidst the crying and gasping for breath, as soon as Lizandra embraced the crisis, it seemed to subside. Both Omar and Miguel decided to do nothing. The two stood still as they watched Liz regain her color and calm down, which took about twenty minutes.


‘Someone who is drowning in the sea is going to put her pride aside in order to save her life’ thought Rebeka moodily, as if she was obliged to help someone who didn’t deserve it. ‘It doesn’t mean that person will change or act differently once out of danger, but I’d better save my boyfriend from having to look down on the saya I’m wearing. The truth be told, my underwear is the way it is because of her.’


As one who remembered the past, the happy things and memorable moments, inside Rebeka, the water began to flow, which washed away the resentment and hatred that, for so long, she had accumulated and no longer seemed so great to her.


“Guys, what I said about Lizandra... please forget it...” recounted Rebeka, somewhat regretfully.


 "No,” interrupted Lizandra. “I don’t think you will be able to forgive me, but... I apologize. I’ve been a bad friend all this time. Sooner or later, I had to face the consequences.” After changing the direction of her gaze, the blonde looked to where her boyfriend was and confessed: “Miguel, Rebeka has her reasons for saying what she said, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t like you. On the contrary, after we kissed, I think I felt something, even though we clashed our teeth and you bit my tongue, I wish we could still be boyfriend and girlfriend, even have something more intimate, regardless of my past.”


Miguel brought his hands to the sides of his body, standing firm like a military man, and reacted to the words "have something more intimate” to tell her:


“Holy shit! Did you two...?” asked Omar, as if he had connected several dots and needed to get the doubt out of his mind. After all, Rebeka and Lizandra might have broken up as friends because Lizandra had wanted to propose to be girlfriends.


  “Me and her?” said Rebeka with a disgusted look on her face. “No, definitely not... not at all. Not now, not ever...”


“So?” asked Miguel, breaking his posture.


Lizandra raised her head and looked at the boys without understanding what was going on. Did she hear right? She was labeled a "lesbian,” and the two boys were not accusing her or looking at her as ugly, as they had done in the beginning, with the other two girls who were members of the group. When you have a mental image of someone, it is not uncommon for people to feel discomfited by a situation that is different from what they imagined.


“What are you guys interested in?” said Rebeka, “Are you excited by the idea that a woman wants to experiment with another woman?”


At this question, both Omar and Miguel remained silent. They couldn’t say “no” because they would be lying, and neither was definitely going to give an answer that would induce the brunette to respond with much more aggression than she was showing.


“Just because I’m attracted to another woman doesn’t mean I have a preference for experimenting with her—at least not after we lost the friendship,” Lizandra said, wiping away her tears and confronting Rebeka’s accusations. “I’m not a lesbian, and I don’t want it to be a misunderstanding. I was just exploring.”


“If you’re a unicorn scout, I don’t give a fuck... now get the fuck off me,” Rebeka stated grumpily after getting off Lizandra, who still wouldn’t stop hugging her.


Rebeka intended to cut off her friend’s apology. Just because she had forgiven her and felt a little bad about her behavior didn’t mean that everything that had happened so far would be behind her.


 “Yes, it was definitely a misunderstanding,” Miguel assured her, as if to probe the lesbian issue. “We can confirm for sure... What other way is there to repair the friendship than by telling both versions of what happened?”


“I don’t want to repair shit! Let go of me now, you pain in the ass,” Rebeka demanded. “Besides, I don’t plan on ever trusting you again in my life.” After standing up, she walked in the direction of the stairs and took Omar by the hand, intending to leave from there.


Back in the halls and with no indication that Miguel and Lizandra were following them, both Rebeka and Omar noticed that the place was full of students, even though it was still class time. Definitely, the teachers held some kind of emergency meeting, and none of them wanted to exercise their mastery, while the students, with nothing to do, remained scattered like a flock of sheep without a shepherd.


  “Miss Rebeka and young Omar...” mentioned a familiar voice, which corresponded to the principal’s secretary. “Please come with me.”


The two young men, who were looking for a second place for their love nest, did not object to the secretary’s words and followed her without question. Upon reaching the second floor, the lady suggested to her companions that they enter the office of the principal, who was also accompanied by an officer of the authorities who was waiting for them.


“Congratulations!” said the older gentleman in a festive tone. “You have succeeded in making it so that no teacher wants to teach in my school, and although they cannot be discriminated against because it is a violation of legal rights, the law does not say that they cannot receive privileges that others do not.”


“As long as both parties agree,” said the officer, after nodding at the principal’s words.


“What privileges are we talking about?” asked Rebeka, with interest.


 “Of the need not to have to come to school, do homework, take exams, or do any academic activities. They will still be able to graduate with the same grades they currently have. They will be asked in return, however, not to appear in court to testify against the teacher who was arrested this morning or to press charges that could harm the other instructors at this school.”


On the news, both Omar and Rebeka agreed without even a second thought. After all, in the job they were in, they wouldn’t have time to focus on school, and what better benefit than not having to do anything and graduating with the grades they currently have?


“To culminate the agreement, please sign the contract with an oath in front of the officer.”


 Rebeka and Omar made their way to where the uniformed officer was standing to take the oath before the principal regretted the agreement. 


After leaving the principal’s office, the two students were free, and it came to their minds that there was a perfect love nest where they could go and not be interrupted by anyone or anything. After breathing in the air of freedom, the young people strolled through the halls as would the owner of the school, if he was still alive.


At first, both Rebeka and Omar hesitated to set foot outside the school while it was still morning. Under normal circumstances, doing such an act would be considered running away and punishable by severe disciplinary measures. But they are privileged to do so, having just signed the contract that said yes. Before the eyes of many students, the couple ventured out into the outside world during school hours, and none of the authorities, who usually wandered around the site, said anything to them.


 They went straight into the house, taking the time to look in detail at the things around them. They had never had the opportunity to leave school so early, have money in their accounts, enough to buy everything they needed, and go back home by cab instead of using the train or the public bus transportation system.


Despite having the uniform of the academic center, the two students had many fingers pointed at them, and from time to time, some authority interrupted them to ask for identification and act as intermediaries in the face of accusations. It got to the point where both Rebeka and Omar were passing from one side to the other in order to annoy those people who were looking for something to complain about.


After mocking the disgusted faces, offended expressions, unfounded criticisms, and absurd comparisons of the people they encountered on their way home, Omar and Rebeka got out of the cab they were in.


  “It wouldn’t hurt to buy some paint to paint the house. Although I plan to start by fixing the mower to cut the garden and make everything look better, My queen must have a worthy garden, mustn’t she?” expressed Omar as one who had a lot of time on his hands.


“Yes!” exclaimed Rebeka, happy with the news.


It wasn’t that she couldn’t paint the house, fix the garden, and repair all the things that needed to be repaired. Rather, it was that someone’s company encouraged her to start something, which perhaps she had put off for a long time.


After carrying several bags, the boys walked down the hallway and looked at what could be improved, changed, or fixed, until they reached the front door to the inside of the house. As soon as Rebeka opened the door, she went inside without knocking, which she regretted too late. With her eyes wide open, she held her breath and looked around, in case her mother was accompanied, since, after all, she had caught her several times.


 Omar, somewhat intrigued by his girl’s tense behavior, almost asked the reason. But seeing her relax, he decided not to pay it any mind.


“Mom! We’re here!” said Rebeka, intending to announce her arrival. Then she thought, ‘Good thing she’s unaccompanied; I totally missed knocking before I came in. But hey, I’m sure she’s still asleep.’


Rebeka and Omar headed to the kitchen to unpack and organize what they had, but for some reason, Omar could tell that Rebeka couldn’t contain her joy, nor could she contain the news of what had happened to her. She was saying things that her mom would ask her, as one who wanted to understand what was happening because of such an early arrival.


“Mom, you won’t believe it...” Rebeka said aloud. “What happened to me today at school was amazing! You haven’t seen all the stuff we brought back because of the money we earned, either. Let me tell you what Omar and I want to do and are going to accomplish with this house. Now I’m coming.”


After unpacking the groceries, Omar turned to watch as Rebeka skipped off to her mother’s room. How happy was she?


Being called by someone who couldn’t hear her very well or who couldn’t speak so loudly either, the brunette decided to let her boy take care of organizing the rest, as long as she went to talk to her mother.


When she entered the room, she saw the note she had left in the morning in the same place, which indicated that her mom hadn’t even gone out. ‘Maybe it’s normal for her not to come out; after all, she’s just out of the hospital,’ she thought. The girl didn’t pay much more attention to the detail and rushed in, claiming:


“You didn’t even see the note I left you.”


The room was still dark, the food untouched, there was a neatly covered bundle of sheets and quilts on the bed, no trace of pills or the bottle of alcohol. Just as it had been left a few hours ago. 


 “Mother! You didn’t eat anything; that must have spoiled!” exclaimed Rebeka after sitting on the side of the bed closest to the front door. “What can you do? There’s nothing else to do. As soon as you get hungry, let me know, and I’ll fix you something light and warm. Back to the subject: for the first time, after so long, things are going well for me.”


As if it were a chat between friends, Rebeka told her mother in great detail what had happened so far. How she and Omar came to believe that all was lost, to the point that she had found him trying to commit suicide, when the authorities took her in for questioning, how they had made the decision to sell private photos on the internet, that he could show them to her at any time, that she could do it too and quit her job. She finally put her foot down and did not let the professor continue to take advantage of her. Also, about the scare she had with Lizandra and, finally, that on the way back they had bought a lot of things without worrying if they were going to make enough money, plus what a cab looked like inside and that Omar wanted to take care of the house.


From the kitchen, Omar could hear how eloquent his girlfriend’s conversation was—how she paused for answers or questions and kept talking on and off for almost an hour. Not knowing what to do, with enough time to organize everything he had brought from the market, Omar thought of preparing something to eat since it was almost noon.


 With a plate served with ham, cheese, and crackers, the boy did not take long to go inside the room where his mother-in-law and girlfriend were.


As soon as he asked permission and heard his girl’s words allowing him to enter, he opened the door and managed to turn on the light. After approaching the bed, he dropped everything he had in his hands straight to the floor, and because of the surprise, he was petrified on the spot.


“Omar, be more careful, isn’t it, Mom? Just because we have money now doesn’t mean we can squander it.” After the comment, Rebeka laughed and gave her mother a little tap on the arm, which made her react. “I’m sorry, it still hurts; I didn’t realize... what a head of mine.”


“Rebeka... Are you feeling okay, my love?” Omar swallowed dryly.


“Yes, why do you ask?”


 Omar was silent; he didn’t know what to do or how to act. He could have sworn he was looking at the corpse of a person. In that case, Soe, his mother-in-law, and his girlfriend’s mother, was wide-eyed and pale as paper, giving a warm smile that didn’t match the cold, inanimate countenance she had.


The boy seemed to be wondering, over and over again, if what was in front of him was true. After all, his girlfriend’s behavior was not out of the ordinary. Rebeka was the more rational, objective, and intelligent of the two; it wasn’t impossible that the opposite of what he was seeing was happening.


“My mind is playing tricks on me,” he said out loud, like someone who thought he was crazy.


For Omar the possibility existed, even so, he looked for a few minutes at the corpse’s chest, to see if it made any movement. How do you know if someone is breathing? Could someone not breathe and still be alive? Can you breathe and not move the chest?


As long as the heart was beating, the person would stay alive, even if they weren’t breathing, but Omar didn’t know how to check someone’s heartbeat. It didn’t even cross his mind, but if his girl talked and had talked to her mother so naturally, for almost an hour, could she really be dead?


  Dead people don’t talk, and they don’t ask questions. Rebeka had to have heard her mother asking her questions and seen her paying attention; otherwise, her daughter would have realized something wasn’t right with her mom. Does that mean he was wrong?


‘Well, what a guy,’ Rebeka thought, almost rolling her eyes. ‘Sometimes it’s not that he’s the brightest, but to me, he’s the only one who deserves to be with me. He proved that to me in spades. My mother is right to accept him into the family very fondly, I can’t complain.’


 After being perplexed for a while, to the point that Rebeka deigned to get off the bed on which she was sitting to pick up what was on the floor, he decided to give Soe’s body a once-over, as long as he was still looking for clues that would confirm his assumption, without the need to ask his girlfriend directly and look like a fool.


With just a few steps, Omar could notice how on the other side of the bed, on the floor, were the two pill containers without lids, as empty as the bottle of alcohol. Being closer, the boy could also see how Soe was on his back; his mouth was open with liquids still to be swallowed, and he could notice how the pillow was wet.


Undeniably, in the eyes of an expert, Soe had fallen asleep in a bad position, and now, in Omar’s eyes, she had choked on her own vomit. However, in Rebeka’s eyes, her mother was healthier and happier than ever. So much so that she even offered him some of the food she had collected.


After collapsing on the floor, Omar started scratching his head madly in between screams and banging his back against the cabinet, which caused his girlfriend to worry.


“Honey, what’s wrong with you?” Rebeka went to the aid of her boyfriend, who seemed to have the worst headache in the world.


“Aaah!!!! Is it my fault?!” he said, to the point of wanting to tear his hair out as he cried.


“What are you talking about?”


“I...the pills I stole...the alcohol...last night with you...”


From Omar’s point of view, he found it unforgivable the situation that had occurred by taking it upon himself to bring something that, in combination with alcohol, could be lethal. It was even more unforgivable that, because he was having sex, he had not let his girl worry about his mother-in-law’s health and well-being when she needed her the most.


“Omar, you’re scaring me! What’s wrong with you?!” exclaimed Rebeka, almost on the verge of panic.


Omar raised his head, not knowing what to say, and although it might be out of context, he couldn’t hold back a laugh as tears welled up in his eyes and he smacked himself in the face.


  With effort on her part, Rebeka held her boyfriend’s hands so he wouldn’t keep hitting himself. Seeing the boy’s erratic behavior, she became so upset that she began to scream.


“What’s wrong with you?" Don’t keep hitting yourself!” shouted Rebeka, not knowing what else to do, as her strength was no match for his.


“I killed her...”


“What are you talking about, you freak?!”


“I killed her... I killed her. I killed her. I gave her pills. She died; she doesn’t live. She... she... she... she... I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”


“Mother, talk some sense into him! What do I do?!”


“You can’t do anything, my precious,” said Soe in a calm and gentle voice. “He’s right. At least the part about me being lifeless. But don’t let him blame himself for what happened to me. You shouldn’t blame yourself, either. No one is to blame.”


Rebeka opened her eyes, and as soon as she turned her head, she looked back. At that moment, her mom was not sitting on the bed looking as she had previously, but had changed.


"No," she denied Rebeka, almost without the strength to speak.


“My child, tell me, before your eyes, do I still look alive?”


“That doesn’t matter anymore. You can’t go away and leave me alone,” pleaded Rebeka, approaching the bed, reaching out her hands, and trying to embrace something that was in the air.


 “Let me go. Now that you’re happy, I think it’s the best time... Without me, I’m sure you’d go on living. That’s why I’m so glad you have him and that everything is going well for you. You don’t need to have a burden like me; I could never protect you or be there for you to grow up with.”


“Will we see each other again?” asked Rebeka.


 Soe did not seem to know the answer to the question posed by her daughter and simply kept silent. Like one who had lived a lifetime in pain and sorrow, she let her spirit leave her body.


Instead, Rebeka repeated to her mother as many times as she could, "You can’t leave me, “while Omar did not dare approach his girlfriend for fear of being rejected or arousing a negative attitude in someone who had just accepted reality.


“You can’t be miserable without first experiencing the meaning of happiness, just as you can’t experience the loss of what you never had. Is this what it means to be alive and that we are going to die? Then why live if everything I have is going to be lost sooner or later? Why live in fear of losing what I will never have?! Oh! Mother, I need you... I am still afraid to grow up.”


  Rebeka screamed at the top of her lungs, so much so that the tears stopped flowing from the anger she felt. After breaking everything within her reach, hitting the walls and the objects she could break, in front of her boyfriend’s eyes and her mother’s dead body, she wished with all her might to see the world burn, without caring about those who lived in it.