Chapter 8
Maryam's Conversation

Right off the bat, both Heroclades and Rey turned their faces in the same direction. From the opposite side of the plains, Maryam and Wulfgang approached calmly.

Maryam walked gracefully. On her shoulder she carried a parasol; she wore a full-length, close-fitting dress, which revealed her thighs to her hips on the sides, plus a wide hat. Just by looking at the new clothes, Rey could tell that she was capable of using her legs as weapons. From the garments she wore, the vampire knew how to deliver each and every one of the countless kicks that existed in the world of combat. Although kicks were slower in melee confrontations, these could be much stronger than punches.

Wulfgang, on the other hand, was also dressed smartly, in suit, tie, shirt and a hat, as one who had no intention of running nor cared that his movements were restricted. Rey could perceive that his father behaved like a shield, the strongest of all.

As soon as the pair got close enough, they exchanged words with Heroclades. Maryam as the mother she was, disposed her free hand to wipe the dust and blood that covered the face of her battered son. She looked pleased with what she saw, as one who rewards the suffering of others, but, for a moment, her smile broke. The vampire quickly disguised the gestures on her face.

Rey noticed such a change, as if his mother could not use her powers despite having tried. But he wasn't too worried either, as it was early in the morning.

On the other side, the lycanthrope gave his master a firm handshake. A handshake that was preceded by a warm embrace and some laughter typical of two great friends meeting. As soon as they parted, the wolf looked up and down the little one's battered body. His eyes did not unleash murderous instincts and his aura was not threatening at all, although he still had a haughty and arrogant look.

"Hello... son, I see you're still alive."

Rey nodded respectfully, more to annoy his father than to keep his distance, for he knew the wolf was wary of people who want to keep their distance politely.

Maryam, with finesse in her actions, decided to devote herself to pointing out Heroclades' mistakes, more as if it were a hobby.

"How about it, Hero? I think your training was a bit rough, don't you?"

Before Heroclades could give a proper response to the smirking vampire, Wulfgang said as one who gave less importance to the matter, "Don't worry about that, my beloved. No child of mine is so little as not to go forward with a broken bone or two." And returning his gaze to the tan-skinned master, he added, "Hero, we need to talk."

Maryam realized something. Rey had manipulated his father's response, all so she wouldn't feel the pressure of having to use her powers. Even more, he was watching her as if to deduce her reaction. "Extraordinary," the vampire thought.

Heroclades, delighted that he didn't have to answer the vampire with another uncomfortably obvious question, decided to turn his attention to his first disciple.

"Of course! Come with me. This way. By the way, you can see the camp I made. I hope my girls are ready for another round."

Rey watched them leave. He also saw how his mother lowered the strange artifact that covered him from the light as soon as he entered under the shadow of the tree. The vampire took two steps and turned quickly to slowly take a seat on the grass and lean back against the trunk. When his mother's dress lifted with the turn she took, he was transfixed with memories that came to his mind. Seeing the skin between his mother's legs exposed brought back thoughts of Silvia's vagina, which he couldn't help but compare. "Maybe once the belly opens it never fully closes again?" he wondered.

Maryam held out her hand and called her son out of his trance to sit next to her.

"Mother, are you angry with me?" he said as he took a seat where he was told.

"Yes. I am disappointed that you have grown up so fast, that you are so independent, and well as that you have tried to run away."

Rey swallowed dryly, took a deep breath and tried to pull away, but had to give in to his mother's hand gently hugging his head.

"Why can't you act like a normal child? Have the curiosity that a normal child has? Ask the questions that normal children ask? Worry about the things that normal children worry about? Why are you so extraordinary?"

Rey was silent. His mother was still rambling and perhaps she was reluctant to jump right into the matter with the intention of drawing out more information. Out of the grass came the little Paradise guardian hatchling. Ignoring the awkwardness of the situation, the little furry ball squatted down and peed on the ground as the females of her species did, and then wandered between mother and child with the intention of finding the perfect spot. That one that would be most conducive to lying down as the two of them were.

"Awww, but what a beauty. I've always wanted my kids to find someone who could walk with them on their journey without breaking them. She's perfect for you, you know? It's normal for someone lonely like you to end up involved in a lot of trouble. By nature some beings may be attracted to you, but also keep in mind that, if at some point someone approached you, this person may have done it with ulterior motives. If when they approach you, you don't identify them as a threat, they will not hesitate to take advantage of your naivety..."

"Are you talking about Silvia?"

Maryam widened the corners of her mouth even more, at the same time trying to contain her excitement. "I was talking about Heroclades; he's the one I'm most worried about. One for what he might teach you, another for what he might make you do.”

"Teach me?"

"For example, stealing. Recognizing that stealing isn't good if it doesn't come with a prize included, it's wrong. And while hiding the truth is not honorable, either, seeking pleasure to avoid pain is less so. I'm not the best person to tell you about the latter because I confess myself guilty of it. But in Hero's culture, pederasty is not frowned upon. In the eyes of those who share his ways, it would be a disgrace to you if you did not get to have a relationship beyond training with him. By this I want to tell you that both I and your father will respect your decisions from now on, and now that you are warned, you will know whether to allow it or not. But did something happen between you and Silvia? If you say yes and you feel violated in some way, me and your father can work it out."

Rey kept silent. His mother was good. But he had to ask.


Maryam swung her legs at the question. Now that she thought better of it, seeing her son's tiny size brought a whole host of painful memories of a past back to life.

"Let's just say it's a twisted and unorthodox way of fostering trust, respect, and loyalty between individuals of different ages..."

She didn't hesitate to run her hand over the little Paradise guardian's head and add, "Thank you for being so supportive of my son; the bond of friendship can mean so much...."

Rey nodded his head, for he really felt much more attached to Silvia. He could even call her Nana.

Seeing the unsympathetic look on her son's face, the vampire could deduce that he still remained incredulous at the subject; baring her fangs and playing with the fringe of his hair, she stopped petting the puppy and continued, "By deeper I mean sex..."

Maryam felt the pleasure of being a mother once again.

"Rey, although in some cultures two adults must first marry to have sex, sexuality is fundamental to all stages of life. I will start with the parts of your body that are considered 'private., Between your legs at the front, where your belly ends, you have a penis and two testicles. Although they have not reached maturity, that which is now flaccid is ready to grow and harden when you get aroused, as well as your daddy and any other male members you may encounter out there."

The vampire continued, "On the other hand, as you could see when I turned around, I and the other women have vaginas. A place which becomes moist when the person in question becomes aroused and which biologically is the entrance to the penis when you have the motive to conceive or experience pleasure. Women also have breasts and although they are not considered private, they are very sensitive and are kept hidden for protection. Now, both sexes have a cavity in common, the anus. Which is originally designed to defecate food that cannot be consumed by the digestive system. Vampires don't need it, so maybe you don't need it, at least not for defecation."

The vampire opened her eyes again, to confirm if her son was interested in the conversation.

"Usually, a man cannot conceive a baby with another man nor a woman with another woman, but they can ignore the natural purpose of their bodies and have sex with each other. Sex is anything that stimulates arousal in an individual, regardless of gender. As well as others, it is not wrong for you to be curious and want to experience arousal, if... you touch yourself, touch another person, give or receive a massage, masturbate, lick their private parts..."

Rey remembered Silvia for a moment. He licked her "private" part. It was moist, he felt aroused and thought about eating her. She massaged his body while she bathed him and watched him while he touched himself. But his mother's words were unspecific, so he thought he had not had sex with her. And if it was sex, he didn't care, for he had received a great benefit in return.

Maryam continued, "You penetrate her or let yourself penetrate her. By sexual penetration I mean the introduction of your intimate part, your bodily members or some object into the body of the other via vaginal, anal, or oral..."

Rey didn't show it, but he traveled back in his memory once again, this time with the intention of tying up some loose ends. Images flashed through his mind of when he walked through a world in which no one could see him. He remembered when his father was "excited" with his mother at the time when they were alone in the matrimonial room. When Katherine locked herself in with Mijan. The time when they all gathered in the living room and rolled around with each other. "What the older people saw as interesting when they were glued together was the pleasure that, my mother says, you can get to feel."

Of all the memories and scenes in which the adults were having "sex" or sex-related behaviors, one in particular caught the little boy's attention. When he was inside Heroclades' room. That moment in which his master got rid of his clothes and was preparing to spend the night with two women. The little boy remembered the vivid image of his master's "penis," which stood firm and was as large as one of his arms. "If it were the case that he were to put such a thing inside me, I think I would be split in half. Maybe I would die..." he thought somewhat disturbed after swallowing dryly.

Maryam, keeping the smile on her face, said, "What I want to say, regardless of what you may do or want to do, is that you have to do it by your own choice and not because someone else is manipulating you. My son, listen to a warning this mother has for you. Many of the people you may meet in the future may want something from you. Your heart. Your body. Your power. The reality is that in the end, no matter how hard you try, two people cannot become one and separation is inevitable... If any of the things we are talking about happen without your consent, it is called taking advantage, and if there is non-consensual penetration, it is known as abuse and your father is willing to kill anyone who takes advantage of someone else's weakness. That is his honor, his motto, and his warrior's way. Leaving that issue aside, why did you try to escape? I ask you not to try anymore."

"Any particular reason?" asked Rey curiously.

Maryam kept the smile that lit up her face. She acted like a mother who didn't mind listening to her son's complaints and was willing to even patiently explain herself to him. However, she knew that her son was as extraordinary as he appeared and if she gave him a little chance, he, with her argument, could perhaps create a convenient excuse and get away with it. Rey, in the face of his mother's silence, eventually relented.

"I need just a second chance."

"Mmm, a second chance. What a problem that would create. Nor would I gain anything by forbidding him to do it as many times as he wanted behind my back," Maryam thought, to say aloud, "Do we have a deal?"

Rey nodded.

"Just one more chance." The vampire, let out a prolonged sigh, to continue. "I'm sorry, my son, forgive me for all the pain you have had and will have to endure. Your mom is a selfish woman and I hope you will understand that someday.” Hearing the footsteps of two people, the vampire got up from where she was sitting.

Wulfgang spoke to his wife, "Hero is already aware of everything that is going on. Did Rey say anything about it?" he asked once he was close enough.

"No," said Maryam. "Whatever it was, it was consensual..." As one who was changing the subject, she continued. "We're running late to go see Jhades. Then we can stop by and pay Dante a visit and call it a day."

Once the pair left, Heroclades put his hand on his disciple's shoulder.

"It's quite a commotion you caused, but, still, I'm proud of you. Your father told me a bit of everything and it's clearer to me now why you beat me today: you learned from Silvia. She must have taught you how to control your aura in combat," he said with seriousness in his gaze. "Incidentally, your actions served to touch some overlooked green areas. The Great Wise Wizard told your father that Silvia was not responsible for what had happened and that, if he wanted to prevent the same thing from happening, he had to speak up and educate the little ones not to return to the house at night. When the lights are turned off, the maid is authorized to die, kill, or play with the life of whoever enters the interior of the house. If you had said otherwise, your father planned to stay up at night and enter the house with the intention of killing her and regaining your honor. You still have time to change your mind and see who is stronger in a fight. Or, on the other hand, you can keep trying to escape... I think you noticed, but if Maryam can't use her powers, you won't be able to pass the initiation."

Heroclades' words were ambiguity incarnate. Is he Wulfgang's friend or not? With this in mind, the little boy asked, "If I were to escape, with his sense of smell, could he follow me to the exit?"

Heroclades finished the little boy's sentence thoughtfully. "And escape too. Yes. That's what your mother fears most."

"Hmmm, the light still shines, but unlike the darkness, you may not stay bright forever." He turned his injured body and, limping, set out to walk in the direction of the forest, but not before saying, "It's best if I get going. Mother gave me one last chance to explore... I don't intend to waste it."

Bringing his right hand up to his face to groom his immaculate beard, which grew splendorously from his chin, Heroclades made a bitter grimace as if he were someone tormented by a guilty conscience. His disciple's condition was not the best, not counting the scrapes and wounds. Rey had cracked ribs that prevented him from fully inflating his lungs, a broken arm bone that did not allow him to lift his arm and an almost disfigured face. But it was the result of training and the price to pay for finishing all the tests on only the second day. "Still, watching him walk is painful. I don't think it was necessary to want to end it all at once and push himself beyond the limits," he said to himself.

What really worried the master was that his disciple would enter the forest once again.

"You remind me of me... without anyone's love. Hmm, when was it that I realized that I wanted to fight... I think also when I was born. At that time I saw that I had no choice but to go on. Just like you, dear little one... I can do nothing but wish you luck... No..."

Heroclades, unable to restrain himself from saying something, called out to his disciple. "Rey..."

The little boy stopped at the call of his name.

"Everyone is free to go through the work he wants to go through, but it is not weak to understand when to accept things that cannot be solved. Nor is it cowardly to seek the easy way out. Nor is it dishonorable to sit back and wait for problems to solve themselves. But, if you still make the decision to go ahead, I'm afraid it's because you still have a lot to learn and to be an adult..."

Rey turned his face and looked out of the corner of his eye at the tan-skinned gentleman who was pretending to give him advice. Of course, the little boy had seen in the past and was aware of his master's position. That he had given up continuing fighting and that he followed Fang because he or one of his descendants solved the problem he had been unable to solve.

"Looking at you, well... living without doing anything is hard and hurts a lot. Isn't it, Hero? You can keep calling me arrogant and haughty. I don't want to be an adult if it means that time makes me weak and afraid of death. I am never to live among miseries, but among opportunities to make a difference...."

"Just like when, you asked me, ‘Do you think I won't be strong enough to face any situation?’ when I gave you the chance to escape every night. Do you still remember those words?"

"I... have memorized every word you said." Rey turned and continued walking. Talking to Heroclades was much more thorough than talking to his mother. "That was in the past. I don't live in the past..."

Laughing out loud, Heroclades clapped his hands in the air four times and continued. "A round of applause for the little one. You are splendid. If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have believed it. Though it is of no use that you have discovered the malady from which I suffer. Let's see how far you get without changing, without becoming weak, and without being afraid of death."


With his faithful companion at his side, the little boy left the green pastures of Heaven to go once more into the interior of the Ever-Changing Forest. Walking as he walked, Rey with his now characteristic limp and staggering from side to side, left the light behind. That which illuminated whatever it touched gradually disappeared and turned to darkness, but the darkness no longer existed for the white eyes, nor for the little cub. Both could see without any problem, as if it were daytime. Unlike the previous time, Rey had not waited for the "guardians of Paradise" to finish their work and go to sleep before wandering through the forest.

It was far more likely that he would encounter one of these creatures that was looking for something to eat to kill boredom, as, indeed, a crouching, black-camouflaged beast flung itself before the battered little fellow and his companion. From the air, its claws exposed, the creature made its most powerful attack.

White was taken by surprise. He could do nothing; he could not even notice the ambush. The little feline knew that his companion was at a disadvantage and could not survive such an attack; although he witnessed the unthinkable, he could do no more than stand stunned on the spot.

Rey, with a simple but coordinated combination of steps, was able to move to one side, while with intelligence and speed he made his movements. The effectiveness of his blows was not in where he hit his opponent, but in that while he evaded, he attacked his opponent's vital areas. With one of his outstretched fingers he harassed the pressure points of the cloaked Great Beast. "The body of animals is less complex... As far as I could study, there are several zones that, if stimulated in different ways, can immobilize the enemy, hinder and provoke involuntary movements. As these points are located along the nervous system, a power user would have a greater affinity for this style because he can multiply the effectiveness of these techniques a hundredfold, but I always wanted to try. Now is a good time... let's start with the pain." Rey struck just above the feline's ear, on the trigeminal nerve. Under the jaw, on the sides of the neck, on the inner area of the biceps, over the pit of the stomach, on the liver, and when he went to the testicles, he couldn't find them... "Oops, it's female, I guess," he said to himself.

The Paradise guardian barely landed on the ground, propelled itself against the nearest tree, climbed up and attacked again as fast as it could.

Rey shifted again. "Looks like the pain wasn't enough. I understand, I wouldn't let pain break my concentration in a fight, how about I try hindering your movements... According to the mechanics of the body, certain hard and soft areas are prone to fractures, sprains, dislocations and strains if you hit them at the right time." This time, with the back of his hand still good, Rey sought to intercept the bony sutures of the beast's skull, nose, neck vertebrae, floating ribs, elbows and knees.

The beast returned to the ground, mouth open, bleeding from the nose, unable to hold its breath or run as before, but it did not stop and raising its right claw, it attacked violently.

The little white-eyed one continued, "Mmm!!!, with my current strength, I could only fracture its floating nose and ribs. I guess it remains for me to strike with the intention of causing contusions and fainting." Making use of his elbows and knees, he moved even closer and, dodging the claw, struck at a certain angle against the main veins in the neck of his enemy, once again attacked the chin, temple, joints of the huge animal and, in this way, after escaping three attacks, he made his opponent lose strength, mobility, and energy to continue attacking.

The beast trembled on the spot, not out of fear, but out of weakness. Resigned to lose, it puffed out its chest and with all its might gave its most frightening roar.

Rey stood motionless. "The brain is a vulnerable organ... Even so, with my present strength I could not give him an impact strong enough to make him lose consciousness. He looks disoriented and with loss of balance. If I can't knock him unconscious, it means I lack the strength to effectively deliver one of the various 'death touches.' Now it's roaring to intimidate... the roar feels different. If only I had known this before," he said to himself to fall into nostalgic reminiscing. "Back on topic and taking nature as an example: if you roared at a rock, what would you gain from it?"

Amidst the darkness of the place, Rey decided to behave like a mountain, opened his intimidating white eyes and let out the killer instincts he had been holding back. The little guy with no last name, with solid courage, looked straight into his opponent's eyes for a long time, until the beast understood that he had been given the chance to go on living. Yes, it made more sense for the beast to leave at that moment than to continue fighting to impress the others or to be the first to lunge at the prey. The Paradise guardian ducked its head and, somewhat awkwardly, left the way it came.

At that moment, White, aware that they were surrounded, rushed at Rey like someone throwing himself into the arms of a loved one who was about to die. Rey, as one who did not attach any importance to the matter, said, "Worry, you must not. Even if I were missing both my feet and one of my hands, it would not be enough for one of those beasts to kill me."

In the Ever-Changing Forest, Rey ran his hand over the trembling cub's head and looked straight ahead.

"Hmmm! Something strange seems to happen when the trees touch... What could it be? Now that it's daylight in Heaven, the darkness must not be so solid, and you can see better. Maybe it's the entrance, or the exit. To find out I have to go there, don't I?"

White did not understand the little boy's words. But he did understand that it was dangerous to continue advancing, better to go back to where the green pastures were in order to escape from the other felines.

Rey didn't seem to care at all about what was going on around him.

"Well, since I already tried the art of melee fighting using pressure points and it was ineffective. I guess I'd better attack in earnest using my best move from now on... you've been warned, leave one alive. From now on I won't feel sorry for the death of those who want to try their luck."

Showing an expression of intrigue on his face, Rey stopped stroking his companion, who was trying to push him back with the force of his head, and advanced in the direction of where he had set his sights.

"White, don't hang back," he said stepping over the corpse of a liger which he’d killed with a single blow.

"When? How? From where?" were the little white cub's questions as he saw how something that wasn't there had appeared on the ground dead.

Countless felines circled around the little one whose face was splattered with blood, but they did not dare to make any move after seeing how the second attacker had lost his life in just the blink of an eye. Not everyone understood that the little boy, who was walking wounded and smelling blood, was dangerous. Not everyone understood that even if they attacked together, they would meet the same end, killed by him. But all did understand that he would not attack them, unless one of them attacked him first.

Among those who did not understand were the younger and more foolish ones who took advantage of the absence of aggression or warnings from the prey to position themselves in the perfect way and make an attack from a different angle.

White saw a third Paradise guardian attack him without warning. One of his own attacked him. Was that logical? It had not happened before. In the animal world, yes, and if it didn't happen before it was pure luck, the little feline understood. It is common behavior for youngsters, in search of power, food and recognition, to commit crimes against their own kind, even cannibalism. Also, even if they were of the same species, they did not belong to the same group, therefore, it was a target. White understood all that at the same time as he watched the creature that had assaulted him lose its head instantly shortly before falling to the ground. The little feline was happy to be in the same group as the hybrid that walked on two legs.

Rey returned to his normal position and, with his more functional arm, remounted the shoulder that had been dismounted with the movement of his violent attack, almost imperceptible to feline eyes.

With a second body on the ground, all was clear for the Paradise guardians. If they did not provoke any of the little ones, then wandering in the forest was safe. These charcoal-camouflaged felines were the strongest, who stood at the pinnacle of the food triangle of the place, but not because they had claws, fangs, or tough coats, but because they were the smartest and most adaptable. They knew that they were in front of a dangerous individual, that it was better to leave him alone and go on in search of other prey. The black shadows left. All except one.

Rey asked the air while, with the tip of his hands, he touched some sort of portal that apparently did not accept him.

"It's been a long time, hasn't it? Yes, you. Why do you follow me and let me notice you? Do you need me, or can't you attack me if I know you're there?" As if realizing something, the little boy continued, "You're afraid. Interesting..."

A characteristic little girl's voice spoke in a thin tone, rather so that her words would not falter or tremble. "I want to kill you instead of waiting to take you. Only I wouldn't have honor if you didn't know why first."

Rey had never heard such a voice before, but he had perceived and seen the figure at least twice. It was the one the Great Wise Wizard had said was opposed to life and dressed in black. The same shadow he saw when he was born, the one who also loomed at the entrance to the cave when White was about to die.

Rey spoke employing a stern tone of warning, "If you attempt to kill me, I will be forced to defend myself and end your life in an instant."

Silence ensued; she was not going to answer, for she was sure that the little one was simply talking for the sake of talking.

"You leave no trace, you walk wherever you want, you see everything and hear everything wherever you are, but you cannot be stopped by anything solid or material. You are a ‘non-tangible being at will.’ Let me tell you something: power is in knowledge and knowledge can be found in books. I love to read a lot, and in the stories I have read there are countless anecdotes in which beings like you can be eliminated. It's funny, call me paranoid if you wish, but in a way, I was once like you and experienced what you did. That experience opened my eyes and made me think about how to defend myself if suddenly something that isn't there comes along and attacks me..."

Rey turned and with his eyes looked off into the distance.

"I can hear the sound of a heart beating inside a distressed chest. Breath trying to be silenced. A dry throat trying to can't control your power if you get nervous, can you?"

Rey noticed that his companion was aware that he was in the middle of a battle....a dry throat trying to swallow... you can't control your power if you get nervous, can you?

"White, attack!"

The feline ran off at the little one's command and, as soon as he rounded the huge tree trunk in front of him, a little girl with jet-black hair came out from the other side, running and screaming with her hands up in the air. She, who carried a dagger in her hands and wore a huge outfit that she even dragged on the ground, collided against Rey's outstretched hand, and then fell on the ground on her buttocks.

"White," said Rey in a commanding voice for his companion to stop.

The little feline stopped. White was proud of her feat, evidenced when she put one of her paws on the victim's body and roared loudly, a roar that sounded more like a shriek, but still she was claiming attention and conquering territory without further damage.

As soon as the agitated little girl opened her eyes, Rey held her nose and continued, "So this is what hatred looks like in the eyes of someone with a sad heart. Strange..." he said referring to the little girl wearing a hood. "Did I take something from you? I don't even know you for you to hate me so much. I apologize if my existence makes you uncomfortable. Since I don't plan to make up for my mistakes... I can give you something you want instead. But first you, who moves around here, maybe you know things that I don't. Tell me, what is this thing that opens in front of both of us and won't let me in?"

"Don't call me ‘stranger.’ I have a name, and tell him to get his paws off me. His nails are hurting me," replied the little girl.

Rey made a sign with his face and White obeyed.

"My name is Edith Laquesis De-Tartarus, and took away my childhood and even more. It's your fault I'm lost!" She folded her arms and tilted her face away from looking at the little boy. "For your information, that's a portal. Don't you know that, you who have read so much? I don't think you can go through it unless you've met the conditions, and even if you can, I don't recommend you go through it. That is one of the many entrances to Purgatory. There you will be a foreign body to that world, just as I am to this place. If you do something you shouldn't and change the structure or the purpose, you may end up being eliminated."

Rey, even with his nose covered, said, "Eliminated by what, by whom?"

The small, dark, gray-skinned girl got up from the floor. Shaking off her clothes from the dust, she gave a sigh and stood erect. She was bigger than Rey by a head.

"Not that I know the details very well, but in these circles, there are organisms that try to restore the natural balance of the place, the guardians."

Running his other hand over White's head, Rey, content with her explanation, decided to give her a chance to explain herself.

"In what way was it that I stole your childhood? Why do you say it's my fault that you got lost? Be honest..."

Edith, somewhat provocatively, added a question. "What if I don't tell you?"

She, in her mind, was not obliged to explain or answer; no one had, and she believed no one had the right. Besides, for her it was a shameful subject to talk about; therefore, her pride would not let her.

Rey, taking a step back, said, "You'll have to fend for yourself..." he answered coldly, as one who needed sincerity in order to trust.

Edith, advancing a step and throwing herself on her knees, almost on the verge of tears, said in despair, "No! Don't abandon me! Protect me... I need love... I need someone!"

Raising her watery eyes, she noticed that the little boy would not change his position unless she told him what he’d asked.

"All right. I'll tell you..."

From her knees she moved to sit on the floor with her feet curled up to move from side to side, sweeping her tail absentmindedly.

"By the way, why are you holding your nose?"

Rey, not knowing how to respond, decided to smooth over the situation. "Don't be depressed by what I'm about to tell you, or take it the wrong way."

Edith opened and closed her eyes several times, as if she was waiting for an answer.

"I cover my nose because you smell so bad."

Edith, with the shattered illusions of someone who had tried so hard in vain, averted her eyes, crossed her legs, and covered her neck with her left hand. She felt vulnerable, hence she tried to shrink more on the spot, to respond with a tone of not wanting to sound depressed. "Ah... It has to be. The smell makes me uncomfortable too. I haven't had a chance to take a bath or go to the bathroom properly in a long time. Aaaah!"

Changing the subject and going back to answering the questions she was asked, she knelt down to draw on the floor with the tip of her finger.

"My last name is the name of the second of the three Moiras. It means that I am the replacement of one of the daughters of Zeus and Themis. Lachesis from, ‘the one who throws the luck’ or ‘who determines the future of people.’ Your thread is weird, and I don't like it at all because it runs together with mine. I must confess that, although I tried my best to sting it, I never could. I had no choice but to resign myself to hating you: because you exist, I must live such a tormented and miserable life of tedious routines, hard work, endless classes, and reading many meaningless books. One day, a thread broke of its own accord, because the owner died..."

She paused, thinking. "How to say the following without losing confidence?" she asked herself.

Rey continued matter-of-factly. "And you came to kill me personally, so as to cut the thread that binds us together..."

She nodded her head, as if repenting.

"But you didn't succeed. Why?"

"At first I thought your parents would kill you. Then, let's say that seeing you suffer much more than I did, made me feel guilty. Don't you regret the life you live? Aren't you dissatisfied? In all this time you have not smiled once... You can always choose suicide to make those around you happy."

Rey, like someone convinced, replied, "You haven't lived a happy life either and your face says that you also smile little. That doesn't mean you want to stop living."

Edith looked up, seeing him as if she understood something obvious: the little boy was right.

"Your life is yours and it's the only thing you have," Rey said, "and as long as you take care of it you can do something about it. If you don't yet have the power to create the difference, you can either wait until you do or fight to get it. That's the way I look at it. Take my life in the future if you feel ready. But for now, in return... accept my help. Since we're almost headed to the same place, I can return you home. However, first I must find the old women."

Rey stopped covering his nose and held out the same hand. Edith raised her head with a hopeful look. Slowly and trembling, she reciprocated the movement as one who had thought of the possibility of receiving help from her enemy, but who, at the same time, did not believe it possible. At that precise moment when she felt the grip of Rey's hand and that warm gaze full of light and security, she stood up, put the dagger behind her back and gave a shy smile while she tucked her hair behind her left ear.

The little guy held the Parcae's hand and, quickly and without warning, threw himself into the portal causing the Parcae to scream in surprise. Rey had kept his eyes open, and since he was making contact with her, he was able to pass through the portal.

"As I surmised and read: by touching you, I seem to be able to meet the conditions."

Edith, agitated, said, "Don't ever scare me like that again!"

The little boy paid no attention to the Parcae's complaints. On the other side of the doorway had stood White, who could not pass, but could be seen peering out and squealing with concern. Already Rey could imagine the anxiety of being left alone in a place as large and dark as the Ever-Changing Forest was. Without letting go of holding Parcae's hand, Rey stepped through the portal and picked up his so inseparable companion to carry her on his head and return to the other side.

"So Purgatory, huh?" said Rey haughtily, thirsty for adventure and proud of himself for having obtained a positive result in his meeting with the Parcae.

Edith turned intangible, ready to hover over the little guy, saying in a trembling voice, "Indeed, the supposed ‘last barrier’ of entry to the first circle of Paradise. The beings invading this place are countless. Those who had no sins, but were also not worthy of Paradise, and those who turned their backs on the green plains ended up in this circle.” She swallowed dryly. "One of the most recognizable of all is the headless horseman who rides a broken-horned unicorn. There are also dwarves, white witches, colonies of scholars, and people who were born with a favorable path or to die immolated."

Rey, looking at everyone around him, spoke, “I can see."

However, he did not look at the individuals that populated the place no matter how strange they looked, but rather sought to find some difference that would prove the fact that his master was wrong.

The trees, the colors, the branches, roots, leaves and even the burnt-smelling dust followed the same patterns found on the other side of the portal. To the meticulous eyes of the little one without a last name, the site was the same. They were just on a different plane.

From among the creatures looking curiously at the appearance of the three individuals, a voice stood out and said gruffly, "A Parcae and a purified one... What do they come looking for in this lower circle?" asked the headless horseman, who was passing by, dressed in armor with two weapons. At his waist he carried a helmet under his arm as he rode a broken-horned unicorn.

Rey, haughty, puffed out his chest and looked in the direction of his opponent with a defiant attitude. "In search of the white witches. Anna the Elder of the Forest and Clara the Elder of the Lake."

"Let me tell you that you are on the right track," said the headless horseman, ignoring the little one's behavior. "Turn back and seek the plains at the foot of the mountain, where the proud are to be found. You must find at least one of the disciples of the white witches, but let me warn you, not because I am a Dullahan, but because it is one of my jobs as a guardian: to no one may you tell what the place from which they come is like, unless they wish to know the pleasure of ceasing to be," and he rode off with a slow gallop of the saddle.

Indeed, now that Rey was paying better attention, everyone's eyes had a question in them. But none dared to ask the little one fearing the worst would happen. Resigned to continue in disbelief, they made way and stepped aside before the walk of the purified white-eyed one.

Just at the exit of the forest, Rey stopped seeing in the darkness to contemplate what the light touched; his pupils were sufficiently regulated, to the point where they almost disappeared and only the Pythagorean star remained. Everything was the same, except for a colossal, almost endless mountain disappearing in the light of the sky. Edith was still frightened, as if she did not like interacting with other individuals. She preferred to stay quietly in the shadows where no one would see her. But the little one was different. He challenged with his eyes anyone who looked at him, while the Paradise guardian cub searched in the hope of finding his mother.

Rey said, somewhat concerned, at the sound, "You've been scratching down there for a while now."

"I have no idea,” said Edith. "It's starting to become unbearable. So is my hunger and thirst. Aren't you hungry?"

"No, nor thirsty either," said Rey. "Come to think of it, I don't think it would be wrong to take a little detour on our way and pass the lake, so you can also take advantage of it and take a bath. I'll warn you beforehand that I don't plan to lick you with my tongue or take care of you if you don't have anything to give me in return."

Edith blushed, "Lick me, take care of me? What are you talking about, give you something in return?"

Rey, remembering the extensive conversation he had had with his mother, but realizing that both he and she shared different bathing methods, decided to reserve explanations so as not to make the same mistake he made with Silvia, for now it would be sex, and said, "Don't worry. Just forget what I said..."

The little girl was curious. She wanted to know why the young man had told her he wasn't going to lick her. "Licking each other are things adults do," she thought. Biting down harder on her big fingernail and pressing her opposite hand against her pubis, Edith felt her heart pounding. "I, who in the future has to marry him, have I been rejected beforehand? He doesn't like me anymore because I tried to kill him? Oh, no! It's not that I like him or anything... But... why wouldn't he want to lick me? What should I give him in return? My purity..."

Looking up and puffing out her chest she continued her thoughts. "No. It can't be. Surely, he's talking about now. Yes, it has to be. Hmmm! If I smell ugly now, maybe when I smell better, we can get married. Yes, if he wants to lick me, he'll have to marry me first. I'll be following what I was told, though. On the other hand, now I have the opportunity to take a bath, smell and feel better, but I don't want to do it alone. What if something dangerous lurking around the place catches me as soon as I get careless? To take a bath, I have to become tangible." A whole stream of shivers made him wonder aloud to the much-worried Parcae, who floated about the place almost shrugging his feet and arms.

"Rey, since it is I who will not allow you to lick me without first marrying me, would you, at least... stay by my side?"

Rey turned around. The word marrying surprised him; however, he remembered the conversation he had with his mother. With his eyes he looked at the face of the little floater. She reminded him a lot of Ehimus. Scary and prejudiced, someone who made rash decisions.

"Oh, get married? I get it. You know what it's like to have sex. And for two adults to have sex, they have to get married first in some cultures. Don't worry, I told you I'd take you to the place you came from, didn't I?"

She nodded her head, whose eyes and forehead were hidden behind the hood.

"That means you are part of my pack, and I will take it upon myself to protect you until our paths divide. When I said lick you, I was referring to bathing you with my tongue."

Edith opened her eyes so wide that she almost lifted the corners of her sad, drooping mouth. She wasn't quite laughing, but she was happy at his words. It was ironic to see how at the same time White was licking a paw and then preening himself, as one who wanted to show off the form of a real bath.

Once on the shore of the immense lagoon, the little, white-eyed boy stripped off the only garment he had to enter the place without caring how many people were watching or passing by the busy plain. In contrast, the Parcae thought twice. She felt it was not right to bathe or relieve herself if other people saw her.

After waiting for a while, she began to complain hovering above the little guy. "What, aren't you ashamed that other people can see you, that I can see you?"

The little boy with no last name returned a confused look, as if downplaying the matter.

"I am!!!! I am a lady..."

Rey, taking Edith's demands into consideration, asked a question. "Do you want to go somewhere where no one will see you?" She nodded. "I understand..."

With only his head, on which he carried White, above the water, Rey used his hands and legs to stay afloat and go into the depths of the lake, which caused panic in the Parcae's behavior. Edith acted as if she were a chicken that had lost her chicks. Hysterical for not even knowing or seeing the depth of the lake. From the air, the shimmering body of water was vast, deep, and dangerous. Her mind wandered among the millions of creatures that could exist and be hidden beneath the surface of such a place. On second thought, what other place could be more advantageous to predators than where they could see their victims and attack them from below? Panic swelled inside the little girl to the point of generating a very intense discomfort in her stomach and almost making her vomit. Edith, exalted, could not keep quiet, "What are you thinking, aren't you afraid that something will come out of the water and eat you?"

Rey shook his head as if he had no reason to think of such a possibility.

"I am! Arg... What, do you want to die?"

Rey, as if pointing out a problem and speaking as if he were a master training his disciple, said, "Edith, if you want to become stronger, you have to become more vulnerable."

"More vulnerable?" asked Edith in agitation. "What do you mean? How by being more vulnerable will I be stronger?"

Rey, as one who understood that he was explaining something that would not be understood, continued, "Someday you will understand for yourself. It's beyond my control to make it clear that you understand if you're not ready to understand." Changing the conversation, now more than halfway across the middle of the lake, he continued. "Look, there's no one on this side. Still."

"Okay," Edith replied in a soft voice, reaching down and grabbing Rey's left arm with her right hand and sticking to his body as if she wanted him not to drop it in the process of leaving. She had her mind occupied with something else, reflecting on what she had been told. "Being vulnerable," she thought.

The Parcae's eyes lowered once more to look at the little guy's not so developed limb. Leaving the panic of the lake, now came another fear that made him feel vulnerable. Stripping in an open place, in front of other individuals, was a great moment of vulnerability. She was female, and even small, such an action of being unclothed would provoke the approach of other types of predators. Still, it would make her strong somehow. "No, this is simply arrogance. Like those warriors who go without armor to a battle, or want to take on the strongest person they can find... Still, taking risks is an opportunity to make me stronger, unless I die in the process. Maybe that's what he meant."

After pondering for a while, she looked sideways, let Rey drift away, floated to shore and very slowly began to undress. "As long as my feet touch the bottom, I don't have to worry about something bigger coming to eat me from underneath. If I can make myself intangible, no one will be able to touch me... Let's see what happens," Edith thought.

Both Rey and White got out of the water and shook their bodies to wring out the moisture that covered them. Then they lay down on the grass as if they were taking a breath to let the light dry them. On the other hand, the Parcae, very careful not to slip, already without clothes, covered both her chest and her vulva with her hands while, little by little, she entered the lake without looking to the sides. She felt that, if she saw that someone was watching her, she would regret what she was doing.

Her heart was pounding, she felt sand under her feet, the water rising and covering more with each step. To her, the liquid felt warm, almost as warm as the warm glow that washed over her face. No colder, no warmer. She remembered that whenever she stepped into the bathtub where she lived, the icy water would take her by surprise and make her recoil a few times. Also, that when she asked for the bathtub to be heated, it would almost boil and burn her badly on contact. So far, she didn't know that bathing could actually feel so refreshing. As she walked, no longer worrying about what might be around her, she sank her body and let her hands become freer until she let her weight float in the water. Edith did not understand this feeling of well-being and relaxation that the shimmering lake gave her. She could swear she was bathing in the sky, as free as any bird flying over the firmament.

With one thing leading to another, Edith set out to let go of the discomfort she felt in her bladder, something that was supposed to relax her even more. Relaxing her pelvic area she set out to urinate. Rey heard a hissing sound that he managed to identify quickly. "Edith is whining about something," he thought. The hissing turned to grumbling, and the grumbling ended in complaints about the water. No longer holding back his doubts, Rey asked aloud like someone caring for a child, "What's wrong?"

Edith answered, "I don't know. It burns me, I can't wee without it burning. It's the water, it has to be. This has never happened to me before."

Rey, worried to discover a word he had never heard before, asked, "Wee?"

Edith, as if it were as common as drinking water or breathing, replied, "Pee, that yellow liquid that comes out from down there?"

Rey, as if deducing something new, added, "Oh, urine. Come, let me see. Maybe it's not the water, and it's you."

Edith, somewhat elated, refused, "Definitely not."

"Why not?"

Edith, almost red-faced, said, "I don't know. I feel embarrassed, and a lady shouldn't be showing her parts to someone."

The little boy stared at her, as if he wanted to understand the logic of what she was saying. She changed her mind when she saw that she was practically naked at the other end of a lake traversed by many individuals.

"Mmm, but make it quick," she said as one who wanted to be vulnerable, with the purpose of being strong.

The Parcae came out of the water with slow footsteps, like someone who did not want to get out. Since he didn't know what to do, the white-eyed young man gave her instructions.

"Come closer. A little more, stop covering yourself with your hands. Crouch down. Spread your legs. Let me get a better look... Mmm, you have an infection."

Edith, surprised to hear a new word, asked, "What?! What's an infection? How do you know that?"

Rey, as sure as if it were a matter of course, answered, "Yes, it's an infection. It happened to White when he was about to die. His wounds became infested and secreted pus of different colors, yellow and green, to be more precise. That's not a wound between your legs, though..."

The little boy felt sorry for having jumped to the conclusion that a woman's genitals were a wound because she had had a baby. He decided to put that behind him and continue. "Sometimes I think it behaves like one and the strong smell you have comes from there. To keep it from getting worse, I advise you to clean yourself well and more often. Saliva and certain other ointments have properties to protect the area from developing infection. But first of all I think you should also clean your clothes with water, the dirt on them doesn't help."

Edith remained thoughtful. It was true that she had not taken much care of her hygiene lately and that every time she finished doing number two, she just wiped herself with the rocks and leaves that were lying around. She also remembered how "the caretakers" would fussily warn her about how important it was to clean herself properly, front to back, which she hadn't been doing lately.

"I guess you're right. But I don't know if I can clean myself. I don't want it to hurt anymore." Thinking twice, she looked at the one who seemed to know the subject well. "You don't have to lick me directly, but you can certainly help me..."

Rey, like one who warned, said, "Even if it hurts, you have to do it properly. Otherwise it will get worse..."

"That's right, even if it hurts, I have to do it properly. On the battlefield, if I can't stop the bleeding from a wound, I have to burn myself in a cauterization process," she thought and then, stuttering, added, "I'm asking you to do it for me, can you?"

"I told you I wouldn't lick you..." said Rey somewhat reluctantly. "Use your own saliva, and clean the clothes you wear with the water."

Edith, more frightened at the idea, added, "You don't have to lick me... as long as you use your hands, I think it will be fine. I can't do it myself..."

She, indeed looked terrified, to the point of breathing faster, and thought she would die in the process like a bleeding wound. As soon as the little boy nodded his head, they both headed back to the lake. Once inside, Rey got into a position where he could hold the Parcae's body, even if it resisted because of the pain, and at the same time with his good hand he would manage to clean the intimate part of it. Once prepared, he warned, "I will begin."

Wordlessly, she nodded. Running his hand around the outside of the Parcae's vaginal lips, Rey ran his fingers gently through the folds of the labia majora and minora, and around the tip.

"Does it hurt?" asked Rey.

"No, you can go on. It's okay," replied Edith as with her hand she held him down and closed her eyes. "Just try not to go too deep so it doesn't hurt."

Rey concentrated more. Although he wanted to keep his mind on the innocent side, he couldn't help but wonder if he was having sex. He was touching the private area of a female who had given him consent and, in a way, penetrating her by inserting his finger. "I'm holding her between my hands against me... I feel her vagina. It's soft, much smaller than Silvia's. She has no hair. Come to think of it, her body is delicate and silky. I close my eyes and breathe her scent... without that strong smell, the scent her skin gives off through her pores is sweet. My mind wanders, trying to imagine how her vaginal lips would be open... in front of my face..." Rey felt her moisten. "Does this mean she's aroused? Oh, no! No, no, no, no."

On the other hand, Edith couldn't stop thinking, either. She was clear that if she penetrated herself with her fingers while masturbating it didn't define her loss of virginity, but if someone else did it, was she having her first time? Besides, why love someone she supposed she had to hate and not so long ago wanted to kill? Why was she happy in that moment when she was next to him, the cause of her problems? Questions roamed through the Parcae's head, questions that made her feel confused. "Does this mean that I am falling in love? Is this strong attraction inside my chest love? Why do I feel that he has the necessary capabilities to make me happy?" Amidst so many questions, Edith noticed how the little boy was starting to wake up down there. "Does this mean he likes me?"

Rey, after clearing his throat, said, "Get up a little, get out of the water... I'm going to put my saliva on you."

With this he could make her come off him and not notice he was getting an erection.

Edith, more like a pompous puss, purred cuddly as one who felt appreciated. She swung her tail as high as she could out of the water in anticipation of the next move. She was confident that the little one would not throw himself at her, but if he did, she doubted she would want to stop him.

Rey withdrew the hand he had taken between the Parcae's legs; it was incredibly morbid for him to notice that his fingers were soaked. The water had gone, but the slimy juice that had secreted a waterlogged vagina remained there, in front of his eyes. It was his good hand; he had a justification to lick his fingers if he wanted to leave his saliva on them. Rey, in that moment that he knew what he was doing, found no valid reason to be able to deny the genuine euphoric pleasure, the surge of energy and excitement that adults felt in the world of pleasures. Rey, stuck his fingers in his mouth, getting a taste of a woman for the second time. An invasive desire in his mind urged him to seek more.

With each movement of the little boy, Edith was silent and felt as if her heart wanted to escape. She sweated, feeling anxiety combined with pleasure and guilt. She didn't understand how it felt so good to have someone else caress her ass. That he would stick his fingers between her cleft, and they would slip deeper and deeper and deeper inside.

"Hey!!!" said a robust voice. "What are you doing!?"

At the unsuspecting question and incriminating call, Edith jumped in fright. Rey turned with an enraged look and White snarled as he backed away.

"Sinners, in the name of the Holy God of Heaven, with that libidinous attitude, I find it hard to believe that you could have passed through the lowest circles and made it this far." The person was covering his body with old and almost torn robes.

Rey stepped in front of the Parcae and took a step forward. He, of course, had noticed the presence of the older man who was meddling in matters that were none of his business. Despite being much bigger, the moment that fellow saw the little guy walking towards the shore, for some reason he got goose bumps. He felt the sensation of encountering a guardian of the circle, and almost reflexively took two steps back as he raised his hands and made reference.

"Of course, your eyes... your skin. They are not human. A thousand pardons I ask if I have made you uncomfortable."

Rey softened his gaze and decided not to attack, but it was for no other reason than because the older man had been the first to demonstrate a passive attitude.

Although the lord maintained his vigilance and distrust, he held up his hands and tried to make conversation.

"My name is Cato, the Lesser..."

The little one continued to stare at him, while Edith managed to get hold of her garments and become intangible.

"I am but one of the guides in this circle. I'm sorry if my comment offended you... On the other hand, I can deduce that you may want to meet somebody. You have good eyes; I have to tell the truth."

Rey, moved by the words of the guide, decided to ask frankly, "Cato, my name is Rey De-Heavens. I am looking for the white witches, Ana and Clara. Or at least to meet one of their disciples."

Cato, opening his eyes as wide as he could, immediately struck his forehead with the palm of his right hand and said, "Having had my eyes open all this time and more, I was unable to see. They come from Paradise. Oh, such is my joy at this moment! What is Paradise like? What is the Lord Almighty like? How does it feel to attain the eternal bliss of being between the Nine Heavens and the Empyrean?"

The little boy kept silent, looked around, and remembered the words of the guardian of the place. He returned his gaze to the older man, who was almost praising him, to realize that there was practically not much difference with the Heaven of Purgatory. Looking up the mountain, Rey witnessed all the people climbing it to reach something that was not at the top but in the forest.

"What would happen to that lord if he knew? He would cease to be as the Dullahan had said," he thought to then say, "If you listen to the answers to those questions, I have been told by the guardian of the place that you would cease to be... You could guide me to the witches, and once we arrive, if you are still willing to know I will not deny you the privilege."

Cato, convinced like a good merchant securing a lucrative deal, said, "I understand." Forcing his curiosity aside, he continued. "The White Witches. Those who enter this circle sooner or later end up knowing about them. But not everyone knows their names. Come with me, little ones. Walk with me through the plains of this first circle of Purgatory, ruled by the proud."

Skirting the entire mountain, the guide led the little ones to a kind of city as bright and lush as the place itself.

"And this is Soberbia the capital of the circle of the superb ones. The huge headless knight structure, along with the many other women with lush bodies, is said to have been built by the renovator of the site in his lifetime. He spent most of his time at this site sharing and learning from those of different faiths, hence he also created the castle you see embedded in the mountain. The other structures, at first rustic, were created and designed by the humans themselves, who after the death of the lord, suggested to the guardians to stay and enjoy the comfort of the place, in exchange for one or two fights a day. After almost twenty centuries, the great walls and towers you see have become the most prosperous city in Hell, inhabited only by those who refuse to recognize that there is something more powerful than their own bodies, who walked and walk the path of the sword, martial arts, knowledge, honor, pride, and weapons. In the castle in the background, are the white witches who you seek..." Stopping his pointing, he turned slowly. "Here my humble guidance culminates, and it is that he who has no knowledge of fighting, like me, will not be able to advance any further."

Edith, unable to look the gentleman in the eye, threw out a question, as soon as she noticed something out of the ordinary. "Who are those who come out with their heads down?"

Cato observed where the Parcae was pointing, paused, and answered. "They are individuals who realized how weak they were compared to others... That's right! They don't belong to the circle of the proud. Perhaps they thought they admired their desire to become strong and fight against enemies because it was a noble cause. But none of those sentiments will prevail enough against those who are truly strong for the sake of being strong! Heroes who were driven by the obsession and need to save someone cannot keep running if they have no purpose. With nothing to defend, no noble goal, or anything to lose! Their swords stop being sharp, their fists become sluggish, their hearts stop beating, they notice the pain, the tiredness of their bodies and, consequently, how wrong they are. That it was all nothing but a farce. That nothing needs to be saved. No, first of all, in Hell, they don't even know what they want to save! There you see them, abandoning the arrogance and pride that brought them to the place with their heads held high, just as those who enter..."

Trying not to appear impatient to know, the gentleman with the elongated beard and simple robes bowed as he held up his hands as if to receive money. "Now, how is this place you come from little one?"

Rey, without much thought, replied, "Exactly like this one, I'm afraid to tell you. And the road is not at the top of the mountain, but at the entrance to the forest."

Cato took a deep breath. "Haahhahaaa-ah!" He spread his hands. "I see. All this turned out to be a comedy... Certainly, I'm nothing but a tiny speck of dust flying in the wind! I see, I see, so that's how it is! So there was nothing on top of the mountain! Thank you, little one. Thank you for freeing me."

The body that could be seen before turned to dust and disappeared with the first gust of wind before the eyes of the three of them.

"Let's move on," said Rey. "Ah, if you don't want to be looked at strangely, I advise you to stop floating, but stay in a state of intangibility in case you happen to be attacked," he said to Edith, as soon as he turned in the direction of the large realm that existed inside the mountain.

Edith, who was floating through the air, obeyed the suggestions, descended, and placed her feet on the ground behind Rey. Already when they had advanced inside the immense, almost overpopulated city, many eyes turned to see them. She expounded a comment when she saw the first individuals almost naked, with stone mallets, loincloths, and spears.

"Rey, these people with arrogant looks and cold demeanors are wearing very light clothing. Why would that be?"

Rey, as one who knew everything, explained the reason to the little girl, "In the technique of combat not influenced by technology there are two paths. Strength or agility, but no matter how strong you are, if you can't follow your opponent's movements, you will lose all the advantage you gained by creating strength and you will end up a target unable to defend yourself. My teacher explained to me that techniques are means to compensate for weakness, and he was right. Speed gives many advantages and a variety of techniques. Take the example of my confrontation against the guardians of Paradise. In terms of strength and defense, I can't compare with them, but if I am fast enough to intercept them with a lethal blow before they can even touch me, then I will have won the fight...”

A person of irritated character stepped in the middle of the wide path made up of gray flagstones and bricks, and interrupted the little boy's advance.

"Stop there, little boy! You dare to pass before me without bowing your head or saluting with respect. What?! Haven't they taught you manners?!" he said to the point of deforming his mouth to look more intimidating. Not that he needed it, since his appearance said a lot: pale tanned skin, long white hair, full moustache, and scars on his face. He wore cloths tied around his neck that were tucked inside his vest. The black vest, with gold buttons, was covered by a vibrant red, sleeveless, floor-length suit. Protruding from the hands were the sleeves of a shirt. A three-pointed hat with red feathers, long pants, steel-toed boots and three belts, one on the right shoulder across his chest and loaded with a musket and the other two at the waist concealed by the suit.

Edith was startled, as it was normal to be startled by an unexpected loud noise. Rey, on the other hand, simply straightened his posture, stuck out his chest and hid his broken arm that made him look weak, to warn with killer instincts, "You are in my way."

Of all those who had been seen before, the guy was wearing the most clothes. "That means he's strong and doesn't care about speed," Edith thought.

The fellow drew his musket and a sword. He stood on guard against the boy's intimidating presence towering over him.

"So someone as insignificant and battered as you still has pride?" He threw the sword at the little boy's feet. "Let me tell you that, from now on, you will have to prove yourself to me. In this city where you cannot die, we shall see if your arts are worthy of respect."

Rey also felt doubtful about the opponent's clothing. The musket was a quick-wielding hand sword, good for thrusting, but all the garments he wore seemed to contradict a specific fighting style. As it was offered to him, Rey lifted the sword from the ground and without even bothering to unsheathe it, said, "Regardless of the effectiveness of your trickery, if I defeat you with a single blow, will I be able to get to where the white witches are located?"

"What a nonsensical question. In this realm effort is everything and what better glory for a fighter than to see the fruits of a lifetime of training. The white witches are the strongest in the place and whoever defeats them will have the privilege of rejoicing in the title of ‘Strongest Among All.’" He paused and continued. "My fighting style is not composed of trickery. Such offense will not be accepted. Anyone who fights with the means he believes, that are the right ones, cannot be wrong."

"So I'm not the only one who wants to see them. Interesting... On the other hand, whoever argues ends up trying to prove something to himself. If in the face of my comment you can't be proud of your fighting style, you should look for a different one. I'll show you..."

"Are you thinking of fighting against him? You're out of your mind," said Edith in fright.

"Edith, listen and pay attention. To fight and keep fighting without falling is the best resource for learning. In other words, through countless battles there is also knowledge."

Grinding his teeth at being ignored and getting a lecture from someone smaller, the guy added loudly, "Do you have enough resistance to pain, because here I come, and I don't want to see you crying!"

The busy street full of buildings that almost reached the sky stopped, only to see the two opponents fighting each other.

As soon as Rey took the first step to attack, a loud sound could be heard: Bang! That man had been much faster than him; therefore, Rey received the first almost lethal blow without even being able to defend himself or realize what had happened.

With a hole in his right shoulder, and driven back, the little man with no surname was forced to drop the sword that was given to him.