Queen of Heaven

Chapter 10
Chapter 9: On the bed

Rebeka drew a bittersweet expression on her face after tasting the drink, then took the cutlery in each hand and took a discreet bite to her mouth while closing her eyes as if trying to identify the flavors of the food. Omar, so nervous he was, decided it was the best time to try to change the direction of the conversation.


    “Aren’t you cold? Can someone come into the house? How do we explain this to you?”


  His questions were not out of the ordinary, but as soon as she looked back at him, Omar had to change the direction of his eyes, as it sure wasn’t polite to be looking at the breasts of someone who had yet to give him a scolding.


  Rebeka, on the other hand, understood that her guest had never eaten at the table at home, naked or anywhere. As daring and carefree as someone could be, being without clothes was like being without special equipment while swimming in black water, with the feeling that there were sharks lurking in the dark. She could notice how her guest’s eyes were trembling, the one who was trying with all his might not to look at her breasts, whose nipples were hardened, more from excitement than from the cold.


   Questions were still in the air, but answering them would not be fun, as it did not lead to an interesting topic of conversation, especially when there were things that could better draw the attention of the moment. After setting the glass from which she had taken it on the table, Rebeka intentionally dropped a fork on the floor.


  “Oops, can you reach it? I think it fell from your side of the table,” she said, after which she analyzed, ‘Maybe if I were more aggressive and didn’t put this food in the way, by now I’d be the one stepping back and acting like him. After all, I’m in a house alone with a guy who beats me in strength and size, both of us naked. What’s to stop him from getting angry and throwing himself at me to get what he wants?’


  Omar, leaving the unanswered questions behind, decided to submissively look up ducking his head under the table.


   ‘It’s lovely to watch how he behaves and exciting to know he’ll be able to see my pussy. Will this keep him holding on?’


  Indeed, after his head disappeared below the level of the table, the young man took as deep a breath as his lungs would allow. Without saying anything, Omar seemed to have thought twice about his movements as he held out his hand. From his vantage point, he could see his beloved’s treasure between two generous, wide-open legs. Even the rose did not yet bloom its fleshy petals or show the nectar that composed it, but only because it was waiting to be opened. That was the same place that, the night before, made him drop the hot semen on the screen of his phone. But he still had inside him that feeling of being in danger, of being captured by something or someone, and if already the situation of being naked was something to consider, then maybe when he was touching his girlfriend’s body, it would be all the worse to explain.


   “Guilty of defiling a delicate and innocent body! You bastard, I’ll kill you, that’s my daughter! Fire, you degenerate sinner!” were the words that tormented the thoughts of the black-haired young man. Rebeka, on the other hand, was leaning forward in the chair in which she was sitting with the intention of spreading her legs wider and letting herself be seen. 


 ‘I want you to get more and more excited, to the point where you can’t control yourself and forget about the scolding I gave you. Go back to being that crazy crazy guy I fell in love with.’


  Omar, marveling at having the privilege of seeing in person something he thought he would never be able to see in his life, returned to his position and gently returned the fork from the floor towards the table to let out a large amount of air into his lungs as he tried to contain himself.


   “Back to your question,” she said, understanding that the boy was very pleased rather than needy. “If you drink what’s in the glass, it will take away the cold and also help you relax. At least that’s what’s helping me spread your legs... Regarding your concern that someone might come in and see us, what’s wrong with taking risks once in a while?”


  With his heart pounding and his blood pressure through the roof, there was no way for Omar to keep feeling cold when it was confirmed to him that there were risks involved in the situation. At that point, the boy began to question whether or not he had asked a sensible question in the situation. Quickly, he picked up the glass and took a gulp, only to find that he had swallowed a mouthful as bitter as it was hot, which ran down his throat until it filled his empty stomach.


   “Aww, this has alcohol in it!...” said the young man, who looked like he was letting off steam from his eyes. “Won’t your mom be mad if she finds out? We can’t drink this until we’re over 26!”


  For Omar, the situation was like adding another crime to his sentence. If he was found, he was already so covered in misdemeanors that he might be sentenced to the highest punishment. 


  “Don’t worry” said Rebeka as she saw her boy’s face change as he stared at the drink in their hand. “Biologically, we shouldn’t consume it at any specific age... It’s always going to be harmful to the organism, but I’ve heard that eating a meal accompanied by a meal is better than eating on an empty stomach. The fact that we have to be older than 26 to drink it is just a rule imposed by society. While at twenty-one we are fit enough to work but not to take drugs, why do you think that is?”


  Along with that question aimed at making a debate, Rebeka took the first spoonful of food to her mouth.


  “It’s all for the convenience of the government, falling into drugs at a young age, is proven to decrease an individual’s functionality at work and change their quality of life, but a few glasses of wine for every meal are recommended because they have therapeutic benefits, not for the body but for the mind.”


  The minutes passed and with this the food on the plates was consumed little by little. Both Omar and Rebeka made sure to chew well and calmly swallow what was in their mouths, as there was no other beverage on the table other than alcohol and neither of them was used to consuming it for recreational purposes.


   Sip after sip of the contents inside the glasses, as well as the worries of the moment, were washed away in the minds of the boys, who were talking about different topics until they finished washing the dishes and organizing the table.


Although he felt lighter and looser with respect to his movements, to the point of even getting a little clumsy, Omar was already getting hungrier, something he demonstrated with his suggestive glances, completely ignoring the fact of being caught or the consequences that the moment would bring. The young male body moved with his erect member from one place to another, as one who had already eliminated modesty towards another person and towards anyone who might enter that house with the intention of surprising him.


“The food was delicious, but no more so than the cook,” said Omar with a confident smile, which made him stay silent, staring at the answer his girl would give.


‘His look...’ she thought. ‘Those eyes, those lips, that presence he projects in the roomthey literally kill me inside.’ 


Rebeka bit her lower lip, and after lowering her eyes, she watched the hunk of meat waiting for her steady as a soldier and even pointing towards her. After running her gaze over the male body while leaving the crystals in the sink, she felt a warmth dripping between her legs. That piece of meat didn’t have to tell her anything; standing there silently, it seemed to have the power to bring her to her knees.


  Under the spell of arousal, she turned and took her boy by the hand with the intention of leading him back to her room on the second floor.


The two of them, making any amount of noise and fuss as they climbed the stairs like the two naked drunks they were, made way for more daring behavior. Rebeka steeped her tail as much as she could, even using her beloved’s hands to spread her buttocks open from time to time. Omar, determined, held the two masses of the flesh of the playful girl and, by a voluntary act, wedged his face right in the middle of her ass, which was wide open and waiting for him receptively.


  Breathing as deeply as he could, the boy rubbed his face across the area not caring that he was staggering from one side of the stairs to the other or that Rebeka was screaming from the laughter he couldn’t control from the sensation he was getting.


  As the seconds passed and Omar’s tongue intervened between her legs, Rebeka couldn’t help but go from laughing to moaning and steepening her tail even more against the face of whoever was further down the stairs than she was. With her eyes closed and mouth open, she came to perceive how the tip of the boy’s nose, at first cold, pressed against her. She also felt how his tongue sought to enter as far as it could into her. After she got to pull her tongue out, it felt so good, perverted, and yet so morbid that she even wanted more. To hear the sounds, to increase the pressure, to have his jaw hit her harder, even to shove that whole head up her hole if she could.


  Rebeka stopped in place, leaned on the handrail to keep herself upright  resigned herself to feeling the boy disconnect his tongue from where it was pleasuring her, and decided to climb it. With each step Omar climbed, he licked her upward with fire and passion. Rebeka felt it moving up from the base of her back until it reached the beginning of her neck and then behind her ear. The wetness of the tongue, combined with the heat of each breath she exhaled, was electrifying to her, so much so that she could tolerate her ignited crotch being left alone for a while. 


  ‘I bristle all over!’ she thought, as she felt a stake thrust between her buttocks and sought to penetrate her frantically. ‘He wants to stick it in me, but still no.’


   Desperately, the tip of the phallus deciphered an entrance, at which the brunette turned and connected her lips with her beloved’s mouth, while with her most dexterous hand she held the head of the snake.


   There were still hints of the essence between her legs, as she remained glued to the lips of the one who kissed her from neck to back. Kissing each other, perhaps Omar had stopped tasting the taste on her palate, but for Rebeka, the morbidity of indirectly kissing her own fluids was captivating.


  Their mouths parted for a moment, as if they were searching for air underwater. Both Omar and Rebeka went from a simple kiss to licking and sucking at any bit of skin within reach of their mouths. She was still clutching the erect, throbbing member while he hugged and squeezed her buttocks. The licks returned to the lips, nose, cheekbones, forehead, and ears, so that one could say they moistened their faces with saliva. Between ragged breaths of excitement and suffocation, each gave the other a light hickey that ended in a big kiss or a lick that culminated in a hickey.


The lovers took several steps over the stairs and moved closer to the bedroom. With his hands, Omar went from squeezing his beloved’s buttocks to grabbing her breasts. Rebeka felt pinching and tugging on her nipples as she could no longer control the virile member that twitched with desperation and eagerness for release.


  The kiss continued in a competition of who ate first, until the boy’s nose decided to go down the path he had climbed to pass by his partner’s abdomen, not without first sucking and tasting the mountains that stood imposing.


   Since he was bending down again, she could do no more than release her grip on the virile member who promised to return to the attack. Having to take precautions so that Omar wouldn’t come back up and thrust his member into her in surprise, Rebeka grabbed her boyfriend by the hair, and as he reached down again, she lifted one of his legs to let him have a taste of everything he was giving her down there.


  More intent on seeing what he was going to eat than on making his companion wait, as soon as he had his breath between his girl’s legs, Omar made his index finger and thumb leave the right nipple they guarded and decided to use them to open the petals of the sleeping flower he saw. Before the boy’s eyes bloomed a mound of hooded flesh. The pink and rather admirable figure of a steep clitoris came into view and stepped out into the world, exposing itself to the pleasures that direct contact of flesh against flesh could experience.


From above, Rebeka watched in rapt fascination as her beloved did, as if she could not believe what she was feeling. She opened her mouth and found it impossible to control the breathing in her chest, which, along with the heat coursing through her body, was increasing until it made her moan pervertedly. Between murmurs, sighs, and moans suggestive of experiencing so much pleasure, she decided to grab her right nipple with her hand and squeeze it hard because she found it pleasurable. Feeling that she was being sucked on something that for so long she had been careful not to show, that she found shameful and embarrassing to expose, made her vibrate in the air, but not as much as the idea that this something would be invaded by the boy in front of her.


After breaking the distance, Omar stopped sucking to lick what had been exposed under the pressure of his suction. That movement was enough to cause Rebeka to lose her balance, be forced back down the stairs, and fall down sitting on one of the steps. She understood that experiencing such a sensation for the first time had left her head spinning. If this was what tongue-lashing felt like, what would it feel like to have full, violent sex?


   ‘Standing in this kind of situation is dangerous,’ Rebeka said to herself, conscious of not getting back up.


  After Omar found what he craved to taste, he continued to nuzzle his nose between his beloved’s legs, planting a kiss that preceded a hickey over as much area as he could encompass with his mouth wide open.


  “Wait, do whatever you’re going to do to me in bed,” she said, as she closed her legs and placed her hand in between.


  On the steps of the stairs, Rebeka didn’t feel too comfortable enough to enjoy herself fully and pleasurably. She also didn’t want to have her first time on the stairs at home; that didn’t sound too good for her taste.


Like a champion victor of a thousand battles, Omar stood up on the stairs and carried the body of his beloved in his arms. Without another word, he climbed the remaining five steps and decided to throw himself on the bed, lying on his back.


  Rebeka was tempted to do a sixty-nine, but the thought of not being expert enough to enjoy and receive at the same time made her more aware of the situation. After crawling over the bed and onto her boyfriend, she positioned herself to the side so that her legs were wide open. She wanted the boy to keep turning her on with oral sex, so she offered herself by spreading herself open with her hands and showing her pink insides bathed in lubricating elixir. But Omar already had other intentions in mind, as he knelt on the sheets, rubbing his virile member against her hands, as if it were the remote control of a TV that wasn’t working.


Suddenly, he was on top of his girl like an animal blinded with passion that couldn’t take any more. His head was not tidy, and his member was loose and at liberty. Without warning or further preparations, he pounced and shoved everything he had to get all the way in in one lunge.


 Rebeka didn’t even have time to say anything or demand a better situation or more preliminary warm-ups to be sufficiently prepared because she was under a muscular body that was sweating from her pores from the desire to fuck that she had. On the other hand, she had the tongue that had earlier licked between her legs all the way down her throat.


She was doomed to feel the thick head and veiny shaft that made up Omar’s sexual muscle make their way between the walls of her tight interior, and she realized how unprepared she was for penetration. With her beloved’s tongue moving inside her mouth, his virile member also ended up pushing beyond the confines of her cervix, until it received a sharp lash from the extra skin that hung down.


  Beneath a body whose muscular back had opened so wide that if she tried to embrace him, she couldn’t reach out to touch his hands, Rebeka was impaled underneath and with her mouth trapped, in what was a magical moment of vulnerability and surrender.


Suddenly, the young man’s member made its way back, almost from base to tip. ‘How good it feels. I don’t feel afraid to stand still; it’s like my brakes are broken. I don’t know how to stop; this is what I want to feel...’.


Staring blankly at the onslaught that preceded the first penetration, Rebeka received the second and third, which shared the violent, jerky movements of the first. Lying between two thick arms, a reddening chest, closing eyes, a face she loved, and short, spiky hair she adored the sight of, she could do nothing to stop or appease the intensity of her boy’s hip movements. On the one hand, it wasn’t that she wanted to stop them, for that sensation made her feel happy, flooded with the ecstasy produced by sleeping with someone she had set out to conquer.


   If her hymen had not been open because of the perversions she had done every time she stayed home alone, she could affirm that the moment would have been the most painful of her sexual life, but no. As soon as the walls of her vagina adapted to the friction, her beloved’s penis was smeared with flows, and the neck of her cervix got used to being pushed. Feeling it go in and out became fascinating.


  ‘How strong, how virile, how macho, how he’s giving me,’ she thought, then said aloud:


“Don’t stop; keep going... harder, more... all the way in.”


Her screams were heard as soon as Omar’s mouth took distance.


 At the words, the boy’s eyes widened, for he was surprised. From his point of view, that was all he could give; it was as deep as he could go, and he was almost reaching the limit of his stamina. Still, she was asking for more, which implied that it was good but not good enough.


After calculating the situation, perhaps not even a minute had passed for Omar, even if it felt like an eternity, for it was only fifty seconds of penetration.


  Rebeka, on the other hand, was thirsty for pleasure; the worst part had already happened, and if the worst felt so good, how would it feel to be fucked hard all night long? If this was what a strong, hard-throbbing member of a man felt like, then why waste time playing with their mouths?


After moving her hips with her legs, Rebeka imprisoned her beloved and kissed him, feeling like she could orgasm.


Up and down, back and forth, Omar felt how his girl’s hips swallowed his member several times, until something he was trying to delay came.


  Rebeka could tell that even though he was moving, her boy slowed his efforts and focused more on closing his eyes and contracting his body as hard as he could. So much so that when she dug her nails into her beloved’s buttocks with the intention of having a better foothold to hold on to in order to move, it felt like she was scratching a metal surface.


   Inside her belly, the addictive sensation of spasmodic palpitations in a limb about to convulse became distinguishable. That brought Rebeka back to the present, as she could imagine what was coming, and although the heat of the moment was intense enough to cloud the mind, for sure, the end of the story was becoming terrifying. Getting pregnant before the age of thirty was illegal in society. It wasn’t that it meant a prison sentence or anything like that, but that the government would refuse to provide its free medical aid services to a woman who hadn’t worked for a minimum of nine years. 


   ‘He’s going to cum inside me!” she thought. ‘Just as I couldn’t stop him from suddenly sticking it in me, maybe I can’t stop him from cumming inside me, his semen filling my uterus and fertilizing me from a...’


After all, she was as young as she was fertile. After using her deepest rational level, with her hand and a hip movement, Rebeka pulled out the member already inside her, after which she felt it convulsing and writhing over her pelvic area and belly.


  “I hope nothing fell inside,” she said, somewhat discouraged by the situation. As soon as she looked up and saw Omar’s eyes, she continued, “Do you want to get me pregnant? Don’t you know that if we’re going to do it like this, without protection, you have to tell me when you’re about to come to get it out?”


The boy, defeated and confused, looked down. He didn’t understand how the situation had ended so quickly and where those daring and exciting hip wiggles had come from, responsible for making him lose control. After seeing the combined semen and vaginal fluids on his member, Omar realized there was no blood.


  To Omar, Rebeka was scolding him for not taking control, for doing something he should know how to do, and for his role in the situation. Adding to this, it was an embarrassingly losing battle in which he had not even managed to hesitate for more than two minutes of combat. Perhaps that did not make him a suitable candidate for the position of permanent groom.


To him, it was true that men could look down on a woman based on how many guys they had been with in the past, whereas if a man was with many women, it was seen as an act for which to be proud in front of his peers. However, women could also look down on a man with little experience in love and would be much more content with those who were older and had learned after being with many women. After all, having to supervise a kinky guy was not a very easy task for a girl who was looking to experiment and enjoy herself.


“No... I didn’t mean to; I don’t know what happened to me; I thought I could take more,“ he answered while trying to catch his breath and reproaching himself for not having masturbated in the garden before entering the house. “After all, this is my first time with a girl.”


“And do you think this isn’t my first time with a boy?” asked Rebeka, irritated, as one who understood that she had been labeled a slut, in a polite way. Politeness aside, she found the comment offensive.


This was the third scolding of the night for a boy who had had to wait for hours in the garden of a house, whose lawn was untended and not in the best condition. Then he had to climb through the window and be caught in an embarrassing and hard-to-explain situation as a result of drinking alcohol and because he had not done the work in bed that he intended to do.


 “Just because you masturbate doesn’t mean you stop being a virgin,” said Rebeka as she smeared the cum that was on her stomach, then made circular motions over her clitoris. “Just because I didn’t bleed doesn’t mean it wasn’t my first time with a man. But to fuck me that hard with the intention of making me bleed is not very gentlemanly of you. If it had hurt so much that I couldn’t move, that would have made me want to not be with you anymore, for not knowing how to treat me gently. I guess I deserve it; forgive me if all I have done so far is mistreat you and have very high demands of you. After all, it was the result of the fear I had.”


The look of regret and loss on Omar’s face was impossible to ignore. After all, the concern the guy had was that if he really hadn’t been the first one in her life, maybe the previous guy had been better than him in bed, and with this, she would have gone back to her ex or something.


On the other hand, watching his girl touch herself with the semen he had dropped on her was interesting to watch. It was like making the fantasy of the night before come true, and at the same time, it showed him that women could be kinky when they were alone.


Aware that she was playing with fire, Rebeka withdrew her fingers from the area where she held them.


“Hand me one of the wet towels and wipe me." After watching the young man diligently do his job with a smile on her face, she decided to add. “You better clean up well, because you’ll be giving me orals until you get hard again. Consider it your first attempt. After all, in the second one, you were convinced you were going to last longer, weren’t you?”


Pleased by the circumstances, as soon as Omar finished cleaning up what he deemed necessary, he laid down on the bed, decided to use his mouth to do more than just talk, and returned to where she was with her eyes closed. Rebeka just focused on feeling him eat her from the inside out.


‘Maybe my desires to be violently penetrated are a bit out of my reach at the moment; besides, I don’t have much confidence that he can control himself and come outside of me. I don’t want to use condoms for the first time either, but really, it’s not like he’s the one I need to worry about. I’m the one I have to worry about the most.’


Omar worked diligently at his task of appreciating and savoring the intimate nature into which he had thrust his member all the way.


'Mmm, why am I thinking so much? I’d say it feels good, but not good enough. Not like the first time he did it to me. ‘Let me give him a little instruction,’ Rebeka thought, then went on to tell him:


“Don’t linger too long on the hole; go straight to my clitoral area and run your tongue around it, yes.”


After listening to the instructions, Omar set about doing his best.


“Like this, now a little slower. Get your tongue wetter. You can try to stick a finger or two in me and press up.”


As Rebeka gave her best instructions, the minutes passed and the situation improved so much that she was about to come, but she really needed a little help from extra stimulation to do so.


After all, experiencing violent penetration from the start could not compare to the friction caused by two poorly coordinated fingers using an inexperienced tongue. The situation was like eating a spoonful of sugar and then drinking fresh orange juice. The palate had already become accustomed to something very sweet, so much so that the orange juice began to feel bitter and not so refreshing.


  Whimsically, she knew she could activate his mind to come; after all, she knew herself better than anyone else. Intent on putting something much sweeter than sugar into the orange juice, she used her hand to manipulate the young man’s hand to make him pull his fingers out of her vagina and act upon it, guiding him to find his way to be pushed against her second entrance until he slipped well inside.


‘Whew,’ she thought, hunching over on the bed. ‘Now I can feel I’m about to cum.’


She didn’t manage to avoid hunching her spine even more, to the point of wanting to pull back, and though she did, with the same she tugged at the young man’s hair with her other hand, to take him with her and not allow him to pull away.


“Oh yes!!!” he said loudly, as if he were expelling air from his stomach and not from his lungs. ‘Feeling him trying to breathe makes me want to suffocate him more, makes me feel more perverted, and that finger going further and further into my back door....’


  Omar could only stick out his tongue, for he was condemning himself to feel the wet skin being rubbed against his face.


Intentionally, in the orgasmic moment, Rebeka squeezed Omar’s head with her legs as hard as she could, but the spasms that streamed from her clitoris to her limbs and body weakened her strength and grip.


What to her might have felt like the strongest squeeze she could develop with her muscles, to Omar felt like she was being grabbed by the ears in an affectionate way.


Even feeling the electrifying pleasure, with each lick Omar gave of his own accord, Rebeka could swear she felt as if something else was going to come out of her and the moment would never end.


  Satiated by the ecstasy of a pleasurable orgasm, the girl’s eyes were looking up at the sky hidden behind the ceiling of her room. The same place where, for so many nights in a row, she had masturbated until she had wet her panties irretrievably. On none of those nights had she ever felt the way she felt at that moment. There she was, her strength drained, satisfied, steam rising from her naked body, and possessed with pleasure.


‘But the night was still far from beginning, let alone ending.’


After writhing between the sheets, Rebeka couldn’t help but love the moment as she felt Omar’s finger, tongue, and face withdraw from her body, with nothing she could do to keep him close.


‘Young and healthy for me, better than old and knowledgeable,’ she thought, as with half-opened eyes she saw that beneath her legs rose again, intimidating and imposing, the erect member of her beloved, who promised to make a better performance in the second round than in the first.


“Magnificent experience; I must give you credit,” she said purringly after running her tongue between her lips. “I never managed to get to feel so much pleasure on my own. It’s wonderful to come this way when you only do half the work.”


“Rebeka, I love...”


Before the young man spoke, she interrupted him.


“No, not at a time like this. Don’t say that word. Because I don’t recognize them in happiness. True love is in misfortune. Now, I’m going to give you my body, doing nothing and focusing on receiving, Let’s see how many times and for how long you can put it in and take it out.”


   In the “missionary” position, Omar placed his hands on the bed. He took it upon himself to find a way to move his hips back and forth. He stopped when he thought he was about to come and pulled out when he couldn’t hold it in any longer. So it was that the young man continued his diligent task while all Rebeka did was rub her clitoris and contract the walls of her vagina every time she had an orgasm. The night wore on, until the dawn of a new day, signaled by the first light of dawn.


After cumming on his beloved, Omar realized that he didn’t even have any semen left to ejaculate or soil the sheets. With nothing to clean up, he fell sprawled on the bed, while Rebeka moved to the side so as not to get all over the sweat and fluids he had generated on the bed, which he found cold and uncomfortable.


‘Once, twice, three times, too many to keep count, no. But if it was a good amount, Numbers don’t matter anymore,’ thought Rebeka, also agitated.


“My beloved, you managed to make me unable to walk; my legs are shaking so much and my whole body hurts.” After running her hand over his face, she continued. “Let’s stay cuddled up, naked on the bed. Hold me tight and don’t go away. Show me how much you love me.”




“Tell me, Omar...”


“I want to tell you something...”


“Happy birthday.”